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Everything posted by Ghaleon

  1. Vengeance & Rage DPS 1. How do you think your Juggernaut spec is perceived by other classes? In PvP & PvE I feel like other classes view Juggernauts as a lesser alternative to Marauders. Marauders just bring more to the table. They offer superior group utility and they have superior defensive cooldowns. Many times I will be passed over in favor of other melee classes just because I'm a "Juggernaught DPS". 2. How do you perceive your own spec? Juggernauts currently feel way too squishy in PvP (with 1250+ expertise) and our lack of *GOOD* defensive cooldowns doesn't help matters. We wear Heavy Armor but so many classes do Elemental/Internal damage that its almost pointless to have. I feel like we are capable of solid DPS but alot the time the stars have to align to truly achieve *GOOD* DPS. We are supposed to be these huge hulking monsters wreaking havoc across the battlefield. Instead I feel like I'm 8 year old boy with a trash can lid shield in one hand and a broken stick in the other. The Vengeance tree, while fun to play, needs some attention. The bleeds in particular are absolutely horrible and really need to be buffed or taken out altogether and front loaded into more damage to our actual attacks.
  2. Yes, please continue to make excuses for the ineptitude of BioWare. At this point they need all the help they can get.
  3. If you can't wrap your mind around what's wrong with this current system then you are beyond help. People do not want to be forced to play for 6+ hours a day to finish ONE pvp daily quest. The entire system in its current state actually encourages people to leave WZs in order to get 3 wins to finish their quests. Compound this with the fact that many servers have massive faction imbalances and miniscule populations making for ridiculous queue times and you have a recipe for disaster. The kicker is that we complained for months about the Rank 60 Valor grind and they changed it only to implement an even worse grind for War Hero gear in the absence of Ranked WZs. It's fine to use the proverbial carrot on the stick, it's the nature of MMORPGs but to blatantly force people to play hours a day in order to keep up is not acceptable. As we've been saying they actual took the PvP system and its accompanying rewards component backwards with this patch. Regardless, I'm done participating in this argument with you as I'm not particularly interested in arguing with a brick wall.
  4. I realize you are just trying to start a fight but you've honestly missed the the entire point of my post. Here is the list I detailed earlier: Here is but a few problems with PvP on live: - Ranked WZs being pulled hours before patch goes live - They left in the old PvP daily/weekly quests that require wins but further encouraged people to leave losing WZs. - Utterly horrible "rewards" for staying in a losing match. Max of 40 comms for a loss in a 15-25 minute match? No thanks. - The WH gear grind currently ingame is EVEN WORSE than the old battemaster grind. If you bothered to read it you would have noticed that the majority of the list contains problems with the CURRENT (meaning in the game right now) PvP system. It has nothing to do with Ranked WZs when the current PvP system is garbage.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3870165#edit3870165 There you go stated plain as day.
  6. Disagree. There is plenty to complain about. PvP and its "reward" system is a complete mess right now. That's not even counting the fact that the yanked Rated WZs hours before the patch launched.
  7. Actually if you bothered reading the dev tracker...Stephen Reid flat out says that you have gametime remaining on your account then you get both the pet and the gametime.
  8. You cared enough to post...just sayin. On topic though, the free pet & free month of gametime still isn't enough to make me even consider staying. Here is but a few problems with PvP on live: - Ranked WZs being pulled hours before patch goes live - They left in the old PvP daily/weekly quests that require wins but further encouraged people to leave losing WZs. - Utterly horrible "rewards" for staying in a losing match. Max of 40 comms for a loss in a 15-25 minute match? No thanks. - The WH gear grind currently ingame is EVEN WORSE than the old battemaster grind. I echo the notion of the above poster that they have managed to take the system backwards with these changes. They have quite literally learned nothing in this regard since launch. I'll consider resubbing when they show me they are capable of developing and implementing an actual plan for endgame PvP.
  9. You have Battered Wife syndrome....just saying.
  10. I unsubbed. Between the Ranked WZs being pulled and the HORRID WZ commendation grind (not to mention still no changes to the pvp daily/weekly quest conditions) on live right now...I've got no more patience left for this game.
  11. I cannot believe they didn't change those daily/weekly pvp quests. People DO NOT WANT to be forced into playing 9+ hours a day to finish ONE daily quest. I have the utmost sympathy for any of you stuck on a horrible server (of which I'm sure there are many). Don't worry though, I'm sure someone from BW will be along shortly to tell you that it's the players fault for not helping to test this content on the PTS. Oh wait, you have to level a brand new character to test content on the PTS requiring you to dump even more of your RL time into this beta test.
  12. Same. Turns out its the same old Quests which encourage people to quit games because they don't have 9 hours a day to play to try and finish 1 daily quest. I'm honestly flabbergasted that they didn't change them.
  13. Or we don't like paying $15 a month to beta test a half assed game. Keep making excuses for BW though...they'll happily keep taking your money.
  14. Not all of us though...my sub runs out on the 18th so they aren't getting me for another one
  15. Being forced to farm yet another tier of PvP gear (at a 3:1 conversion ratio) while they try to figure out an actual pvp game plan... IS NOT FUN. NOR WILL IT EVER BE FUN.
  16. I've most definitely un-subbed and I have 8 days left on my subscription. You can damn well bet I will be using the remainder of my PAID time to voice my distaste over this waste of the SW license.
  17. BW knows all too well where this is headed. Mass Effect 3 anyone?
  18. Yes, they do. They have to keep dangling the carrot in front of your face so you resub.
  19. Seriously? 77925 comms for a full set of WH gear? What genius thought that the 3:1 conversion would be a suitable replacement for the lack of actual Ranked WZs? After being forced to grind out Valor 60 for BM gear I'm not about to get forced into grinding 3x WZs for a single WH piece. Massive fail BW.
  20. So we get to trade in Regular Commendations for Ranked WZ Commendations @ a 3:1 ratio? Sorry but that's not going to cut it...I have no desire to farm 3x the amount of WZs for a single piece of War Hero gear. Thanks for giving me the final reason I needed to unsub. I'm not paying $15 to beta test this game any longer.
  21. Putting "Nuf Said" at the end of any sentence immediately renders the points you made null and void.
  22. Dont buy video cards from Best Buy. Ever. http://www.newegg.com is your friend.
  23. This guy hit the nail on the head. Alot of days I don't have the time I would like to finish my dailies on both my characters. I will definitely leave games that are not winnable in order to finish my quest. That answer/excuse may suck but I've got limited time and I'm certainly not going to waste it. The simple fix is just to change the pvp daily requirement to either 1 win or 3 games played.
  24. No. I'll keep my iconic Star Wars lightsaber the way it is thank you very much.
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