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I'm lvl 50 and valor 59 and don't see the point anymore...


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This has been my biggest gripe since day one.


This game has no point, no challenge. I've already canceled and have filled out 2 surveys that were emailed to me asking how I feel about the game and why I left.


Here is what I wrote:


If some or all of the following were done, I would seriously consider coming back:

  • Add Planets with no specific level range. Just a very mysterious Star Wars planet where you can run into mobs that are level 1 or level 50. All levels are there, low and high. Be Careful
  • No yellow brick road quests where you literally follow a road and questline like a robot to the next quest line or area. It works in other games because they are much more open
  • When you open a map, have it be the entire world, not just some tiny segment. I know you can click the whole world map and see the whole world but it still seems so small and segmented like I'm running from one ride or warehouse to another
  • No walls
  • No exhaustion from running into the desert
  • More mystery. More mystical mysterious Gameplay. You know, like Star Wars
  • More immersion
  • More in-depth crafting - Crafting that YOU as the player actually have to do and not only your Companion
  • Player Housing on a planet that's non-instanced. No there would not be a blight if they just added rent with limits on how much you could pre-pay
  • Chat Bubbles
  • Scalable UI
  • Movable UI
  • Pet Mounts
  • Vehicle Mounts that actually work and feel right. In TOR they just don't feel right. The vehicles in TOR feel and drive like a hula skirt that you're wearing. It feels very fake
  • Community
  • More People - Stop the Sharding/Instancing
  • Pets that are not Companions
  • Less Gated Gameplay
  • True Open Worlds
  • More in-depth Meaningful Harvesting
  • Remove the mountain Walls, regular walls. Stop making me run 5 miles in one direction to get to an objective that is just on the other side of another wall
  • Broker that works
  • Guild Halls - Non-Instanced
  • No Mobs on every single node and every single path. It's ridiculous
  • No Combat Delay
  • Better Textures
  • Food with Stats crafted by Players
  • Moddable Orange Armor that has a base stat so that it is actually worth something more than appearance
  • Open World PvP with actual rewards so that everyone isn't always in WZ's on PvP Servers. And NO NOT JUST ILUM
  • Slow level progression down with sandbox elements that would make people slow down because they desire to


Also, it just seems that nothing you do in the SWTOR world really matters.

BW's almost doctrinal stance on the solo story design is a mistake. Their stance on solo gameplay as a whole, in an MMO, is a mistake.


SWTOR's group content is INCONSEQUENTIAL. If I did 5 fp's total, that would be a lot. There is no need to do them. You do not need to do them to advance in any way. I made it to 50 on one toon and 20 on another in 30 days without them. You say I missed out on great gear??? Really and with what consequence? NONE! And I was constantly ahead of the leveling curve right up to Corellia which is 47-49.


The group content is fun that being FP's and Op's but it's old and tired and in the end doesn't matter as everyone will get good enough gear or better gear without trying so there is no point to it.


People on the forums tell you do the FP's, OP's, crafting and such but none of it really matters in the end. Crafting : you will loot better gear while PvPing or running regular quests , fps or ops, so no point. Gear is easy to get so everyone will have it so again no point to ops or fp.

At end game the game really becomes pointless especially on Ilum as Republic.


That's one of the biggest things I come away with is that the game is too easy, too much good gear drops for nothing, no one needs you and you need no one. No middle game content that would make someone slow down. No real Epic questing going on. It's just more like doing assignments. You will get everything you want guaranteed. No risk whatsoever. It's epicly boring.


It's the state of MMO's today I guess. Kind of sad actually.


I also unsubscribed for many of the same reasons. Everything feels too easy and I really hate that I can play 90% of the game without ever seeing another person in-game.

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There are 8 different games from level 1-50.


All of them play different, have different quests, different gear, and different styles of play.


The stories are all pretty well through and in-depth.



What is all the talk about there being nothing to do once you hit 50 will full BM gear? Go run a new class and get your money's worth our of the game that you bought. You bought 8 different games, if you didn't notice.

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There are 8 different games from level 1-50.


All of them play different, have different quests, different gear, and different styles of play.


The stories are all pretty well through and in-depth.



What is all the talk about there being nothing to do once you hit 50 will full BM gear? Go run a new class and get your money's worth our of the game that you bought. You bought 8 different games, if you didn't notice.

