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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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Warhammer online without doubt.


Castle sieges were great fun!


Lies... warhammer online pvp was trash. Well it was good until people figured out how to keep flip.


And it was to easy to avoid the other side when taking a keep by running to another zone to cap. Warhammer pvp was to easy.

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Without reading too many of the recent ones, I would just like to add that MEANINGFUL PvP, mostly Open PvP have always been my best experiences in mmo PVP.


UO: when it was not just kill or be killed, but also sometimes testing the waters to see if you could make a friend in a dangerous location.


Full loot of course was frustrating, but I have to say back before near every MMO became item centric, it was so refreshing to know I could look like an individual, be effective in combat, and that there was meaning behind logging into the game---as in fight or flight reactions, making friends, and knowing that not everything in the game world is safe and sound in your instanced backpack.


SHADOWBANE: with is open world kill or be killed mentality, and absolutely the most in depth MMO character customization I have ever enjoyed.


No, not the chargen, it was standard of its time, but the ability to pick attributes based on what you wanted to accomplish, use any weapon that you could experiment with, and place skill points in skills to increase their effectiveness


(if you played it Im sure you knew how many different builds their were throughout the cycle of the game, for each class, and the sheer madness that some people tried that became stables like mino doomsayers or aelf ww xbow squads)


The lore tied to the classes and the world making PvP feel meaningful in the struggle for territory, castle sieges, and PvE zones that were goldmine farming spots :D Balance was hard to find in such an in-depth system but for everything Shadowbane was it was the best PvP I've expeirenced (that was considered an MMORPG)


PLANETSIDE: wasn't an RPG as much as an FPS, but it took some positives and negatives of both and mashed it up into the most fun I've ever had in an online game. Period.


At its peak, imagine fps battles over bases that added/subtracted to your empire's productivity and abilities throughout the continents, massive battles were you truly had hundreds of people actively working together to take a base with coordinated airdrops, air assaults, tank battles, infiltration, gigantic footzergs, etc etc. Nothing comes close imo, it was just a shame they butchered it and didn't stand by their customer base.


Here's to hoping gl on #2


DCUO: It was more a console combat game than a true MMORPG, but also my favorite times in PvP were had here. Stringing combos together and block/blockbreaking mechanic made it so truly a skilled level 6 could kill a fresh top level player (granted his skill wasn't great :D and he wasn't in PvP gear, but that basically defined the gankers in that game)


Exploits and lack of information killed that game for me, but mechanically, this game's PvP was the best I have ever witnessed. This imho reinvented what I would love to do in any game's PvP combat as it truly felt skill based at the beginnings of the game before obnoxious PvP gear stats and rampant exploits. If you never played it but you like action-style (read: tekken-ish mixed with the various ideas from the above games) the combat is truly revolutionary.


Every MMO had its flaws, but those were my favorites. Just to add, very shortly as I know I already lost some readers :p---


SWTOR PvP didnt reinvent the wheel, but if anyone says it's not fun they aren't playing the right class or they are putting too much pressure on themselves. Granted Illum is very disappointing to me and with the only other feasible option usually being an instanced PvP match it can take a lot of wind out my sails being such a huge PvP fan.


My suggestion would be create more meaningful PvP experiences that have to do with the [ongoing fued and upcoming war] between the factions, incentives to underpopulated sides to help even balance, and more customization in every aspect of the game. Set and Setting for the individual in PvP experiences (whether in group PvP or solo opportunities) can really pump up the fun factor.


Not meaningful as in an in-game reason to want to fight for the cause, as much as a meaningful reason to get a majority of the game's PvP population to actively compete against each other because of the amount of fun it provides.


I play for fun, but I never said it was fun to lose :D


tldy for teh lazy- amigo you're on a forum Learn to read! hahah---but basically read the bolded and if you played them I'm sure we had similar tastes to a degree, if you didn't, just know that SET AND SETTING have made my experiences, and no I don't RP much !!!

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Warhammer online without doubt.


Castle sieges were great fun!

Gotta be kidding me, It was basically a cluster**** of 70+ people all fighting in a tiny bottleneck (the dreaded stairs of doom) and people spamming aoe spells.


Honestly the siege climax was probably the worst part of that game, out in the open is more reasonable, but still ends up zerg vs zerg and lots of lag or possibly crashing the server at some point.

Edited by Manigma
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DARK FALL is the best pvp mmo ever created the fact that wow is even on this post shows how many people no what a good pvp game is


Number 1 pvp game of all time is DARKFALL

Number 2 is EVE ONLINE hands down


Dont think any one will but if you want to argue DF not being the best pvp game ever you havent played it, one of the only games that actualy takes skill not gear and the only as far as i no FULL loot pvp system everything goes from gold gear to the mount your on nothing is safe....


