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Everything posted by gotdotnet

  1. Hope the game won't become too easy. If I would like to play modern WoW (I've played it recently, no mob or even a group of them could kill me), I would be doing so. I want missions to stay the same difficulty, or even a little bit more difficult. If you have all-prototype-or-orange gear you made yourself, the game becomes too easy.
  2. Kinda cool, but may make the game too simple. It was such a good feeling, when I've spent all my commendations, but dressed up my Ashara after all, so cool to see how her stats increased significantly and she became really useful. Now you need to add something new for us to do. Good, that we still will be able to customize them, because otherwise it would be like Dragon Age 2. I love standard outfits in there, but some people may disagree with me.
  3. Without Aim, Willpower, Strength and Cunning won't it be too simple? Even now if you found a thing with Aim, but you need Willpower, you can just use "outfits" feature, so you don't have to throw anything away. Just don't make the game too simple. (But the idea is kinda cool too, because, for some weird reason, you can't use "outfits" feature on your weapons. I really like some weapons' sound, so now I will have a better chance to find a weapon, which is cool and powerful in the same time)
  4. Thanks a lot. I had no idea such an item exists, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. They should notify everyone with mail or something every time when the event starts, or send this item to everyone with mail (it costs 0 credits anyway). Or when you move your cursor over XP meter there's a message appears "XP is boosted". They just need to add some more text in this message. Just say that XP boost can be disabled with "The White Acute module" and it can be bought on the fleet in "Combat Training" section from an "Ancient creature". (I hate when I'm said to buy an item but not said where can I get it).
  5. Hello. It will be great that instead of forcing everyone have x12 XP boost it can be activated with using an item, like common XP booster. I can't play my low-level character for a week already because of that. With XP boost I'm becoming too powerful too quickly, all side missions become underleveled, I can't use group finder to go and do some flashpoints. That's why I never use even common XP boosters. All the people who want XP boost will have it and people who don't want one will be happy too. Thanks.
  6. Hello everyone. I really like armor of that pilot you should talk in the end of "Kaon Under Siege" flashpoint. Can anyone tell me the name of that armor, please? Can I get it somewhere? It's a shame you can't "inspect" NPCs' gear because sometimes it's really cool. Thanks for answers!
  7. Thanks everyone! I know the answer now (from another forum). Yes, you have to buy subscription after you bought SoR. I bought.
  8. Will I get game-time if I buy Shadow of Revan? Or I need to pay for SoR and then pay again for month of subscription? I never bought Rise of the Hutt cartel, so I don't know how these things work :^)
  9. It would be nice to be able to download Security Key Application for Windows Phone 8.1/8/7. Blizzard has such an application, but Bioware doesn't? It isn't good...
  10. Not for me! :^) P.S. I was so stupid when I agreed to convert my Origin account to EA account. I've already downloaded free Dragon Age: Origins and started to play, so I can't re-create Origin account with a different e-mail right now because that sale is over.
  11. Please! Let people know that their SWTOR account may be (IS?) their EA account! First I had very strange logging-in issues with both SWTOR (launcher and site) and Origin (app and site) accounts. Then I decided to change my SWTOR e-mail address and I was very surprised to see my Origin ID in the confirmation e-mail. Now I understand that I've tried to access SWTOR when my password was re-set by Origin app. I failed, reseted my SWTOR password and I was unable to access Origin! Today, when I've figured out what's going on I easily got access to my SWTOR by using Origin password (and I still can use this password to log-in into Origin itself). This all is very disturbing. Can we let people now very clearly that SWTOR account is EA account? Thanks very much.
  12. Map is need to be scaled! I scaled my GUI just a little (1.1) but my map doesn't fit in the screen already! I don't mind a bit smaller map, so it must be scaled too. Or you can just add global font scailing option (now only chat font can be scaled). If I have font size I desire I don't need to use GUI scailing.
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