Right, you do realize 90% of the content is repeated for each faction - only story quests are original and they don't take up much time. Hardly 8 different games, that's like saying any rpg with x classes is x different games :rolleyes:

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Only reason why im quitting as a PvPer? The fact that if I wanted to sit down and have an 8 hour gaming session, I'd be stuck playing huttball the entire time. Ridiculous. I shouldn't be paying to play 1 out of the 3 Warzones all day.


You could roll republic, we have 3 warzones and get cycled through multiple groups so its rare to face the same people. More often than not, even if you don't queue as a premade, you are still pretty much with the same other 7 Republic players. This would solve your issue of only seeing huttball. :)

Edited by Brutem
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I can't even finish my class story line. 300m budget and several MMO's to use as a reference and this is the end result?


your obviously doing someting wrong if you cant finish your class quest. I finished mine .. maybe you should submit a help ticket to biowares very helpful customer service team?

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your obviously doing someting wrong if you cant finish your class quest. I finished mine .. maybe you should submit a help ticket to biowares very helpful customer service team?

lol is this guy trolling? i cant tell...



ANYWAY mate i say quit!!, this game is total fail man, there is NO longeveity in swtor. and i doubt there ever will be, i happen to know some things they have planned lol so ill say this, you know how the last few patched keep f***ing up pvp? well GET READY FOR MORE OF THE SAME lol



im teh same as you mate, almost v60 and just couldnt be bothered :(


dont get me wrong, the game has its good points (the 2-3 weeks it takes to get 1-49 lol) after that its all down hill


I SAY go play aion (f2p) for a few months till gw2 or tera comes out, and maybe come back to swtor next year when its had time to 'ferment'

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Oh my god would you little girls please quit whining, Jesus christ I rarely come to forums anymore because of a bunch of idiots whining about how many things this game is missing. Jesus its been out a little over a month and is already working on its second huge patch. You are all such a bunch of cry babies, if you want a game that has had a lot of changes to suit the needs of people like you go play WoW or some other MMO. ************ on an online forum just makes you look like a jack ***, btw your parents don't love you and you are cancer to these forums please shut up and get a hobby, if you don't want to grind for gear end game MMO's are not for you, or shut up and do Operations holy ****.
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I don't think anyone who gets to level 50 in a week is going to like any game that is out there.


I get yelled at by my wife for playing too much and it took me over 2 months to get my first character up to 50 and I haven't even started working on valor.


Even in my younger days, I had weed, xanax, and skank parties to get in the way of 12 hours grind sessions. Maybe more skanks and more drugs is what BIO and EA need to put out.

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Population will be why I leave.


Every place I go. 10 of my faction. Fleet is more, but that isn't saying much. Its never more than 100 on my server.


I feel like this is a single player game with multi-player combat attached at the end. I don't think that is worth the monthly sub.


I have zero goals in this game. Nothing truly end-game to do or explore. I'll run some hm flashpoints. I'll try some massive pvp.


I am sorry but a bad shooter with gear disparity?


Where is the massive and mult-i-player?


It seems to me to be pretty terrible in terms of populations and servers.


Good news. Servers don't have anything unique.


It is to early to ask for server consolidation?

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I just reactivated my account. I feel the shame in letting all my skill points not grow during this time.


Dragon trail here. Republic server population is crap. I started the game during the head start, around the 17th if I recall correctly. Anyway I didn't see many people online and it felt like a single player game during that time. After the game went live the queue didn't really happen. Maybe the first day or so it was bad during the evening but around that time I was level 20 something. I level slow and was enjoying it all.


By now the game is a week or so old after retail and holiday break for most. Fleet population was still low on the republic side and flashpoints are rare. By now I'm pushing level 30'ish (late 20's early 30's) and hitting Alderaan. This is, truth be told here, the first time I saw any of the opposing faction (imperials) outside a warzone. Everything before I didn't see a single imperial at all. Everything was mostly NPC's outside a few republic players. By now I made a couple posts talking about how it feels like that after playing DaOC for years then WoW. Both of those games didn't do any type of shardding. Aion and Rift which I also played a bit felt bigger.


I'm now hitting Hoth and start to see how huge it is. I see a few more imperials here and there with a few 50's getting into the mix ganking or datacron collecting but it still isn't feeling like a massive game. Maps are huge. They look fantastic (kudo's to the art department), but something is missing. However, I drudge on because I like the class story and actually can pick up and stop when I want. So I'm ok.


