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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Dark Age of Camelot 2001-2005 (when I played) . The game had the best PVP and nothing will ever immerse me that much again. It's was mostly because of the fantastic community . Daoc was a hardcore game but everyone had their place. RVR was about taking Keep or defending your own keep . Capturing relic and controlling the war Zone. Leader emerged for each realm and some other gained bad reputation :p . VN board at the time was awesome.


But eh it's had tons of problem . I spammed doublefrost like a pro back in the day . CC was horrible in beginning . Ever seen a group of 15 people mezzed for over a minutes? But it's gave the game a 'feel' that no other game has ever done to me. Realm abilities not long after the game was released was released with free game content like Darkness Fall . DF was controlled by the realm who controlled the most keep (man that was awesome) .


Awesome Keep siege .. Epic relic raid clash of hundred of player and epic LAG of doom lol .

Problem is that today every player want their action RIGHT NOW . Daoc was the best PVP ever because of the player playing it and how it was designed. It's was not easy gearing your toon at the release of TOA but WORTH it. SInce when the RVR and fun started you had a blast.

Edited by FichutheDude
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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.


Agreed. Darktide was amazing. Still remember the AB wars, and the Blood Monarchy reign.


And so true. It was actually possible in that game to beat multiple, higher level, and better geared players and win - that is - if you had enough skill.


There was no minigame garbage or gear grinds. The PVP was dynamic and meaningful. Guilds would fight over towns, leveling spots, and certain resources or areas of interest.


Best game ever.


UO would be a close second.

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Agreed. Darktide was amazing. Still remember the AB wars, and the Blood Monarchy reign.


And so true. It was actually possible in that game to beat multiple, higher level, and better geared players and win - that is - if you had enough skill.


There was no minigame garbage or gear grinds. The PVP was dynamic and meaningful. Guilds would fight over towns, leveling spots, and certain resources or areas of interest.


Best game ever.


UO would be a close second.


Totally agree, PVP was meaningful in AC1 and EQ1...death actually had consequences and guild alliances / world politics actually mattered because they had a direct impact on where you could and could not go to level/raid/explore...hell even shop!


Ahwell, those were the days...

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DAoC is by far the best pvp mmo ive ever played.


That being said, and ive played daoc for ten years and always go back to it... If ToR is able to find a way to impliment that type of pvp style into their game with an expansion or something, I will stay with toR forever....


I love the fluidity of this game, and its pve is much nicer and less tedious for myself to play than daoc. The RR aspect is perfect on Daoc, so please follow its lead. Bioware now owns daoc rights, so i hope they can impliment this type of combat system into this game. The medals and credits etc and random que for BGs is just not very entertaining, no sense of teamwork or anything.


given that I am now a father and work 60+ hours a week, I do not have the time to go back to DAOC and play as i once did. So if this game finds a way to do pvp justice like DAOC has for a decade, they will get my 15$ a month for ten MORE years to come :)

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I've seen two people mention star trek online........ mother of god. World of warcraft? Are you kiddin me. I've never wanted an internet gun more.


I guess this new wave of gamers has no *********** idea what a good game is. WoW has a lot of commercials on MTV, and its the only PC game i've ever played. IT IS THE BEST.


Daoc is clearly the winner, swtor please just steal that system exactly, prolly shoulda ripped off the crafting system too. I'll see you guys in 6 months maybe when this game is finished :0

Edited by Hoooooooar
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Agreed. Darktide was amazing. Still remember the AB wars, and the Blood Monarchy reign.


And so true. It was actually possible in that game to beat multiple, higher level, and better geared players and win - that is - if you had enough skill.


There was no minigame garbage or gear grinds. The PVP was dynamic and meaningful. Guilds would fight over towns, leveling spots, and certain resources or areas of interest.


Best game ever.


UO would be a close second.


except for the fact blood had a pole so far up his arse you could see 100 miles in any direction from his head. As well as the lvl 150 BM's they kept stationed on the tutorial dungeon in shoushi grove to nail level 5's when they came out.


When we did the FF attack (frostfel attack) an 100 of us all level 5 attacked DT, over 30 lvl 100-150 BM's hit us using Speed an warp hack, cos we were such a threat. LOL DT was an insult to the human genepool.

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City of Heroes - Still the best from a mechanical stand point. Nothing beats the speed of that game.


8 v 8 team match running mirror lineups.



Open World PvP



Neither video was taken by me, though the first was a team I played for. The second I thought was a decent showing of open world pvp.

