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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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WoW took 3 years to develop. Cost around 65 million dollars.


SWTOR took 4+ years. Cost around 200+ million.


WoW may not have had voice overs but they did have working high res textures, a very smooth and good running engine, ability to have more than 20 people on the screen without having serious lag, chat bubbles, swimming, night and day cycles, an easy to see/read cooldown indicator, anti aliasing, no damn load times and an actual difficult end game.


The only way this game can actually look good is if it's compared to a game seven years ago. Bioware thought that if they just add voice overs it'll cover up horrid programming. Sadly they're mistaken.


wow didn't have high res textures what are you thinking?


Umm no also there was a reason why Ironforge was called LAGFORGE it was because when you had more then 20 people on screen it would lag the hell out of the game.


no load times? Did you ever try to go into a dungeon? or how about traveling across the ocean?



go troll elsewhere your lies are not welcome here.

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Ok, see you in 6 months when TOR has grown to 2-3 million subs, and I will say I told you so.

I dont think GW2 will cater to PvP. I have been hearing some bad things about that game but who knows until people play it.


You need only look at the population on Servers during prime time to see that's not going to happen. There are no more Heavy populated servers, they're all standard and low during primetime. If they were adding subs this wouldn't be so.

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It's not the same Mythic from DAOC early days. The Mythic, EA has now is the Mythic that created Failhammer.


Yeah, that makes me sad face. I only played Failhammer for a month and quit. This is after following it for a long time. Didn't get into the beta. It was so bad. Well at least I gave this two-three months. Maybe the next game EA gives to this dev team and spends even more money on, maybe 400-500 mill; I'll give three-four months. Jk.


Story and voice team is amazing, game mechanics team...Why?

Edited by GavNash
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You're right. I knew I forgot something. Still, three months isn't a lot compared to the leveling curve of other games and I'd venture only a minority plays 40 hours a months, most people put in more.




Three months is a long time. We haven't even hit the three month mark on this game yet. And with ~120 hours of content I would call that bare minimum. It would take quite a bit longer to get Battlemaster, Valor Rank 100, do all the Ops on 8-man and 16-man, all the Flashpoints, get all the datacrons.



Of course that is just my opinion. I find there is more to do in a night than I can get done and my job allows me a lot more time than the average working person.

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You need only look at the population on Servers during prime time to see that's not going to happen. There are no more Heavy populated servers, they're all standard and low during primetime. If they were adding subs this wouldn't be so.




This is a flat out lie.

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You need only look at the population on Servers during prime time to see that's not going to happen. There are no more Heavy populated servers, they're all standard and low during primetime. If they were adding subs this wouldn't be so.


But, there could be other reasons as to why.


Bio has been raising the server cap so what heavy or standard during the first week is not it is at currently.


Maybe 1st week 1,000 was heavy. Now it could mean 1,500 is heavy.


Until we get number from Bioware, it will be just pure speculation.


Plus, there are heavy servers during primetime.

Edited by darthdoll
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How is this any different from WoW then?




Forgot to add legacy system

Valor points

PvP valor

Companion quests/affection.



Stops being fun when you get 60 (the whole game in general becomes meaningless at this point)

PvP valor is same as valor points

Companion quests/affection isn't good for anything* other than getting jiggy with one of them if that's your thing.


*Since tradeskilling is useless at 50.

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The Problem is not lack of content.

The problem is the player consuming the content as if there is nothing else to do in this world.

The secret to havin still something to do is to pace yourself at the rate you consume the content.


Short Fact: No MMO company will ever be able to produce content as fast as player can consume it.


The problem is that many humans can not pace themselvs when consuming something. they want everything done asap, grind everythign to dead untill they are finiished and then complain hat there is nothing left to do.


Be honest to yourself. Did you, or did you not spend at least 6-8 hours a day leveling and as you hit 50 you spent the same time every day doing BGs, illum and Operations? That kind of pacing ecuals a full time job. No wonder you are done with everything.


Why don't you limit yourself so that you do not consume the content so fast? There is other things to enjoy than playing the same Game everyday to death just so you can finsih everything quickly.


Why don't you limit yourself to say 2-3 days play a week on SWTOR, the rest of the days, watch a movie, go out, play another game etc. That way, you don't consume the content as fast and will always have conent left to do when you login or a goal to strife for ingame.


You should really try it :)

Edited by Cebo
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If people aren't sure about wanting to play at the end of their two month sub, then chances are they shouldn't be resubbing anyways, regardless of when patch 1.2 comes out.


If you're on the fence about the game, the patch will revitalize your interest for a few days before you're right back on the fence.


Very well said. Even if BW was not to add any changes to the UI or some other non-content updates, I would still sub to the game. It is that good IMO as is.

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Ah ok, someone argued that EQ2 had full VO's so not sure if true or not.


well some games have a few chars that can/do talk. eq2 had a few even who had a few voicing in it. how ever not ever person that you an talk to did talk and most times you never talked back either. so SWTOR took it to th next lvl in the Voice acting department.

