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Core World Changes


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Hope the game won't become too easy. If I would like to play modern WoW (I've played it recently, no mob or even a group of them could kill me), I would be doing so. I want missions to stay the same difficulty, or even a little bit more difficult. If you have all-prototype-or-orange gear you made yourself, the game becomes too easy.
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I had a guild-mate that is color blind. He could not see other people's missions on the maps because he could not tell purple from blue. Will there be an option to customize the mission icons? It was tolerable when in a group, but to have the major quests hidden from view would make the game unplayable.
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Rather than cutting the missions that are neither Heroic, nor part of the critical path, we’ve created a new category of Exploration Missions.

VERY good to hear! Some of Bruce's comments from an interview made it sound like they might be getting cut (at least from the leveling experience).

Heroic Missions have been adjusted to be completed by groups of 2+. This means that former [Heroic 4] missions have had their difficulties reduced.

I also like the sound of this. The one issue I had with level syncing was that [Heroic 4]s might not be very feasible to solo, even if over-leveled. But I usually find 2+ ones to be solo-able, at least if you've got a lot of Presence, I guess - your companion seems to count toward the 2.


So with [Heroic 4]s been reduced in difficulty, I'm now really looking forward to level syncing! :tran_grin:

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How would that work? Heroics are only solo-able when I'm overleveld. Due to this new Level sync which scales me down, I'm afraid we won't be able to solo ANY heroics anymore...


You can see Musco having no trouble with a heroic on Dromund Kaas on their latest Twitch stream. Since you keep stuff like set bonuses and all the abilities and passive upgrades you pick up along the way, you're still stronger than you'd normally be at that level.

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Love that post !




"Heroic Missions have been adjusted to be completed by groups of 2+. This means that former [Heroic 4] missions have had their difficulties reduced."


I can already do some heroic 4 mission on solo but if I can do them even easier now that is a total bonus,


That is amazing the core game play should always be "normal" or story mode ( by Bioware game standard) without nerfing the amount of loot you get based on difficulty level.

Edited by _NovaBlast_
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Heroic Missions have been adjusted to be completed by groups of 2+. This means that former [Heroic 4] missions have had their difficulties reduced.


Heroic Missions are now repeatable weekly and feature all new rewards!

Weekly with reduced difficulty? Why not monthly or once per year? :rolleyes:

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So will I be cut off from planetary stories if I take a toon into KOTFE? I totally understand that class story content is off limits/gone if you jump into KOTFE but am unclear about planet stories.


I'm looking forward to all these heroics at my finger tips and Macro/Seeker missions....dear lord I may actually be able to complete those! Woohoo!

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OMG Bioware, just give me an Ortolan combat pet, to finally give Gus Tuna a lightsaber, and the ability to turn all of the forum malcontents who never seem to have anything good to say about the game yet still stick around (we can see some of them already posting in this thread) into bantha poodoo and this will be the greatest update ever.
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I had a guild-mate that is color blind. He could not see other people's missions on the maps because he could not tell purple from blue. Will there be an option to customize the mission icons? It was tolerable when in a group, but to have the major quests hidden from view would make the game unplayable.


I do think BioWare have fallen behind on this aspect, other games / developers do try to cater to players who are colour blind. Hopefully they'll address this issue.

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I like these changes, especially the Heroics becoming 2+. Might mean I'll actually have a go at them. Considering I usually skipped all the heroic quests after the capital planets on my playthroughs. I originally started skipped them because If I did all of them, I'd be like 4+ levels ahead and I actually want to have a bit of a challenge fighting mobs and bosses, well that and fewer people LFG's as things progressed.


Just ignoring heroics and doing all the other quests (Story, Planetary/Bonus, Exploration and Flashpoints) still got me to Lvl 51 at the end of Act 3 anyways. Though admittedly I did fall behind lvl wise once or twice.

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What about the planetary bonus mission arcs? Will they count to the Critical Path or Exploration Missions?

Exploration MIssions. They were very precise about what is included in the Critical Path.

Bonus Series are just typical MMO quests for the most part that don't tell essential stories about the core game.

I would bet my fortune that Bonus Series belong to Exploration Missions.

Bioware don't want us to to spend more than ~40h between 1-50, as they said it themselves. "We want it to take the same time as KotoR did."

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You said the heroics will give new rewards. What happens to the old ones? IIRC heroics and flashpoints make up a large portion of orange item drops. At least some of them being unique to those quests. Are those just gone now?

That's a good question...some heroics had really cool orange item rewards, as well as the drops. I hope those don't go away...

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Drawing inspiration from the success of last year’s 12x XP boost and the more recent Epic Story XP Boost, in Fallen Empire we’ve altered the core leveling experience from 1-60 for all players, making it quicker and more story-centric.


