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Everything posted by GavNash

  1. Vote kicking, along with penalties for leaving WZs is stupid. Turnover for WZ queues is already fine on well populated servers.
  2. Isn't every boss encounter already a tank and spank?
  3. Except for all of the abilities and utility lowbies are often missing. When I would see a lowbie rock a higher level player of my own faction, that player was invariably an unskilled ally I hoped never to be grouped with again. But you're right, with the bolster system it is entirely possible.
  4. I noticed that most of these problems would be solved if Huttball didn't exist. But as for bads, bads gonna bad.
  5. Here's another idea to make it fair for good PvPers that actually try. If you are vote kicked, you have to sit out the same amount of time as someone who leaves voluntarily.
  6. Too many things, but namely Devs that don't "fix" things that aren't broken while they ignore bugs and allow horrible systems like RNG to "work as intended." Oh and content too, but that's not coming anytime soon.
  7. Haha, yes, I guess I should have been even more specific. Probably 90% of the people for this penalty system are the bads and zero expertise 50s that expect hardcore PvPers to carry them for 15 minutes while they do absolutely nothing to contribute themselves.
  8. Wow, sounds like you have some real issues you need to deal with personally. I wasn't specific about anything, other than this is a stupid solution that is going to discourage expedient PvP queue pops, nor did I say I even personally quit games. But since so many bads came in here and brought it up: If you bads don't want people to leave, don't make good players carry you every game. Like I said, I fully expect the bads to be here as soon as the Warzone punishment fun killing system drops, whining about queue times and getting abuse kicked. Only good thing is that bads who aren't pulling their weight will be spam kicked. Enjoy that. Then you'll be here on the forums about that too.
  9. I would have enjoyed the story, and then I wouldn't have paid monthly for it either.
  10. GavNash