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Ok, see you in 6 months when TOR has grown to 2-3 million subs, and I will say I told you so.

I dont think GW2 will cater to PvP. I have been hearing some bad things about that game but who knows until people play it.


GW2 will be mostly PVP centered, like GW1 (they speak about WvWvW) so we gonna lose what maybe 100k PVPers? Good riddance, pvpers always end up ruining a game because of balance issues that are irrelevant in pve, so better if they bugger off. Having said that, GW2 doesn't have a monthly fee, so I assume its impact will be like the one from KA:R and ME3: 2-3 weeks then back to TOR.


Tera is already a massive flop in asia (they are already consolidating servers in Japan) so many people will be disappointed when it's released. So many that TOR forums will look like heaven compared to Tera's.


GW2 of course won't have forums because Anet doesn't want trolls (their words).

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Stops being fun when you get 60 (the whole game in general becomes meaningless at this point)

PvP valor is same as valor points

Companion quests/affection isn't good for anything* other than getting jiggy with one of them if that's your thing.


*Since tradeskilling is useless at 50.


Ah, I mean social points and pvp valor.


If your bored then that sucks for you.


Go play WoW and tell me thats not boring doing the same thing over and over and over and over, you get the idea.

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You are correct the orignal Starwars was far more recognizable then Kotor. Despite selling a lot of copies for a MMO of that time SWG flopped hard it did not stand on IP alone. To hold the Veteran MMO player( i am not refering to Hardcore .i am refering to the casual veteran that has played multiple MMo's) they will need to add some sand box elements, a more complex end game, and some sort of advanced guild features, guild lvls ,guild starships that require alot of work and up keep, guild perks based on achievements things that encourage communites not just supporting the individual.


SWG had about 300,000 players for 2 years. I wouldnt call that flopping hard.


If SWG was a massive failure what would you call a game that spent 200+ million dollars on its developement and hax more subs in its first month than SWG did in its entire game life and ended up the first year with less subs that SWG.


Because I think I see that game and just wondering what it would be called. Think SWTOR will replace the CU/NGE as the biggest screw up in MMO history.

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This game is 2 months old. If you can't be patient enough to wait for 1.2 you should look at life's priorities and perhaps work on that instead.


The game will be patched when the devs are ready to release it. I would rather it be tested and ready than rushed out.

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You need only look at the population on Servers during prime time to see that's not going to happen. There are no more Heavy populated servers, they're all standard and low during primetime. If they were adding subs this wouldn't be so.


or...you're just not aware that they upped thresholds. But why would you be since you just want to hate for the sake of it.


The reality is we don't know anything about overall population numbers. the only statistic website shows steady population with some servers increasing and some decreasing.


You have no way to know if your personal experience is representative of the overall trend - for instance, my server perenanana(sp) trade routes has experienced a noticeable growth on republic side population.


So if you are right, why is my server increasing in pop?


of course - the main hole in your argument is the thresholds you're not aware of.


thats why people are calling you a liar - I dont think you're lying, you just did not have all the facts.

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Really? Is that why guilds in Rift are stilling banging their heads against bosses?


Hate to say it but Rift is even better than SWTOR. I couldn't stand Trions wow clonish game, but there's more to do in that game than there is in SWTOR.

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But, there could be other reasons as to why.


Bio has been raising the server cap so what heavy or standard during the first week is not it is at currently.


Maybe 1st week 1,000 was heavy. Now it could mean 1,500 is heavy.


Until we get number from Bioware, it will be just pure speculation.


Plus, there are heavy servers during primetime.


But the important question is why people spend their days devising ways of proving that TOR is losing subs? Looking at graphs, making business assumptions regarding the numbers released by BW, gloating and touching themselves at the idea that TOR might 'die'.

What's fking wrong with these people? What kind of sad loser does that??

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120 hours to hit level 50? I got 121 hours on my only character, and she is level 37. And no I haven't gone afk a lot with the game running. I started her on December 23rd when I left my previous character that is on a PvP server that I accidentally chosen, wanted PvE server.


So yeah, there is still lots to do before I even hit end game, not to mention I want to play alts as well. I should be good for at least a year in this game with just what we have now.



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lol what? No offense, but wow was trash when it came out. It couldn't handle stress on the servers. The graphics are extremely cartoony. I would love to see you sit in org in classic when it was released.


Granted, this engine in swtor is not great by any means but the nostalgia of WoW tends to mess with people's memories. I was a classic player and it was SO BAD. Rest assured, it was never my computer either. I always build my own for instance: i7 sandy 3.8ghz quad, 570fermi and an ATI 6970 for off monitors, 16gb of ram... I have 0 problems in the fleet. But I also realize that most people don't have rigs at this level. Same thing with WoW back in the day.


They need to improve their engine, no arguing but comparing it to wow...? Really?




^ Those graphics were AMAZING /endsarcasm


Those graphics are by far, the best looking graphics evar! TOR leeks liek carp 2 Wowz graphecs




WoW looks horrible, always has, always will.

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