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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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No mmo can launch with 7 years worth of content, patches, fixes, and features out of the gate. Welcome to reality.


That's like saying no car company should ever have to improve on the Model T, since they should be judged on what the standard was 7 years ago, not currently.

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


Atleast your polite about it, thanks for the update and i hope you personally don't get flamed for this debacle. More importantly thought i'm sorry to see pvp progression is going to take three times longer than originally announced.

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Well, at least we get GW2 shortly. This will just have to hold me over till then. It's sad really. This game could have been great, but it was released way too soon. Original release should have been 1.2. They rushed the original release of the game, it was unpolished, and subs dropped too fast to recover from. Pity really, could have been a great game.
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I don't want something broken, but at the same time, I don't want to be lead on and let down a half day before it was scheduled to be launched.


I 2nd this! :eek:




And really none of the other content really matters, ya we have another warzone to randomly get from the queue and another fp everyone will get bored of I'm sure within its day of release, and finally the new ops, I'm sure everyone will be pleased with this for sometime, as long as the finaly boss in it doesn't bug the freak out like HM EV. I can't count how many times he's bugged on hm before finally downing him with more then half the ops dead.. lol


So ya you say well have so much more to enjoy when really there isn't that much to enjoy with this patch, most if not all of us were looking forward to rated warzone matches...


Good Game Bioware at failing on patches that were meant to be "great"...


Sincerly yours,

A very disappointed player T.T

Edited by LordHazanko
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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


Oh Great, so you are giving us another jacked up form of getting gear, like the fun farming WZ comms was to buy Merc comms so we could buy Battlemaster comms. You know with the bad luck some of us have had with the RNG we are COMPLETELY sick of grinding for days through WZ's to obtain a single damn BM comm.


Now you are going to make us grind even more comms to get our WH gear? My God, do you people as a company really have no imagination in figuring out a better way to dangle a carrot in front of your pvp playerbase?


I can see it now... 1000wz comms 1000 merc comms 1000 ranked WZ comms to get a single piece of gear. Or maybe it will be to just buy a bag with a chance to get a piece of gear?


WOW.... just WOW

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How dare Bioware choose not to release content that isn't working properly.


As opposed to dealing with a million posts along the lines of "RANKED WZ BUGGED *** TOTALLY UNSUBBING NOW".


The fact we are only getting the news 8 hours before the patch is going live is what pisses me off, I mean surely they've known it for a long time, could have eased it in rather than springing it on us like this.

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Only reason I stayed on this game was for the ranked WZ.


Maybe if you guys didn't spend so much time on legacy and more on end game where it matters, you're game wouldn't be so ****.


That's ridiculous. If you havn't noticed this game is not all about end game, go play wow if that's how you feel.

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That's like saying no car company should ever have to improve on the Model T, since they should be judged on what the standard was 7 years ago, not currently.


Apples and oranges.


Cars =/= Video Games.


Have fun crying about GW2 after launch...it wont be the mmo messiah youre obviously expecting either.

Edited by TKMaster
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Actually, if you read their post, the wording makes it sound like they will roll out 8 man queueing in the future, not in 1.2. Also, I posted this in another thread, but it's a good fit here:


What will PvP endgame content be in 1.2?.


Yes they will add it soon, be it weeks or months I dont know.


But atleast its coming, for me who doesnt have the time to play with premades the solo queue was my way to pvp in a competetive environment, now that is gone.


I hated wow for their step at TBC and no solo queue, now BW is doing the same... thats just very very sad.

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


Aaaaand what about the gear with a rating requirement?


What about the crafted wh gear, because I just sunk a ton of cash and time into getting ready for that.

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Thank you,


I wasn't looking forward to PvP in 1.2 until now.


I didn't want mixed-match queues.


I didn't want difficulties getting a warzone queue on my server.


I didn't want to beta an unfinished project.


I didn't want another Ilum fiasco.


Please take a step back and work on the fundamentals and launch it right ;)

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As others have posted in the thread, you'll be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations, so you will be able to begin purchasing War Hero gear before Ranked Warzones are implemented. We know many of you have been looking forward to Ranked Warzones, and apologize for the delay.


So we get to trade in Regular Commendations for Ranked WZ Commendations @ a 3:1 ratio? Sorry but that's not going to cut it...I have no desire to farm 3x the amount of WZs for a single piece of War Hero gear.


Thanks for giving me the final reason I needed to unsub. I'm not paying $15 to beta test this game any longer.

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  • Dev Post
Not surprising since NO PVP testing was done on the 1.2 PTS.


Testing (internally and on the PTS) was part of what led us to the decision we've had to make. We know that it is disappointing that we've had to push the feature back, but we have done testing.


We do want everyone to be able to join us in testing on a high-level character on the PTS, but for this testing period, it wouldn't have been as easy as granting characters experience via an NPC. We are continuing to work on improvements to our PTS testing and appreciate your patience.

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Questoin how was it suppose to really work?


I wondering cuase if there ranked warzones and normal warzones that would divide the populatoin of pvpers on a given server... Since msot server are experiencing problems with players? I can only see alot of warzsone ending due to not enough players maybe except ranked with 8 man premades, but normal it destroy the solo players chance of playing in a sense that no one avaible.. anyway just a thought

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