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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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1. DAoC

2. Warhammer

3. WoW pre-BGs, roaming WPL/EPL, TM, STV and Gadgetzan


For all it's faults, Warhammer was probably the best PvP game out of the current generation of MMOs. The biggest balance issue was when AP bugged out and everyone had a near infinite pool, and the fact that it took over 6 months to fix with Mythic's ridiculously long patch cycle. If they had fixed cities in a timely manner or added any new worthwhile content, I think the game would have aged better.


I'm only curious as to whether it was an EA decision to maintenance mode the game after LotD or BioWare just deciding to ignore it after being handed control of Mythic.

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1. WoW - South Shore PvP before BG's and honor system.

2. UO - before they started baning people for using macros.

3. RF Online

4. Call of Duty MW - Oh wait, that's not an MMO!

5. SWTOR - minus the lack of diminishing returns and lag

Edited by Locustone
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Warhammer was my favorite. Sadly, I tried it as it was on the downward trend. While we're on the subject, why did that game fail?


I tried multiple classes across both factions and loved every minute of it. Never played a caster, though that's what they said was the big problem. Really wish it would have stayed, game was absolutely great, can't comment enough. Will miss my Ironguard and Black Orc.

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8-man groups were harder to fill, but the battles had so much more depth and strategy to them, that some group fights could go on for 5 minutes, whilst others would be over in seconds.


And the moments where you feel the lag.. you know it's coming, then you see the zerg ahead and nothing needs to be said - your support fans out and the DD gets to work, ploughing straight into 3 Realm battle. As was said earlier in the thread, there are no tokens to farm, just kill kill kill and survive to walk away.


Deathmatch arenas with insta-spawn cannot compare to world PvP.

Edited by Aano
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Agreed, I think sadly mmo PvP is dead until people stop trying to copy WoW and start actually being creative.



The PvP MMO genre isn't dead. Planetside 2 is entering beta, Battle for Prime/Dominus (whatever they're calling it) is in and out of beta, people are swearing by GW2, and there's even that Korean MMO in development, ArcheAge.

Edited by Cytox
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the whole warzone concept is just boring and gets old fast, i dont get why every new

damn mmo even has this.


remove this crap and give us a planet (a real planet and not a zone) with some objectives

and rewards.


capable bases or something that daoc had with castles, something that affects the world

like the artifacts. Well but i think its just a dream that will never come true ..

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DAoC was/is/always will be the best PvP/RvR out there.


Unless some other game comes out with a system close to theirs which hasn't happened in 12 years so far, so it is doubtful. *sad face*


Hibs ftw! (I liked the underdog >.>)

Edited by GhostEclipse
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Warhammer was my favorite. Sadly, I tried it as it was on the downward trend. While we're on the subject, why did that game fail?


I tried multiple classes across both factions and loved every minute of it. Never played a caster, though that's what they said was the big problem. Really wish it would have stayed, game was absolutely great, can't comment enough. Will miss my Ironguard and Black Orc.


War was good enough to keep me until the last major patch that changed rvr completely. It went to crap after that along with the moronic decision to expand renown ranks to 100 along with overpowered gear.

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DAoC was/is/always will be the best PvP/RvR out there.


Unless some other game comes out with a system close to theirs which hasn't happened in 12 years so far, so it is doubtful. *sad face*


Hibs ftw! (I liked the underdog >.>)


GW2 is going to have 3 faction battlefields with keeps and all...... :D

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