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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.


Absolutely. Holy crap - I loved the hell out of this game. There was no hand-holding, and the best part was the death penalty of: You dropped a number if high value items in your inventory INCLUDING your own gear should you not have proper death items. And a 5% reduction on all skills, that you could cap up to 50% if you kept dying. Talk about a real impetus to not die!


And yeah - the customization was amazing. The ability to take on 4 enemies and win was epic. Fights for dungeons to level - epic. Nothing beats this game back in it's hayday, and I'm not sure anything ever will because people want to be coddled so much these days. Bummer. /props for bringing this one up!

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except for the fact blood had a pole so far up his arse you could see 100 miles in any direction from his head. As well as the lvl 150 BM's they kept stationed on the tutorial dungeon in shoushi grove to nail level 5's when they came out.


When we did the FF attack (frostfel attack) an 100 of us all level 5 attacked DT, over 30 lvl 100-150 BM's hit us using Speed an warp hack, cos we were such a threat. LOL DT was an insult to the human genepool.


I used to hang out at shoushi with my level 80 the majority of the time - that and holtburg. It was great fun watching the noobs fight amongst each other. Then provide with the 'anti's' with gear, leveling assistance, advice etc...


But most of all, it was fun protecting them from Blood and the other RPK's. There was nothing better than watching 2-3 high level bloods come running in to slaughter some noobs, them i'd jump down from the tower and take one of them out before the others knew what hit them. Then when it was all over, i'd let the noobs loot their corpses. Good times!


Oh yeah, and we are talking AC in it's prime i.e. pre the level 126+ and macro era.

Edited by Jebi
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question about DaOC: was there pvp gear and did it break the game? If it was easy to get, so everyone was on the same playing field (which is what im understanding) that is important.


I think gear breaks mmo pvp. To break it down to its simplest form. It is not FUN to play against people who do not need skill to beat you. There is only one outcome when a person with no pvp gear faces a player with pvp gear.


Starwars should make a pvp set that is basically given away, putting players on an even playing field. This would bring back things like team play, skill, effort, heck even luck.


Right now its battlemasters fall asleep at the keyboard and half an enemy team dies. Its stupid. I personally think the gear is what is ruining this game's pvp.

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I used to hang out at shoushi with my level 80 the majority of the time - that an holtburg. It was great fun watching the noobs fight amongst each other. Then provide with the 'anti's' with gear, leveling assistance, advice etc...


But most of all, it was fun protecting them from Blood and the other RPK's. There was nothing better than watching 2-3 high level bloods come running in to slaughter some noobs, them i'd jump down from the tower and take one of them out before the others knew what hit them. Then when it was all over, i'd let the noobs loot their corpses. Good times!


Oh yeah, and we are clearly talk AC in it's prime i.e. pre the level 126+ and macro era.


lol man that sounds like the firsr time I went onto DT when FF was down. Just after they released the "go red dungeon quest". I remember some Anti saving me from a 100 BM in shoulshi.


I was a PK most of my gaming life after I stopped playing pve, Never liked Anti's for some reason. I think most of it was cos of the PK v Anti war's.

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question about DaOC: was there pvp gear and did it break the game? If it was easy to get, so everyone was on the same playing field (which is what im understanding) that is important.


I think gear breaks mmo pvp. To break it down to its simplest form. It is not FUN to play against people who do not need skill to beat you. There is only one outcome when a person with no pvp gear faces a player with pvp gear.


Starwars should make a pvp set that is basically given away, putting players on an even playing field. This would bring back things like team play, skill, effort, heck even luck.


Right now its battlemasters fall asleep at the keyboard and half an enemy team dies. Its stupid. I personally think the gear is what is ruining this game's pvp.


Daoc didn't have pvp gear. It had Reactive sets (highly expensive crafted gear). It had dungeon drops, world npc drops, sets from inside DF. Even the odd dragon raid if anyone could be bothered. Raiding was a bit of a sideshow in those days. None took it too seriously.

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The Old Republic. Easily the best put together.


I KNOW RIGHT?! I loved the unbalanced factions, horrible ability delay, impossible daily / weekly quests, and random drop gear system. But what do I know? I play on an RP - PVE server.


Never had a good experience with MMO pvp. Worst experience to date (no not you TOR) Aion. Second worse, yep, that would be you TOR. I guess the closest thing to good pvp I have had is Lineage 2. And we really shouldn't be so down on TOR, it is still a youngling after all.

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