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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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i can understand players that have rerrolled this class knowing its overpowerd defending this class,because if it gets fixed and balanced you will have to lvl the next FOTM class if you have not already lvl'ed every class.


but come on this class is clearly overpowerd and you know it is,stop trying to defend or make excuses trying to make out its fine or its not overpowerd when this class clearly is overpowerd.


the facts are clear and many players will tell you this.just go into a warzone against powertechs with the same gear as you and tell me then dont kill you in about 5 seconds from there massivly high burst damage.


my commando is geared through his teeth and i feel like im not wearing any armor or any gear at all when i come across one. i may as well just fight naked.


L2P issue. Move along.

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they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.


I can? Hell, I'm a 50 BM/Champ geared tactics specced Vanguard and I sure wish that those players I killed in no more than 6 seconds would've told me that I had done so, since they were still pounding on me a lot later than 6 seconds. :D

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A quick glance at your post history shows you requesting nerfs too:

Powertechs, Marauders, Juggernauts and Sorcs - and that is just the first page of your post history.



I bet you just like the attention your threads get when you cry for a nerf

easiest no skill troll ever .. demand a nerf and its guaranteed that people playing the class get defensive.

With the amount of "needs to be nerfed" threads you make,

it would seem that every class but yours is overpowered.


Ever think that you might just be really really bad at pvp?

Maybe you can't compete when you come up against a well played character.

Having war hero gear does not make you good,

it just means you spent some time pvping ...

every bad player who pvp's is going to end up geared sooner or later.


I have come across max level people who keyboard-turn, have never key-bound anything

and have no idea why they suck.

Edited by Bazookabill
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I have come across max level people who keyboard-turn, have never key-bound anything

and have no idea why they suck.


Actually, I am one of those people - except I can wtfpwn anyone in this game.

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Guess the OP hasn't run into to any good AP bounty hunters.


Was trying it out for the past day and a half and had someone say Powertechs need to get or are going to be nurfed and how I have no skill.


When I asked him what Powertech spec was OP he said "Pyro".... people are dumb.

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Guess the OP hasn't run into to any good AP bounty hunters.


Was trying it out for the past day and a half and had someone say Powertechs need to get or are going to be nurfed and how I have no skill.


When I asked him what Powertech spec was OP he said "Pyro".... people are dumb.


Ap is fun and i think much more useful for future rated. Pyro is just a glass cannon, get focused and kill before being killed type of play and thats it, granted its nice dmg but its nothing what it use to be like. Its fine imo, if you nerf the dmg you have to buff the survivability.


Plus if you nerfed pyro it would affect mercs and they really don't need that

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Ap is fun and i think much more useful for future rated. Pyro is just a glass cannon, get focused and kill before being killed type of play and thats it, granted its nice dmg but its nothing what it use to be like. Its fine imo, if you nerf the dmg you have to buff the survivability.


Plus if you nerfed pyro it would affect mercs and they really don't need that


Pyros don't know what being a glass cannon is, it seems to me. Sorcerers and snipers* are both way squishier.


*Though I hear engineering, the least-played spec, is significantly less squishy. However, their DPS output is unimpressive -- and little burst.

Edited by stringcat
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Pyros don't know what being a glass cannon is, it seems to me. Sorcerers and snipers* are both way squishier.


*Though I hear engineering, the least-played spec, is significantly less squishy. However, their DPS output is unimpressive -- and little burst.


I support this thread. They need get by nerf hammer

Edited by EugeneYap
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Pyros don't know what being a glass cannon is, it seems to me. Sorcerers and snipers* are both way squishier.


*Though I hear engineering, the least-played spec, is significantly less squishy. However, their DPS output is unimpressive -- and little burst.


Sorcs and Snipers have much greater defensive capabilities.


Sorcs bubble + dps heals > PT Pyro Energy shield (12 sec duration, 2min CD)


Sniper D system > PT Pyro Energy shield (12 sec duration, 2min CD)


You could make the argument for Sniper immobility but if both targets weren't moving the Sniper has the edge defensively.

Edited by TheNinjaboy
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Please, PT's aren't that strong. A smuggler or a marauder burst people down twice as fast. It's just all about who gets the drop. If your 30m away, whacking away at someone else and i have time to start stacking ranged DOT's on you followed by a buffed RS then yes you'll die but its no different then if you got the jump on me.
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we should stop complaining about class balance issues we should all as a community should be focusing on server populations class balance issues wont mater if you have no one to play with Edited by GT-NIGHTS
wasntt finished
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Sir, I'm willing to accept (hell, I'm just gonna assume) english is not your first or native language. As this um... this? devolved into completely unintelligible though I have never the less tried to understand, I hope I'm missing the mark but....



Did you really just suggest there to nerf our self heals? Couldn't be... Could it?


P.S OP (Duckling), thanks for the laughs in this thread but I think you're no longer needed. You aren't entertaining us anymore and honestly that little "facts" comment didn't just shoot your questionable legitimacy in the foot, it blew your whole damn leg off. Again though, hell of a late night entertaining thread, thanks for that :)!


It's English with a capital E, and it's their not there.

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I can? Hell, I'm a 50 BM/Champ geared tactics specced Vanguard and I sure wish that those players I killed in no more than 6 seconds would've told me that I had done so, since they were still pounding on me a lot later than 6 seconds. :D


Tactics? that's not a very good tree, sorry.

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The OP obviously feels passionate about Vanguards/Pyrotech's and for good reason. I certainly have nothing I can do to stop them as a Sage. Shadows, Marauders, Guardians I can control and win, or at least get away, more often than not. But Vanguards just do such high damage and you can't escape them due to their range and pull. I find these guys infuriating to say the least.


I have come to realise though that this just may be the natural enemy of the Sage, and so my tactic is to keep the hell away from them. If they turn around and look at me I duck behind a pillar or something. And if I see one in a group I focus on them hard until they die, or they see me where I revert to the hide behind the pillar tactic (or flee). Sometimes it's better to be a live coward then a dead hero.

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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.


I love suggesting class changes with exaggeration and hyperbole too, but I will refrain now as this thread has more than enough of it.

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Please, PT's aren't that strong. A smuggler or a marauder burst people down twice as fast. It's just all about who gets the drop. If your 30m away, whacking away at someone else and i have time to start stacking ranged DOT's on you followed by a buffed RS then yes you'll die but its no different then if you got the jump on me.


No, a full pyrotech PT WILL kill you in seconds, faster than marauder and definitely faster than... *lol*operative, operative can't kill you in seconds anymore. With 70-90% railshot armor pen twice within 3-4.5 seconds between flameburst, explosive dart and rocket punch.

Edited by Sookster
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Give a special "one shot kill" skill to QQers and we all live happily ever after. That skill should even be able to hit targets in hyper space.


This is, of course, the only solution. Better yet, create a new "Nerfherder" class with a "QQ Shield" skill that mitigates 100% damage for 5 minutes.


Having never PvP'd before, I have learned how to play 2 different classes (#3 is coming along) and find some success. Part of learning was discovering that I will very rarely win certain class matchups in 1v1. Doesn't mean that the other guys need to be shot with the nerf gun.

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Powertech/Vanguard are OP indeed their DPS is very insanely over the roof top. Nerf would b e nice but not necessarily. but BW needs to nerf is their combat self heals and defense.


Are you kidding me? Our self heal is barely enough to keep us alive during fights, I've found that it is just enough to keep us alive in close fights until a proper healer shows up, help shows up, or you can kill your opponent before they kill you.


We don't even get healing points in WZ's.

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