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Everything posted by Vikassi

  1. The guy has a legitimate argument. Bioware is plain out horrible when it comes to buffing/nerfing classes. Totally screws the game play/mechanics every time they place a class in "god" mode. It's getting old. Painfully, they dont care and they even care less about PvP.
  2. OP is right, the one ability did ruin the game for season 2.
  3. You can buy those particular mods individually as well. Yes, to min/max, its a hella grind. So much that I generally dont even reach min/max before the next tier of gear comes out. I dont play much any more though.
  4. Vikassi

    Exfiltrate Bug

    The Operative forums? Where? I thought they nerfed those?
  5. as most would say, this is probably a L2P issue. Bioware is solid when it comes to balancing.
  6. Vikassi

    Exfiltrate Bug

    I believe they just dont know how to fix it .. and plus, they could care less about operatives / scoundrels ..
  7. Has the OP ever tried DPS Op's in ranked? K. Thx. Bye.
  8. Razr Naga Epic to be exact (wireless). I've always moved with wasd, but those buttions are hotkey'ed in combination with the alt button as well ..
  9. Concealment for ranked, for sure.
  10. Let me see you play concealment, then come back here and tell us if SINS are still the weakest class.
  11. 1.Bioware 2. Op KD removal 3. Quesh Hutball - It makes for a good DPS map, but sucks royally as a Hutball map. Makes no sense.
  12. I dont know of any hybrid builds yet, but that's just not my style. Operative Concealment is not business as usual. The fun factor was really taken out of the game play with the last nerf to knockdown and roll. The roll not so much but the KD nerf is huge. The shield probe buff is garbage, you still die in a few seconds in ranked. I still put up nice damage as concealment, but dont get as many solo kills as I used too. This is my only character since launch, so I know the class and the fun factor is missing now. I'm not sure the devs know what they're doing, well, thats pretty evident with the game in general, not just this class. It's really a shame, you dont see many concealment ops in regs or rateds, not joking there. It's really a dead class, but unfortunately for me, its my only class.
  13. It's way OP right now. These devs are some of the worst I have seen at class balancing. It's unreal.
  14. This is way OP and needs to be nerfed ASAP. Its crazy right now in rateds with these teams. Devs are completely incompetent.
  15. Yes, believe it or not, some people dont take rateds or regs seriously. Wanna know why? Because it's a game. You could be playing with a 10 year old for all you know. You think they're taking it seriously?
  16. Does it really matter? Regs aren't rated, strictly for fun, and a time killer. Not sure why so many people complain about premades? Sometimes you get paired up with a premade. Every time you queue for a reg you're up against a pre? I dont think so friend.
  17. I've always aquired the easy items first, like ear, implants, and relics. After that, should you go straight for the main and offhand weapons?
  18. yea, you're right, i just won a ranked and you get a 140 comms. Had no idea, I thought you got way less. Much faster this way, especially when you win.
  19. I should also mention I play concealment .. lol Its my only character that I've played since launch.
  20. Thats what I was asking. Would I get ranked comms faster by playing ranked. I wasnt sure if it was just about the same or faster playing ranked. I could care less about rating. I'm fully geared/augmented in obroan with a few brutalizer pieces, but it takes me forever to play regs to gear up.
  21. I know you get less comms for ranked, but they are ranked and your not trading regular comms in at a loss. Is it more efficient to play ranked for the comms than it would be to play regular warzones?
  22. of course they will .. this is a business homie .. rancor mounts will make money .. coming to a cartel market near you ..
  23. Sure it does, he's warning others before they find out the hard way .. makes sense to me .. wouldn't you want to know if you were on a ship that was sinking before heading out to sea?
  24. yea, i thought this was already pretty clear ... PvP in this game died long ago .. its just a mini game now, thats why bolster was implemented, so you dont have to put effort into getting gear, etc .. Theres a gear grind for PvE and just the carrot on the stick for PvP.
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