    Balance In PvP

    All DPS took it in the face with the surge nerf. It's all immortal tank/healer combos now and fights that go on the length of an entire Warzone without resolution if those said tanks and healers are even halfway proficient at playing their class.
  11. PvP dev team allows ridiculous imbalances between classes. (some tank builds that are impossible to kill, some healing builds that are impossible to kill, insane burst damage for one class for a month) Then, instead of fixing these issues at the class level PvP dev team nerfs their entire DPS system without even providing a combat log, against the protests of PTR players. Which directly causes tank classes to be the new Freak of the Month. Meanwhile, they ignore that the game is all about spamming heals with no skill, and CC hell. There aren't many PvP guilds left on my RPPvP server. I've now been in two PvP guilds of each over 30 people that have disbanded as their members left en mass for other MMOs. My friends list is over 50+ of hardcore PvPers and I rarely see more than 5 on it at the same time. As for myself, and I consider myself a very hardcore PvPer. I've got one day left on a sub I've canceled. I think it is safe to say that hardcore PvPers haven't just jumped ship, they've fired their rocket ejection packs away from it.
  12. Yes! because further disincentivizing and punishing players in the one area where there's actually something to do (PvP) other than sit around spamming LFG is really going to help player retention. I hope the people who whined and pushed for this enjoy the +15-30 minutes added to their queue times. Because no form of punishment is going to keep someone from not quitting something they are not having fun at. I can't wait to see all the posts flooding PvP about the "long queue times" after this. I also have to wonder if these people asking for other players to be punished actually do think they are playing a single player game. I for one am glad I'm going to be long unsubbed by the time this is rolled to live. Do people forget that this isn't the only game in the world? Quit a WZ that was unfair? Buggy? Locked out for 15 minutes or whatever? = Play Xbox with some actual friends you can talk to = Whoops forgot about SWTOR = One less player standing around in fleet. This is absolutely the wrong time to push something that penalizes players, and is the prime example of the dev team wasting precious time and effort on something that is not needed. What's the worst that happens when a player quits? Oh, you win one fast, or lose one fast (and if it's a win, hope it counts) and then cycle right on through to the next WZ where you will probably get a good fight. All the things they say are "working as intended" and this one actually works well, regardless. For some Republic or Sith on various servers, this is literally the only way they can complete their dailies some days. Even when people do quit, heck those people are usually replaced nearly instantaneously on servers with a fair population. And to think people on low population servers are pushing for this. You've gotta wonder why some people are always voting against their own interests. (This was an earlier post of mine but I think a constructive thread needs to be built around this issue...I don't expect the developers to listen to this, but oh well. I've got a day left on my sub to voice concerns because I honestly do hope that this game is pulled out of its steadily downward and wrong trajectory.)
  13. Yes because further disincentivizing and punishing players in the one area where there's actually something to do (PvP) other than sit around spamming LFG is really going to help player retention. I hope the people who whined and pushed for this enjoy the +15-30 minutes added to their queue times. Because no form of punishment is going to keep someone from not quitting something they are not having fun at. I can't wait to see all the posts flooding PvP about the "long queue times" after this. I also have to wonder if these people actually do think they are playing a single player game. I for one am glad I'm going to be long unsubbed by the time this is rolled to live. Do people forget that this isn't the only game in the world? Quit a WZ that was unfair? Buggy? Locked out for 15 minutes or whatever? = Play Xbox with some actual friends you can talk to = Whoops forgot about SWTOR = One less player standing around in fleet. This is absolutely the wrong time to push something that penalizes players, and is the prime example of the dev team wasting precious time on something that is not needed. What's the worst that happens when a team quits? Oh, you win one fast, or lose one fast (hope it counts) and then cycle right on through to the next WZ where you will probably get a good fight. All the things they say are "working as intended" and this one actually works well, regardless. Even when people do quit, heck those people are usually replaced nearly instantaneously on servers with a fair population. And to think people on low population servers are pushing for this. You've gotta wonder why some people are always voting against their own interests.
  14. Rofl, oh god that is a good one, coming from the roaming forum SWTOR defender!
  15. You're not even making any sense. I didn't say TOR lore wasn't more "complicated" as you put it. I'd say rich instead, but you know what, it's not rich in game, it's rich in movies and TV shows and Star Wars books that I don't play in game.
  16. I started playing RIFT reluctantly after my entire guild quit SWTOR and moved to it, and was surprised how innovative it is compared to SWTOR while still getting the basics right. Although by no means is it perfect. I wonder if it will go free to play too though, but if it is currently more bearable than SWTOR that should speak volumes. I'm still praying they release Dragonball Online here, it looks fun.
  17. Yeah, that makes me sad face. I only played Failhammer for a month and quit. This is after following it for a long time. Didn't get into the beta. It was so bad. Well at least I gave this two-three months. Maybe the next game EA gives to this dev team and spends even more money on, maybe 400-500 mill; I'll give three-four months. Jk. Story and voice team is amazing, game mechanics team...Why?
  18. There's a lot more competition now than before. A LOT. Remember when WoW came out, there was hardly even good online console gaming.
  19. I agree this is mostly the progress the average MMO states, but I think you need to amend this and incorporate the prognosis, the possible outcomes. 1)Game breaking bugs are addressed quickly and fixed proficiently. Game and UI content is expanded and satiates, systems are balanced. Outcome: Player subscription stabilizes, even those who quit out of frustration are drawn back, then subscription base flourishes. 2)Game breaking bugs are ignored, Game content is patchwork, creates more bugs, systems that don't work are ignored, systems that do work are constantly tweaked, and/or completely overhauled, resulting in a game players may not even recognize from patch to patch. Archaic Outcome: Mass exodus of game causes server merges and shutdowns, as well as a staff cutback, essentially reducing the MMO development staff to a "skeleton crew," bugs persist and game operates until closure at "half mast" supported by players who I can only assume are self loathing. Contemporary Outcome: Game becomes free to play, with a business model built around paid tokens, but the outcome is essentially the same as the old in terms of the draw down of game mechanics staff, bugs, lackluster or canceled expansions, and the lack of players, or ephemeral players that never really progress to end game.
  20. Yeah they are good ideas, but poorly implemented, for instance, the light and darkside stores. BW really needs to learn how to properly gear and reward an endgame MMO character.
  21. A Star Wars game needs to be a sandbox, period. And this game gives the term theme park kind of a bad rap. Comparing WoW's themepark to SWTOR's is like comparing Disneyworld to those traveling carnivals that carry their rides on the backs of semis and set up in parking lots.
  22. Star Wars best works in a sandbox environment you can explore, turn it into a theme park ala SWG NGE and SWTOR and...Well you'd at least want to have a working engine and plenty of content.
  23. Yeah I'm spending all my time in town between the endless battlezones, raids, world bosses, daily quests, hidden easter eggs, month long world wide holiday events, tens of thousands of points in achievements, day/night cycles. Random events, wide variety of different zones for the same level brackets, actual lore, zone quests, faction grinding (although this isn't too great you can still get rare mount rewards from it), Jousting tournaments, mount quests, race quests. Oh wait no I'm not. Even grinding an alt was less repetitive. Even during vanilla. Again, what is it you were saying? The only thing SWTOR has that is even close to being an "interesting" thing to do outside of sitting in fleet spamming LFG or waiting for your WZ to pop is the Datacron Tomb Raider thing in the Ziost. And that is a very very fun little easter egg, but why oh why didn't they go with about 100x more of this type of thing.
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