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    Galactic Seasons 7 "The Greatest Bounty" / Saison galactique 7 : "La plus grande prime"/ Galaktische Saisons 7 "Die größte Beute"
    Aug 20
    Happening Now

    Galactic Seasons 7 "The Greatest Bounty" / Saison galactique 7 : "La plus grande prime"/ Galaktische Saisons 7 "Die größte Beute"


    EN:  Galactic Seasons 7 “The Greatest Bounty” will begin with the launch of Game Update 7.5.1 on August 20! Once the update goes live, players will be able to make progress through the Free Reward track or the Subscriber Reward track (both tracks are available to Subscribers!) and earn new rewards. Below are the details of what players can expect from this new season! Season objectives f

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    The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally/Le rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs/Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye
    Sep 17

    The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally/Le rassemblement universel ultime de fonceurs/Die ultimative galaktische Swoop-Rallye


    The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally Date: Sept 17 - Sept 23 (BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:00PM GMT) Requirement: Level 20+ In the growing shadow of war, swoop fans across the galaxy descend on Dantooine, Tatooine, and even Onderon for the sport’s biggest spectacle—The All Worlds Ultimate Swoop Rally! They’re packing the stands, eager to take their minds off their troubles and cheer their favorit

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