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  1. Then again, GW2 doesent really work with normal Questing, but rather with Events for which offcourse, no Voiceovers are needed. I think the voiceovers are great in this Game. Imo it was about time that someone came out with a fully voice MMO. I think this sets a new standard for questing from here on out for your standard "pick up quest, turn in Quest" MMO, at least i hope so. To say that the rest of the Game suffered because of the Voiceovers, i highly doubt that. I don't think that any of the people doing the cinematics/voice overs are working on the "Gameplay", or the UI/Systems Team are working on any of the voice overs. I hope Bioware continues to make full voice overs for all the Quests going forward while at the same time work on getting features into the game that by todays standard MMOs should have been in the Game at launch,
  2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=394608
  3. After Dromund Kaas you get 2 Quests. One sends you to Balmorra, the other to Nar Shaddaa. Go to Balmorra first thats 16-20, after that Nar Shaddaa thats 20-24
  4. I personaly find this a very steep price in order to look the way we want. 1 Item has Armoring, Mod, Enhancement thats 90k right there. 5 Pieces of gear and you have 450k. considering that according to Bioware the vast majority of level 50s have below 1m credits and the announcement that they will lower repair costs for gear so it isent quite as steep, that kind of pricing just to look the way we want to is to steep imo. The more i think about it i get the feeling that an appreance tab would have been the better solution from the start
  5. Since extractable mods come in Patch 1.2, do you think you can lower the price to extract mods? Currently it costs about 75k to extract the mods for one item alone, thats a steep price to pay. Players should not be punished for wanting to look the way they want to.
  6. The Problem is not lack of content. The problem is the player consuming the content as if there is nothing else to do in this world. The secret to havin still something to do is to pace yourself at the rate you consume the content. Short Fact: No MMO company will ever be able to produce content as fast as player can consume it. The problem is that many humans can not pace themselvs when consuming something. they want everything done asap, grind everythign to dead untill they are finiished and then complain hat there is nothing left to do. Be honest to yourself. Did you, or did you not spend at least 6-8 hours a day leveling and as you hit 50 you spent the same time every day doing BGs, illum and Operations? That kind of pacing ecuals a full time job. No wonder you are done with everything. Why don't you limit yourself so that you do not consume the content so fast? There is other things to enjoy than playing the same Game everyday to death just so you can finsih everything quickly. Why don't you limit yourself to say 2-3 days play a week on SWTOR, the rest of the days, watch a movie, go out, play another game etc. That way, you don't consume the content as fast and will always have conent left to do when you login or a goal to strife for ingame. You should really try it
  7. Hi. this has pobably been suggested before, still i feel it would be a great addition so i going to post it anyway... Please Bioware, add an addtitional option to the roll for loot window called "companion" That way, people can click that option if they would like the to use the gear drop for their companion. Loot win priority would then be: Need > companion > greed = disassemble Hope this could be added in the near future.
  8. Well, i have geiven up and re-rolled a Juggernaut yesterday. I want to be sure i get proper Hoods up Armor before i waste any more time Marauder but since Biowre refuses to coment on this thread it left me no choice. I am so not looking forward to getting all the datacrons again with my Juggernaut or doinf daiyls on illum and Belsavis again....but at least i'll look how i wanted to from the start.
  9. Yea it's frustrating. I'd realy like a dev post on our "situation". It's not hard nor allot of work to implement some medium hoods up armor that already exists in the Game as heavy armor, yet this whole thread is just being ignored
  10. Steht im thread titel Supreme Commander Stantorrs
  11. Jemanden der diese Robe machen kann. http://www.torhead.com/schematic/aGLrXj0 würde ca. 20k dafür bezahlen, bitte mich ingame anwhispern oder eine ingame E-Mail schreiben an Char Name: Setekh Vielen Dank
  12. Sadly, that robe is restricted to Inquisitors only. http://knotor.com/items/540150-supreme-inquisitor-s-robe
  13. This is great news and all but sadly as a Sith Marauder i still do not have any Armor set that even reomtly looks like the armor set that was presented for the Marauder and was one of the 3 main reasons why i rolled a Marauder in the first place. You know, the black Robe with the Hood that atm ingame is heavy Armor and unusable for Maruaders, available at 40 from the PVP Vendor and for Corellia Commendations on the Commendations Vendor. Instead i have to look like an Imperial Guard or similar to Darth Vader, or even wear skirts like a Inquisitor does. Please add more variety of Moddable Gear to Medium Armor, so that we Marauders can look like a real Sith at endgame to. There isent even any Marauder Gear on the Darkside Vendor on the Imperial Fleet...
  14. There seems to be a whole Medium Armor set comming in 1.1 that has a Hood up chestpiece. How to obtain it is still unknown. Also it seems that it is redish in color. Lets hope they add some more stuff before it rleases. Chestpiece: http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44914/xenotech_weaponmasters_vest/ Rest of the set: http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44827/xenotech_weaponmasters_leggings/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44949/xenotech_weaponmasters_headgear/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44838/xenotech_weaponmasters_gloves/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44826/xenotech_weaponmasters_boots/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44809/xenotech_weaponmasters_waistcord/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44895/xenotech_weaponmasters_bracers/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44801/xenotech_weaponmasters_device/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44839/xenotech_weaponmasters_implant/ http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/items/44823/xenotech_weaponmasters_package/
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