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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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1. WoW


2. Taking all the isuess aside, Warzones are great and I love Huttball when playing with a pre-made over VOIP.


3. APB:Reloaded but that's not really an MMO, still was great fun while it lasted for me.


4. Runescape back in the PvP wildy it was insane. Around 1mill players online and just PvPed the heck out of the game. Once they nerfed it, I left... game got meh as well. On top of that I started WoW. This is only in terms of fun factor, otherwise this would not even be on my top 10 list.


3. Terrible Balance


I find it balanced enough. Way better then WoWs balance that's fore sure.

Edited by Cyphen
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I never got to play DAoC, so from my experience, Guild Wars and Aion had the best pvp. Yeah, Aion was gear based, and godstones blew ***, but once you had decent gear, Aion's pvp was actually decently balanced. Guild Wars has hit the nail on the head for instanced pvp. Definitely a company others' should be looking to for instanced pvp..just sayin.
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Gotta be DAoC. I don't remember all the specifics, but having that 3rd realm made it amazing. Plus, they had SO many different classes to choose from and it was hard to know everything about all of them, and when you targeted someone it didn't tell you what class it was, you had to figure it out based on their armor, race, and (if all else failed) what they were doing to you :)
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1) Tera


2) Warhammer, back in the day


3) Runescape



The PvP in this game is about as good as it was in RIFT with the spam CC.


But by far Tera is the best, most fun PvP i've played and that was Korean Tera with crazy high ping.

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S2 - S3 WoW, nothing even compares in my book.


Maybe S4 would have been fun too if everyone and their dogs weren't running 4/4 + Glaives.




pff warrior/druid :rolleyes:


But I agree, S2 was great and S3 not bad either! Flawless Victor <3 Shockadin <3 Hybrids <3

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1) DAoC


Nothing has ever come close to paralleling the fun i had with DAoC and i've desperately hopped many mmo's searching for a successor. What made it the best for me is:


- 3 realm open PVP, massive zergs in Emain even in open beta :)

- EPIC Relic raids with hundreds of attackers/defenders and sometimes a 3way fight if the raid info leaked.

- Stealther wars/zergs .. annoying to deal with but big fun to be part of.

- Housing/crafting system with personal vendors & guild houses.

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By far the best pvp experience i've ever had. Very realistic, epic battles that feedback directly into the main economy (it has bonds, an internal equity market, lottery, gambling, manufacturing and research which were all pretty damn detailed).


When you win you cheer, when you lose, you can cry (literally!) Ships can take months to earn/build. So many tricks, strategies and angles to consider when pvping. Not to mention the inter-corp espionage.


I still remember the first time i really pvped with my corp and we won, everyone was cheering on vent.


Hard to explain to people who haven't played :) Its just so hardcore.

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SWG - Post-CU was probably my favorite time. I didn't do a ton of world PvP, but I knew my class inside and out and was unbeatable 1v1 (at least by those who tried.) Post NGE overall was lame, we all agree, but I had fun PvPing there too thanks to friends in the game and whatnot.


WoW PvP is lame for the most part due to the lack of world PvP, but the combat fluidity is great.



Other than that, I don't really find PvP in SWTOR to be bad at all. The class balance is pretty solid (assuming equal level/skill) and the warzones are pretty fun. I've come across some world PvP in the short time I've been playing, and hope it will continue to grow.

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SWG bar none. One of the few games where skill > gear. Knowing a good setup and using solid tactics could win you a 10 on 20 fight if done right and the pvp wasn't based on stun stun stun 2 shot, like most MMO PvP now.


Best: SWG


Worst: Rift (one of those stun stun stun 2 shot games.)

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As for pvp dynamics, AOC, any argument against this, you simply have not played aoc, or could not get use to its more complex style. Its the closest an mmo has been to a fighting game, like tekken or mk.


As for accessability I would say guild wars, that game was just downright fun, apart from exploitable builds of course, but such is the nature of the online beast.


As for idea's, EVE is great, actual loss makes you thnk heavilly about engaging or not engaging, but EVE is a very pretty version of a spreadsheet. Its how accountants mmo I dare say.


I never played DAoC but I heard they had very good RvR combat, which would be fun. Infact everyone I know who has played it tells me its the best they have seen in any mmo, hands down. I still doubt the actual combat mechanics of the game would be as good as AoC though.


I have not fully gotten into the pvp in this game yet, but hutt ball is super fun for originality, the rest of it seems sorta cookie cutter but it works. Seems easy t learn, but hard to master pvp.


Well, theres my 2 cents anyways, but regardless of any argument, and I am very open to any suggestion on most matters, pvp dynamics is AoC, if you disagree, you need a dribble cup :)

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1- Darkfall (Until they let the hackers take over the game)

2- SWG (Yes, it had amazing PvP along with an amazing community. Not one game has topped SWG's community and gameplay. Too bad it released in such a bad time. And that they destroyed the game with the crappy changes).

3- AoC until you hit end game :p

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DAoC hands down best PvP.

PlanetSide was good too.

EvE is ok.


I hear so much about DAoC. I'm not in line to speak against this game, as I've never tried it, but what's so good about the PvP in this game? I watched some videos and everyone is mostly standing still, doing seemingly nothing.

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Lineage 2 - Open world PvP, players forge communities and alliances, castle sieges

EVE Online - Open (space?) PvP, fleet battles

Star Wars Galaxies (pre disaster patches) - Attacking and defending guild owned faction bases


Some of the choices made here spark my curiosity as to what people consider PvP in an mmo, instanced scripted mini-games don't count as PvP in my book at least, and the sad thing is alot of people don't know any different to this standard PvP model. Some people really don't know how fun PvP has the potential to be in an mmo if they have a short history in the genre.

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