Thats how pvp should be kill or be killed and the to the winner goes the spoils.


Another thing about it no one was your friend you could fight any one any time anyplace.

Edited by ChaoslegionX
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I haven't played DAOC but it seems like Mythic did something very right there with the PVP, and I have heard so much praise about it that i'm assuming that is the best PVP game overall.


I did play Warhammer for a long time though, and I think in it's current state that it's also a great PVP game. I'm surprised SWTOR has mediocre PVP, especially since Mythic is a part of EA now. You'd think they'd take the best things from those games and implement it into SWTOR.


3 faction PVP sounds great and works in DAOC but I don't know how it would work in SWTOR. No matter what BW does though, people will cry faction imbalance and favoritism toward one faction. :confused:

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Asheron's Call where the better player could easily beat the over geared ebay noob. Just because someone had better gear and was higher in level that didn't mean ****. Also looting bodies after you killed someone and scoring a mattekar robe was awesome!
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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.


QFT. I've been waiting a long time for the clone of this game, just hasn't seemed to surface. On top of the amazing PvP aspect, the looting system was hands down better than anything I have seen in ANY game, past or present.

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People keep saying DAoC.


You know that game still exists right? People keep saying how great it was, but apparently none of you still play it. How is the greatest thing ever so great that you stopped?


Is it because it's a 10 year old game with a $15/month sub fee? I'm guessing it's that.

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As someone else said, Asherons Call hands down. FFA open world pvp everywhere. Death penalty is you drop your most expensive gear, so you have to run around with really expensive enchanted robes so you dont lose any of your gear on death. At the very least, its a huge monetary loss, at most you lost your good gear, forever ><.


FFA allows for completely awesome dynamic player politics and constantly shifting territory. That along with the classless system and no CC to allow for a humongous skill cap made for the best PvP I have ever had. If they didn't take the servers down I would still be playing it.


Actually, the original AC servers are up and have always been up. AC 2 is the sequel that died and was shut down but the original game has been running for over 12 years now.


If there was a larger playerbase and a modern update to the graphics I'd still be playing it for sure myself.

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DAOC on Mordred was very diffferent to normal servers and all the better for it


AC1 first MMO


EQ2 Nagafen nothing like going exile theyve made everything too easy now


WAR well Bright Wizards apart really enjoyed some of the sieges was nearly v good


AION bit of a grind at times but flying and combat was fun


Rift every rerollers dream very nice being able to constantly change your class without having to completely reroll

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People keep saying DAoC.


You know that game still exists right? People keep saying how great it was, but apparently none of you still play it. How is the greatest thing ever so great that you stopped?


Is it because it's a 10 year old game with a $15/month sub fee? I'm guessing it's that.


Daoc pvp sucks actually. They have the best RvR or open world pvp but the pvp mechanics are stupid.


Group VS Group comes down to whoever gets the first Group Mez. It is a crowd control that incapacitates your chars for 20-30 secs. So when one group hits the other, they will start killing people one by one. If the others wake up, they get aoe stunned. Game over. So people have to use maphacks. if your group do not have maphack, they will get killed easily.


I just like fighting for the relics and trying to take/defend a keep.

Edited by xxdragonragexx
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You know that game still exists right? People keep saying how great it was, but apparently none of you still play it. How is the greatest thing ever so great that you stopped?


Is it because it's a 10 year old game with a $15/month sub fee? I'm guessing it's that.


1. TOA. (for some: NF)


2. Population.


3. The UI and graphics are rather too dated.

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QFT. I've been waiting a long time for the clone of this game, just hasn't seemed to surface. On top of the amazing PvP aspect, the looting system was hands down better than anything I have seen in ANY game, past or present.


One other thing that Asheron's Call did that no other game did that completely changed the way PvP felt. Collision Detection. You couldn't stand inside of someone on Darktide. If you wanted to, you could back someone into a corner and they couldn't leave by running through you and your friends. They had to take their beating.


I don't think anything ever will match Darktide '99-'01. Those 2 years were the best, and unless some fans band together and have the ability create a new game it will never come back.


It's such a shame taht only a couple thousand people experienced what is the best PvP MMO of all time.

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AC was probably the best pvp ever, you could counter anything with skill.


Really seperated the bads.


Darktide ftw. Miss the old days and my pvp bro Xevy and 10+ people hopping from one MMO to the next dominating everybody before PVP was really mainstream.


I want to play AC now =(

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I had the most fun with solo and small group world pvp on Ultima Online, pre trammel. My second favorite and very close to UO was early SWG. Crazy fun world pvp, ability to purchase bases and make a class the way you wanted. The only bad thing on early swg was the server lag when many people were involved in a battle, it was horrendous lag fest time.

I also enjoyed Auto Assault despite having had the worst class balance in a mmo ever.

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