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  1. i normally auto-attack, but i use overload if its part of a spike w/ team or probe-snipe-overload i dont pve at all, so just focusin on pvp build
  2. currently hybrid into lethality w/ instant snipe in MM wondering if 31pt in lethality is worth it, respec gettin expensive (i know it reset tomorrow... but still). I like that the 31 pt would give me another attack to fall back on instead of overload... but instant snipe can be nice as hell. currently 12/2/27
  3. cant you just use the crouch skill over the "take cover" skill? take cover rolls you, crouch doesnt.
  4. lethality is awful. its only good for ops as part of a hybrid heal spec
  5. Debilitate, while it doesn't turn the resolve bar white, puts four bars (basically max). KD maxes to full white no matter what. Sure, sometimes I'll find a target who, somehow, hasn't been hit by any CC's and is at 0 resolve, debilitate to vanish to KD.... but then it comes down to the player knowing what level their resolve is at and knowing which stuns to sit and which to break. That said, I would be fine with damage being nerfed as long as its traded for a gab closer and higher dmg on sustained abilities.
  6. yeah... dont get me started on grammar
  7. 1) Lethality has some good talents, but otherwise sucks. 2) Sever Tendon is a talent is a root, not a stun. 3) knockdown from Hidden Strike (talent in Concealment, cant get it + sever tendon) puts resolve bar to max. 4) debilitate puts resolve bar to max. operatives/scoundrels don't stunlock. @op trinket the KD, enjoy your cc immunity, pump damage into them (use DoT's to avoid a re-stealth) and bust your DM's. win.
  8. thats funny, mostly because its impossible. we have 1 stun and 1 kd... both put resolve bar to max granting cc immunity. you're retarded.
  9. 1) SWG (had some amazingly epic battles... and a system that actually relied on skill) 2) DAoC (bomb groups hiding inside one player lolol) 3) toss up... Silkroad Online was actually amazing at like lvl 60+, UO, AC, GW The best pvp games were focused on gear, and it they were it was easily attainable. Great pvp comes from taking out the necessity, leaving only players who WANT to fight, not HAVE to for some gear.
  10. loknasty

    PvP: TOR vs WoW

    where are all the options for games with actual good pvp?
  11. probably because WoW has had 6 years of development and three expansions.... whereas TOR hasn't even been around long enough to have a REAL patch. want to compare games? Compare WoW on release... and not the release of BC or WotlK when most of the "LOL WOW IS MY FIRST MMO" people started playing, but vanilla. Lets see: Horrible UI? Check (mods made it slightly better... although they would typically crash your client) Some PvP imbalance? Check Bugs out the ***? Check Server Queues? Well... not only massive server queues but massive downtimes. The only difference is Vanilla WoW had zero rewards for pvp on release... now let me state this clearly (i may even make a thread just for it): THE MINUTE YOU START REWARDING PEOPLE FOR PVP WITH GEAR IS THE MINUTE YOU RUIN IT. A) you create a gear imbalance where time > victory % B) you get people who are bad playing simply because they want the "shiny purplz" C) World PvP gets ****ed, and any objective based system turns into a ring-around D) you make PvE'ers participate in something they don't like or understand, and THEIR complaints wind up making it into patches. THATS why TOR doesn't live up to WoW vanilla. WoW vanilla release was, for the most part, *********** awful... but having zero rewards for pvp other than the joy of winning made it awesome until Blizzard bent it over and viciously ***** it.
  12. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401McfrzG0ozZZGbrkMr.1 go it with a group and win.
  13. if u spec 31 in healing to heal in pvp ur retarded. try 22/0/19 the utility you get from ditching the 31 point talent is too good to pass up (aoe 50% ranged snare? yes please. lower cd on adrenaline probe? tyvm)
  14. not sure if troll. its 3 am, so **** it More than you think. You just don't see many of them because right now instanced pvp is the only thing out there. Sure if there is a massive zerg, which sometimes there will be. Have you been to Ilum? It's gigantic, especially between the pvp AND pve zones. Plenty of room for roaming 4's. You couldn't be more wrong. The skill isn't in facerolling smaller groups, its in BEING the smaller group and destroying the larger one. Also, nothing tests coordination, communication, timing, leadership and skill more than one group fighting another. In instanced bg's its mostly people playing as individuals until by some accident they advance the goal. In group pvp, you have to work as a unit. Case in point: DAoC pvp lakes, SWG roaming groups (i actually have a video where our group of 20 got jumped by 40 people and won... and another video of 4 people taking on 20+) Blatant lie. You are either trolling (and if so, job well done, fooled me... then again its 3am so ****) or an idiot. Bottom line: i've done tons of bg's in wow, war, aoc, rift, and now here... not a single bg in ANY of these games has ever gotten my blood pumping like one fight in the DAoC lake has. try it once, win, realize you won and enjoy the feeling.
  15. QFT ive had amazing fights against vanguards, guardians and some marauders who were genuinely good players. sometimes i won, sometimes they outplayed me and i lost. once you put some skill behind a keyboard its amazing how balanced the game becomes.
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