Head into the final few planets and maps and see that they are feeling much much bigger than Hoth and Tat but still not seeing much of anyone. Always less than 20 but honestly closer to 10 across the various planets. Again, republic side of things. Say to heck with it because i"m struggling to find flashpoints as they come up I stay with warzones and class only quests. Still having fun though and work my way through level 50. So far, so good.


By now the Ilum bombshell has dropped and the world thinks the sky is falling (and rightly so). I start my battlemaster walk and low and behold Ilum is a mess as I get to see it first hand. Remember my comments above about population on the republic side? Yeah...Ilum is worse. You try and find a group who isn't trading. You roam a bit and pick off a few. Imperials are quick learners and soon get together and stomp you. Rinse and repeat. At best we can build a ops group of say 12 compared to the imperial side of 20+.


You can only stomach so much of that. People get frustrated and leave. Or they just join the masses and trade to complete what they need and move on. So now what? Try for a flashpoint on a low populated server for republics? Play warzones and have a losing percentage yet gain what valor you can?


I'm not sure what the solution is but while the class quests are fun and interesting, and the overall leveling expierience was fun; the end game is horrible if you like to PvP. If you like PvE then I'm sure you are having a blast because there "IS" more content than what other MMO's had upon retail launch. That I agree with.


But that isn't why I'm playing swtor. I'm a pvp'er and a frustrated one at the moment.

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Forgot to add this piece. The question I ask myself is if I got my monies worth by buying the client? The next question is if I get my monies worth for 15 bucks a month.


I'd say I got my initial money back because I enjoyed it as much as I did after I played Uncharted 3 for example. Swtor is about the same price if not a couple bucks cheaper...


But 15 bucks a month? Right now I'd have to say no because my focus is on PvP and it is broke. GM saying trading is ok and legit is horse poo. Lvl 11's going out there is also poo. If that is the reason why I play this game and the zone is borked then no, it isn't worth paying a monthly fee to play.


Free to play - ok. Fee, forget it.

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Heck, here is another one for you...because I know this bugs others as it does I.


Republic fleet to smuggler airlock / ship

Ship to Ilum on map, travel

Airloc to Ilum Orbital Station

Ilum Orbital Station to Ilum


I mean really? 4 different jump points when I own my own bloody ship. Shouldn't I be able to land that bad boy anywhere I want? Couldn't you make a space port for me to jump from the fleet down to the planet of my choice on my own?


Yeah - off topic. Just saying these are the sort of things we actually over look because we enjoy the game. But when you have other glaring issues like the pvp state of the game it adds up. Before you know it something is the straw that broke the camels back.


NOTE: Prz don't call PETA on me, I've already been warned once for my posts. No camels or other animals got hurt, harmed, or otherwise placed under duress during my post.

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Oh my god would you little girls please quit whining, Jesus christ I rarely come to forums anymore because of a bunch of idiots whining about how many things this game is missing. Jesus its been out a little over a month and is already working on its second huge patch. You are all such a bunch of cry babies, if you want a game that has had a lot of changes to suit the needs of people like you go play WoW or some other MMO. ************ on an online forum just makes you look like a jack ***, btw your parents don't love you and you are cancer to these forums please shut up and get a hobby, if you don't want to grind for gear end game MMO's are not for you, or shut up and do Operations holy ****.


Pot, meets Kettle: Those internet Kodak moments.

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Pot, meets Kettle: Those internet Kodak moments.


He's a bit over the top, but makes a good point. A lot of complainers do indeed seem like crybabies by blowing stuff waaaaaaay out of proportion.


Complaining about stuff after the game has been out a single month is pretty silly apart from a few legit complaints such as people getting free valour or using that glitchy door in Voidstar. Those would be legit complaints, but most of the other stuff is pure nerd rage and makes them look childish (not surprising though, probably a lot of younger players on here).


Another factor is that a lot of people seem to "rush through" everything in order to "max out" their character. If you overdose on anything you will get bored. Hell, I got really bored of smoking weed when I was at uni...and I got REEEEEEEEALLY bored of playing online poker after 2-3months of playing several hours per day ;)


Either way, I don't regret buying the game and will probably keep on playing for another few months.

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I think all this talk about seeing nobody around is due to the fact that people usually play on weekends during peek times. Add in that people are still trying to grind out characters ( new game) and they usually do that inside the quest instances and it adds up to not seeing anyone around.


