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Everything posted by BlackZoback

  1. Upgrading to WH nets you about a +.15 DR increase per piece so maxxed out with no +% modifiers DR would be around 31.25%.
  2. The fact that you describe Pyro as having "high survival" shows your ignorance about the class. PTs only have high survivability if they are tanks, you have bad gear or are generally bad. Also numbers do matter.. your just looking at only one side of them from the perspective of a Sage.
  3. Just because your reaction time is crap doesn't mean there is something wrong with PTs. It's not like they have 5sec of invincibility, a 4 sec stun and disappear when you finally almost kill them. If your having problems with PTs then its on your end... skill or gear take your pick.
  4. No PT can lock anyone down for 10sec, kill maybe... but lock down never. Hyperbole never makes a case and only serves to invalidate yours
  5. Guess the OP hasn't run into to any good AP bounty hunters. Was trying it out for the past day and a half and had someone say Powertechs need to get or are going to be nurfed and how I have no skill. When I asked him what Powertech spec was OP he said "Pyro".... people are dumb.
  6. Everyone gets a stun breaker, not everyone's got a mara/sent breaker.
  7. Answering a question with a question.... classic. But to answer yours: It survives because you can earn comms so when you do get the 50 you can start with a few pieces of BM, take away that and it will mostly die.
  8. For that to happen artificial roadblocks must be put in place or gear would have to rain from the sky, and nobody likes that... cept you maybe. Also what about people on the cutting edge of PvE progression? I currently have 6 pieces of BH gear and my guild is one of maybe 2 that can clear at least 3/4 HM denova, should I be given the advantage just because I can get the gear?
  9. Because 1 week of pve gearing dose not = 1 week of pvp gearing.... and it never will. A new lvl 50 merc of one of our regular raiders has gotten 4/5 rakata, MH weapon, mount and title from one day of raiding (lucky I know) so unless the rate of gear gain is exactly the same then it not going to work, ever. Its needed
  10. If everyone was in plain robes, then you would probably be complaining about lack of diversity. You can only do plain robes so many times, and their already there from 1-49.
  11. Competing with WoW doesn't include having PTR premades . To answer the question usually there are bugs initially when auto leveling a character rather then naturally leveling. Took WoW almost a year to get it ironed out, so it shouldn't be to much longer till we see them here... or some version of them. Also Pong had wicked graphics for its time.
  12. Your playing a game with them not dating them...
  13. Not really, usually ends in something being throw at the offender... sometimes from other passengers.
  14. They have already weighed in on the subject, your going to have to wait. Saying "are we there yet" over and over doesn't make you get any closer.
  15. The people that are cramming the forums with complaints about server populations and how it makes them cry, are not really enjoying themselves are are just venting. Forums consist mostly of people that already have a complaint to begin with, and most will jump on any other that is getting a lot of attention. Its the nature of the beast, ask anyone who has been part of multiple MMO forum "communities" on both sides. The people that are cramming into your server and other are the people that like the game and want it to be fun for them. Some of them might feel slighted and would complain your ear off if you would let them, but for the most pat they are playing and enjoying themselves. Also If as many people as your saying are getting off their collective asses and doing something about their situation that's a good sign, this game isn't doomed.
  16. If your having problems finding people on a standard server the problem is you and not anything else. Also haters will see nothing but doom and gloom, so you should be tired with yourself... like I am with your kind. If High Pop = playable for you then I suggest you go to one of them, but you hate the game and will be unhappy where ever you go.
  17. Every MMO I have ever played people have complained about the art of the gear sets. Every single one of them never changed them.... ever, so get used to them.
  18. IAs have 2 ability's only usable from stealth, not sure of the other classes but it probably about the same. Not sure why you would need a completely separate bar for 2 ability's, just put them on your regular bars.
  19. Put it this way, there are 30 servers (probably not that much but its a nice number to work with) that are prema light. Light = 1-500 (another number that's also easy to work with, not necessarily true either) 500 * 30 = 15,000 people potentially "saved" by server transfers/mergers, but that number is probably less because 30 servers are not perma light and those that are probably have less than 500 people on them. Sorry, it's not a big deal and it's just not something they are going to drop everything to solve.
  20. These threads sound just like every other games forums... ripe with trolls and doomsayers. Btw.. DCUO wasn't even a good game to begin with, save for the character customization, that's why it went F2P.
  21. Nobody is forcing you to continue getting billed every month.
  22. The way that have to do them now, manually, is a waste of time a resources on a problem that is not that big to begin with. If all the servers, not just 28, where light then I can see it being a big enough deal to do it by any means. Its not like the few thousand accounts they will "save" will be that big of a deal in the end.
  23. Refusing to merge, that's a good one... They do not have a system in place to transfer one single character from one server to another let alone merge an entire server. You can't refuse to do something if you can't do it in the first place.
  24. During the downtrend of activity before a patch, yes having a good portion of servers at standard is perfectly acceptable. If this was the day after a major content patch then it would be something to be concerned with, but since its not... its not.
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