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10 Good
  1. Empire: Darth Marr, he's just imposing and principled and intelligent, love that. Republic: The Flesh Raider that has force abilities. "HEAD TALK! HEAD-MAN HUNT!" has a primal majesty unseen in the Jedi Council, who are a bunch of stuffed shirt busybodies. I suppose Nadia Grell is up there, she's fairly complex as far as companions go. H.M., Hadrik the Gormak who helps your Inquisitor exorcise herself.
  2. I want two Epic Archetypes. Set the entry point to hard-levelling a character to 55 (all the base story arcs must be completed, and you cannot use a token to reach level 55 for this purpose. Characters with a level 55 when this expansion launches have the archetypes unlocked,) and have one for each side. Dark Side can be Imperial Guard and light side can be Quiet Pacifier or whatnot (think a ranger character that travels to dispense law and order) and have their own power trees and selections and fighting styles, their own story arcs and perhaps even a tailored companion. That would be something I'd sub for. New Operations would be great for the high-enders though, go nuts with that.
  3. Haha, okay. Thanks for calling me on the "thug" comment, it was a bit much. I should have said "gruff" or "meat and potatoes" or some such. He's for sure doing his job. but for me there's a clear divide between our roles. I definitely want Pierce in the trenches but I'd rather have the "space cowboy" Vector above all, because the power possibilities are so immense. Lokin would be nice too, he's just subtly evil...and a rakghoul in the sheets? Mrawwwr!
  4. KOTFE was way too long. Would have liked 8 or 9 chapters. Dreading running it again on alts. KOTET was very good. Nothing too laborious, this should be the benchmark from now on.
  5. I don't really want to kill Lana. She's a bland bowl of vanilla pudding and a puppy that follows me around. That does not merit a kill, it merits a kick in the slats now and then, and I've done that by rejecting her then flirting with her, toying with her mind, as my Agent main (Ursule) should, as it is her wont. I totally missed on the option to kill Theron on Nathema, which is kind of strange, but I did a lot of that stuff without a companion or another companion. Unless this is the Flashpoint, which I have not done and may well do now, but I'm back on Iokath and I think it's too late to kill him at this point, nooooooooooooooo! Besides, I broke Theron's heart when I re-united with my One True Love (since SCORPIO is not a LI) Vector Hyllus, and that was morbid satisfaction me when he acted like a child instead of just being blasé about it, opening his comm unit and just doing something else. Or flying in a jealous rage, or ripping off his shirt and begging me to return. Not melodramatic enough. The one I want to kill above all is Koth. When he revealed there was a bomb...and he hadn't told me until then, I would have put a bullet through his cranium then and there. No excuses for that level of treason. None. I did kill Quinn during the "Quinncident", so I do not expect him back, but Pierce is a lout so I will not be doing anything with him (and never have....), honestly I'd rather shag Broonmark than Pierce. Skadge is just not on level with Wrath, he can clean the ship or something. Vette is, of course, always in Elegant Loungewear with fancy blasters as befits her station as Twi'lek (former) slave and dancer-for-life. (Warriors get the shortest shrift on LI's, Quinn is fine, but a traitor. Pierce is a thug. You can't romance Vette as a female....eesh.) Overall, I don't want a Kill option unless there's a realistic cause for it in game: Betrayal, desertion, abandonment, treason, etc. Lana doesn't deserve ot be killed, yet. I can simply "spacebar" her dialogue or not summon her as a companion if needed. Of course, if Empreess Acina wants to "share intelligence" in private.... (Then again, I really wanted to develop something with Vaylin. That kind of "dormant volcano" emotion would have made for some great parties!)
  6. Hi all, So I queued up GR on Star Forge about an hour ago, and I was severely undergered (Ursule - Engi Sniper) and basically a hindrance to the team, for which I apologize. What level gear do I need to be somewhat respectable in there? I see there are various tiers of the top level gear grind (level 0-100, 100-200, 200-300) so am I looking at grinding up to 300 then hoping for drops? I can't really do OPS at the moment due to a very askew schedule, but I can likely get Set Bonus gear from the Command tokens, correct? Been so long, haha. At least Novare Coast is still the same. >_< Thanks for the help.
  7. That sucks. It was good having you around and yeah, the merge has caused all sorts of inconveniences, sadly. Good luck in your next game.
  8. Ha! I thought I was mishearing that, glad to see I wasn't!
  9. I've played through almost all the arcs (almost done Trooper...) and the romance options for females are meh. Corso is a scrub I would never even bother with. Jorgan is a house pet with bipedal motion. Iresso is just OK. Tharan should not even exist, he is sooooo geeky stereotype. I enjoyed Vector as well. Not at first, but as my appreciation for the Agent storyline grew, so did mine of Vector. I would have liked to bed Kaliyo though, she just aligned perfectly with my Agent, as did SCORPIO, but I do not want to make a <3 SCORPIO thread for fear of offending LunaFox. Theron is...whatever. That haircut is totally a turnoff. I'd rather Gault to be honest on BH, he's got some personality, even if he is a weasel at times. It's likely too late to change stuff now, but I'd like some more options across the board. Will try Mass Effect sometime to see how that goes.
  10. I could swear Khem speaks in pidgin English at times. It seems he says: "Papa go'onn" or somesuch, which reminds me of some Creole sounds. <3 Khem.
  11. Looks good, like Theron's new haircut, hope I get to kill him as he's former Pub scum either way. Going to run this on all my Chiss alts, hehehe. The Chiss Trooper could be a traitor to the Chiss herself, you know.
  12. Oh, this is probably what happened to me, because I did transfer an alt with credits to twink. I don't mind "The Treacherous Legacy" but I preferred the older "The Devarri Legacy", oh well.
  13. Account creation date: 11.15.12 Whoa, five years this year! Been on and off though with other games/interests. Still a fun game, some of the dark Jedi lines are so good!
  14. This. I mean, I appreciate barricade rifle guy a ton, his work is key, but give me "Ergonomic Chair Guy" on Dromund Kaas Any. Day. Of. The. Week. over BRG. Repbulic has nothing like him, likely never well, though "Black Bisector" is nice.
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