Read More


Tait (or Eric or whoever feels like answering), could you share with us if "exploration missions" have impact on KotFE content? Or do only the "critical path" missions matter? A simple yes no would suffice, no need for details

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Im sure its already been asked in the thread but you said difficulty is being reduced on former heroic 4's so that they can now be 2+. What does that mean for heroics that actually required 4 people, not necessarily because of their difficulty but because of the mehanics? Aurora Canon and the pub version come to mind, as does the second macrobinocular quest which required 4 people to complete each puzzle? The Seeker Droid Heroic, I believe I have done that with 2-3 people in the group though it was not very easy, but there are some heroics out there that definitely require more people not because of difficulty but because of actual mechanics or puzzles. Would be neat to know if those mechanics are being changed in any way.
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This is a good blog post. But why could you not have brought this much earlier? For example BEFORE letting the bomb drop on us with the leveling system.


There are so many interesting aspects in your blog, but all I can see is that


Once activated Exploration Missions will still provide the same kinds of credit, experience, and item rewards you’re used to getting, allowing you to augment your leveling experience if you want too. With our new level sync you can even choose to do these Missions later without feeling vastly overpowered.


And all I can say to that is that level sync 100% makes me NOT come back later for these missions. I did this nowadays sometimes with a 60, just for the stories and for some easy fun time. Going back to Balmorra to click 3 computer terminals while fighting 30 enemies on the way... meh. If I left out those missions on purpose in the first place, what are the odds that at level 48 I suddenly say, hey there was one exploration mission on Taris. Let me go there and do this now. Seems unlikely to me, but to each his/her own of course. At level 65 I might do it though, but then I don't gain XP and the situation is just as before, only that the mission will be much more tedious. Hmm...


Important questions are still unanswered: Heroics like from the Dreadseed or on Section X: What happens to them? Also, what about the bonus series areas and the level sync? And overall: If this game is focussing on single player stories from 4.0 on (which I like), why do you leave in heroics at all? You are offering solo versions of flashpoints. I don't really see a purpose in leaving any group content on the planets at all. It doesn't match the new direction of the game.


Anyway, the blog post per se is good and I wished we would have had more like that during the last weeks or even months. Not now everything cramped together within a few days, causing an overdose of information to process.

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Will there still be a way to slow down leveling like the current debuff? I've lately mostly been playing 10-29 PvP while slowly getting characters through parts of their story, and quite frankly I'd like to keep it that way without having to reroll every two days.

You don't need any item that restrains your XP because you don't need to worry about outleveling the content so to speak. With the new system of level-sync, all quests are always viable for you and they always give you XP. Your level will always be downscaled to the max level available on a planet.

Edited by PavSalco
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"Heroic Missions are now repeatable weekly and feature all new rewards"


Does this mean I will only get the cool rewards once per week, regardless of how many times I play the mission during a week?


Or does this mean I can only play this mission once per week?


I hope it isn't the second. Gating content and preventing me from helping others on missions I might have already played that week is REALLY a bad idea!

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Heroic Missions are now repeatable weekly and feature all new rewards!


Okay, this sounds fine and dandy, but lemme ask you this:

Will the current rewards then be removed from the game? There are several armor sets and cool weapons that are only obtainable as rewards from heroics. So, are the new rewards in addition to or in place of the old rewards? And if they're in place of the old rewards, can you add the armor sets and weapons to a vendor or something?


Actually, here's an idea: make all heroic missions drop reputation items for a new faction, kinda like the Voss heroics already do. This reputation allows you to buy the aforementioned gear (that used to drop directly from heroics) from a rep vendor (and maybe also some exclusive decorations or something), allowing you to get those cool appearances and also to gear up more efficiently while leveling. The idea is that if you have a lot of reputation from running heroics, you'll be able to spend your basic comms (or credits, or whatever) on slightly better gear than what you'd get from the planetary comms vendors, rewarding people for running heroics even on other characters.


Heroic Missions have been adjusted to be completed by groups of 2+. This means that former [Heroic 4] missions have had their difficulties reduced.

NO GRACIAS. I like the challenge of 4-man content! And most of them can be duoed anyway! (For that matter, how are you going to make the Section X H4 work?) This isn't a change we need; this is just a bunch of carebearing.

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The Qucik Trave/placmeent close to mission is something I have wanted for years and referenced in the request section so thank you for that! I like all of these changes, to be honest. The only murky item at the moment is levelling speed for the 1-60 core game journey, but if it is close to what it is now, I'll keep staying subbed.


Thumbs up on the Heroics all being 2+ as well, that's fun news. :)

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