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Everything posted by BobaFurz

  1. I dont give any advice just pointed to a missile skill which can be used when moving. Anyway back to toppic, how do you want to have your abilities heals and dmg spells when moving ? Do you want to have instant Tracer Missiles and Healing Abilities or how can we understand this ? I mean casting means you have to stop for it, otherwise it is instant.
  2. Where can you read and see facts about parsers from other classes ?
  3. ...what it costs and what it does is a different story but there are skills out there which you can use when moving. Fail is not to talk about it.
  4. Where are these millions ? On my server which was one of the bigger pvp server are 60-80 player online on prime time on the main base in the meanwhile....
  5. I bet the thread starter did quit already or started playing alts lol
  6. 78 Players on Fleet at prime time, Imperial Faction - which has a lot more players than alliance. Auction House as good as dead for many classes. Once the 2nd or 3rd biggest EU pvp server probably, from very high down to standard. Seems like the 1.7 Million subscriber are on vacation right now
  7. No I will not keep my sub, because the game has no long term motivation for me and the world is just dull. If the game would offer actually StarWars and not BallWars in pvp, it would probably look different.
  8. There is nothing much you can do with creating your character in swtor, really nothing special in comparison to other games. But honestly the game lacks so much in other areas, character creations is the least what I miss.
  9. Game gets what it deserves...nothing to see go ahead
  10. Installing swtor and expiriencing the pvp in this game
  11. who cares about rated anyway...this game is not made for this, if you want to do serious pvp better look for another game.
  12. Ja aber wer von den Heilern kann es sich leisten die Zeit zu finden auf sich selber eine Fähigkeit mit 2.x Sekunden zu zaubern währenddessen jemand ihn beharkt ohne dramatischen Schaden zu erleiden, das ist entweder der Hexer oder vor allem der Söldner. Und wer hat einen zweiten Zauber der jederzeit verwendet werden kann aber nicht instant ist ? Auch hier wider nur der Hexer oder der Söldner. Die Heiler sollte man nicht pauschalisieren sondern etwas definieren.
  13. Naomi Chomsky ? So the name GIJoe was sold off ?
  14. Kolto Shell with 16 heat ? The AoE Heal from Sc/op´s is 30 Energy.
  15. Die brauchen gar nicht besonders gut zu sein, der Schaden von einem Nahkampf Schurken/Sabo ist im 10-49 Bereich einfach sehr hoch. Dagegen kann man nicht hochheilen. Falls das mit lvl 50 und guter Ausrüstung noch immer so ist, liegt es auch an der Balance der Heilerklassen selber. Das sind einfach Unterschiede ob man mit einem Agenten/Schurken als Heiler spielt oder z.b. mit einem Bounty Hunter oder Hexer. Der Agent/Schurke hält am wenigsten aus im Vergelich zu den anderen Heilerklassen. Die Unterschiede gefallen mir selber nicht so gut, es werden derzeit ganz klar bestimmte Heilerklassen bevorzugt.
  16. Von welchem Heiler wird gesprochen, da gib es unterschiedliche Klassen und nicht jede davon ist gleich zäh. PS: ist es mittlerweile verpöhnt verteidigen zu schreiben ? Ihr verlernt noch eure eigene Sprache.
  17. I stopped with my Marauder and started to play with my operative again At the end play what is fun for you, nothing else counts...
  18. My point is that the operative has still very high burst dmg in the 10-49 bracket and can kill a an operative healer even with hots up. No other class can kill you that fast in this bracket even if you are a healer. If you say that the operative is the weakes of all 3 healer classes, seems like some kind of balance is needed and will start with 1.2. Do you kill them that easy as an operative melee at lvl 50 in gear aswell ?
  19. He is maybe talking about the 10-49 bracket, here operatives are still very powerfull and can even down quickly an operative healer with hots up.
  20. What fight, a healer will only heal in a fight if he is a true healer.
  21. How do you interrupt an operative healer with his hots If healing would not scale better than dmg what would be the purpose of healing
  22. In the 10-49 brackets a concealment operative will decimate an operative healer...you wont heal up fast enough. Concealment is still very powerfull in the 10-49 bracket. Is this the same bs with high end gear at lvl 50 ?
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