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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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DAoC hands down. To this day, if I find out that someone played a Filthy Alb or hippy Hib, I never think of them the same, MIDGARD!


A distant second was the original PvP rules on Everquest, before they went more Carebear, i.e. charming people off of cliffs FTW!

Edited by Xenophen
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oh how i miss shadowbane,


still had more fun in UO, GM poisoning+GM tinkering + GM magery +GM eval int= deadly trapped box that no one can cure. all i had to do was run in necked with the box on me.

let them kill me and go rez come back ,and lewt them after they opened the box. some times i would have more then 1 to lewt when i came back, which was puzzling.


so UO > shadowbane >daoc.

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Shadowbane by far . No games pvp has been anywere near what it accomplished . Its was a huge warfront with real assests that were won and lost . Seiges,politics , required skill and team work not gear . Unfortunatly technical issues , a zerg mentality and winney little kids sunk it .
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Yes, Ultima Online - I've played every MMORPG under the sun (DAoC, WoW, GW, EQ) no modern carebear MMO will ever come close to what UO's PvP was pre-AoS. Dying actually meant something in that game, getting into melee range actually meant something in that game, you did not visit one area and be finished with it forever in that game, etc. I just feel sorry for the kids now days that will never experience the golden age of UO, before all the BS was introduced. Edited by kckkryptonite
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Warhammer was F'ing fantastic in the early/ mid days.


It died as Mythic systematically made it worse instead of improving it, and casual players (the lifeblood of any MMO) were shunted out by the leets who loved stomping them in seconds with their uber gear and tactics then laughing at them.


But the combat was great until the end game gear escalation took over.

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1. SWTOR - Best PvP mini-games (warzones, battlegrounds, constructs, w/e you wanna call 'em) by far, gets the whole community involved instead of bracketing out and having horrid wait times or needing to have cross-server matches. I absolutely love Huttball - By far the best PvP mini-game I have played in an MMO-style game. World PvP specifically in Ilum & Tatooine need to be a bit more rewarding, but the game is fresh - you must give a seedling time to root itself in the ground and bloom into a beautiful flower.


2. MxO (pre-SOE) - The ability to run by a hardline and completely switch specs to ANY spec in the entire game was great feeling especially for a game based in the world of the Matrix. SOE ruined the game though by making attributes affect which tree you can be effective in.


3. Rift - My experience in Rift was very brief, but I did like the PvP in this game - The tree system was amazing - especially since there was an extra tree that was specifically designed for PvP and you could add it to any other two trees available to your class. Also, there was a pretty awesome item from one of the PvP rep vendors that was better than anything I had gotten so far in PvE - which I think is the way it should be. PvE gets you the best PvE gear in all but one or two slots, and make it where you have to PvP at least a little bit to have the absolute best gear. That's not necessarily how it was in Rift, but at least at the point where I was, that's what it felt like.


4. WoW (pre-BC) - Pre-resilience this game's PvP was fun, although the way they did the PvP titles seemed a bit too grindy. Resilience, however, ruined this game's PvP for me. Sure, it allowed PvP'ers to trump PvE'ers.. but I prefer a system where PvE'ing + PvP'ing will allow you to have the most success in both PvE & PvP - having the two segregated doesn't do it for me. Though I can respect that some people like it separated and I'll just stick more to PvE than PvP if that's the case. What would have been awesome is if resilience only gave you a benefit in arenas and (when it came out) rated BG's, but not normal BG's. There needs to be an outlet where PvE'ers can PvP without being required to grind PvP gear (and don't get me wrong - I PvP'd plenty in BG's in PvE gear - and I enjoyed the challenge, but I think there should be a hardcore PvP arena/battleground system and a general PvP arena/battleground system where your top tier PvE guys will be the most likely to succeed. - And the most hardcore players will succeed in both.)

Edited by Semitote
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Battleground Europe some years ago with thousand players online in battles..great time

World of Warcraft (Vanilla) did quit with the first expansion packs, didnt like it.

Shadowbane had great and pure world pvp, people could build own castles and conquer enemy ones...great concept and not so dull like the new mmorpgs.

Planetside was nice for a while


The best mmo pvp was focused on skill and not just gear..

Edited by BobaFurz
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1) SWG (had some amazingly epic battles... and a system that actually relied on skill)

2) DAoC (bomb groups hiding inside one player lolol)

3) toss up... Silkroad Online was actually amazing at like lvl 60+, UO, AC, GW


The best pvp games were focused on gear, and it they were it was easily attainable.


Great pvp comes from taking out the necessity, leaving only players who WANT to fight, not HAVE to for some gear.

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UO. Hands down. CC was a very rare thing and instead of classes you had skill points and could spend them any way you wanted on any skill you wanted. Paladin ninja? Go for it. Want to be a mace swinging Necro? BONZAI! Only thing was you had 700 skill points and that was it. You literally traded survivabilty for offense and vice versa. NO INSTANCES EITHER! Just 1 big persitant, dangerous world. Hasn't been matched to this day.
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I actually liked Warhammer Online. And I was an assault specced Shadow Warrior.


The zerging was pretty stupid, but small group fights were fun. I had some of my best times roaming the RvR lakes looking for a fight.


I miss my shadow warrior...

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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.


On so many levels, this. Thank you for typing this so I did not have to. Best gaming memories I have.

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I know I'm gonna catch some flak for this, but vanilla WoW had EXCELLENT world PVP.


- You couldn't walk 2 feet in contested territory without being ganked.

- There would be city raids every day.

- A skilled player in any class could 1vs2 and 1vs3 (post-Rogue nerf and Hunter remake)

- World bosses actually dropped good loot. We would have a full 40-man Horde raid fighting a dragon, only to have three 40-man Alliance raids show up, and then another 40-man Horde raid come in. HUGE battle in the middle of nowhere, with a dragon in the middle killing people.


Then they ruined it with Battlegrounds and Dishonorable Kills.


Aika Online has probably the best PVP out of any free MMO. Atlantica Online's PVP is very innovative and really fun.

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