I don't see anyone around at 9am on a Tuesday, but I don't expect to. There is a gank fest on Hoth on Saturday at 2pm.


But where is the solution? No more quest instances? A game where you end up hitting an area full of people camping one respawn group because everyone has to kill 60 of whatever that group is in the same instance?


At this point the game needs to get people to buy the game, pay the upfront costs, and they wont do that if the game is only playable for level 50's. You cant put a game out and have great endgame content in the first 2 months, the market for those players does not make financial sense and the people who ding top level in 2 weeks are going to complain no matter how fast you add new content (it takes more than 2 weeks to program new content).


Slow down, enjoy the game and play another class, or even change faction and play a republic class.


Or experiment with LSD. That will fix the problem for you also.

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That's what end game is in every mmo. What made you think it'd be any different?


Really? I have been playing MMO's since Asheron's Call launched in 99'. Beyond WoW and its clones, this is not what an MMO is all about, this is what WoW clones are all about. Do not confuse the two.


The greater flaw is that the mid range (not hardcore) folks are basically done with the game. I have been to Ilum twice ever, and pretty much only PvP to get my daily/weeklies done, and yet I'm almost a battlemaster. My guild is a PvP guild at heart, though we have been around forever so we have become somewhat casual as members get wives/kids etc, and we have never been particularly great at PvE content, yet we are already collecting Rakata gear.


So if my chill guild is almost done with the game, then I can only imagine how bored the hardcore raiders and hardcore PvPers feel as they have been done with all this content weeks ago at this point. 300mil should buy ya more then a month worth of game from start to end.

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Well what I did was simply unsubscribe. When they fix PvP by introducing more/rated warzones (they don't necessarily need new gametypes, just more maps/variation) or making Ilum a lot less retarded, I might consider re-subbing. But as it is the game just blows. Worst of all, many/most the people that are competent at PvP already have max rank valor and full battlemaster gear and thus ZERO incentive to continue to queue for warzones. This means that the only people you ever get (unless you organize a premade) are complete idiots or people with zero PvP experience. And there is nothing more frustrating (in any game) than playing with people with such a huge skill gap.


It's really too bad. Bioware really ought to have known that they wouldn't get away with launching such a buggy and fundamentally flawed game (poor performance, memory leaks all over the place, bugs and glitches, bad world design, terrible end-game content, etc.). The game feels like it should still be in Beta. But then again they've probably already broken even with the production/marketing cost of the game and don't really care. But whatever, not like they pay any attention to community feedback anyway.

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He's a bit over the top, but makes a good point. A lot of complainers do indeed seem like crybabies by blowing stuff waaaaaaay out of proportion.


Complaining about stuff after the game has been out a single month is pretty silly apart from a few legit complaints such as people getting free valour or using that glitchy door in Voidstar. Those would be legit complaints, but most of the other stuff is pure nerd rage and makes them look childish (not surprising though, probably a lot of younger players on here).


Another factor is that a lot of people seem to "rush through" everything in order to "max out" their character. If you overdose on anything you will get bored. Hell, I got really bored of smoking weed when I was at uni...and I got REEEEEEEEALLY bored of playing online poker after 2-3months of playing several hours per day ;)


Either way, I don't regret buying the game and will probably keep on playing for another few months.



I really don't understand you apologists saying that just because the game is new it's an excuse for the game to be broken. If a doctor goes into his first operation and kills a patient because of incompetence, is it OK because it was his first time? No, of course not.

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OP, it's ok...


When you hit R60.. you can enjoying doing the same tedious dailies and wait for it... get bleeping CHAMPION COMMENDATIONS! ^^


The BM bag system is so flawed it's not even funny.


So far... 2 BM commendation a.k.a one BM armor piece while i've gotten close to 200 champion commendations.


Those who grinded R60 before the patch and got half their companions in BM gear already had it nice.. now it's pretty tough to get BM gear unless you've struck a deal with the RNG gods.

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Really? I have been playing MMO's since Asheron's Call launched in 99'. Beyond WoW and its clones, this is not what an MMO is all about, this is what WoW clones are all about. Do not confuse the two.




I always laugh when WOW kiddies make such ridiculous claims. Even funnier when they make the claim 'MMO PVP was always about gear progression and grinding instances'.



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