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Everything posted by Hoooooooar

  1. I've seen two people mention star trek online........ mother of god. World of warcraft? Are you kiddin me. I've never wanted an internet gun more. I guess this new wave of gamers has no *********** idea what a good game is. WoW has a lot of commercials on MTV, and its the only PC game i've ever played. IT IS THE BEST. Daoc is clearly the winner, swtor please just steal that system exactly, prolly shoulda ripped off the crafting system too. I'll see you guys in 6 months maybe when this game is finished :0
  2. I don't believe the PVE servers all being empty and the PVP servers all being full support your facts.
  3. for the love of baby jesus why can't anyone just copy daoc. it was the best system ever, you dont even have to create new content just reuse all the textures give us a planet with a ton of bases and some relics, BAMMMMMM problem solved.
  4. Heres how my fights go against them as a maruader i force jump in i get cc'ed i break that i hit them a lot they use one of their bojillion abilities to slow me down and hurt me, and push me back still i continue then they are almost dead and then VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM away they go (sometimes i can force leap them and get em.
  5. Not even clever, or funny troll attempt, you're doing it wrong.
  6. well that was the great thing about daoc, if all you wanted to do was play pve easy mode, you never had to go to the frontiers and have your e-motions hurt by getting plowed over and over again. The pve was not stellar but it got better over the years. With huge budget IP's like star wars you'd of figured we could of had the best of both worlds.
  7. The only announcement i want to hear out of them is "We've talked about it, and..... yep, we are going to copy daoc's rvr sytem, thanks"
  8. 1. Daoc - reading this thread its pretty damn obvious why it's the best, and i've been hoping someone would copy this, but it hasn't happened yet. 2. Shadowbane - hard-mode daoc, + uo. 3. WW2online - its still pretty fun but still has client side registration so meh... it was showing its age the day it released, but it was also designed for dial up heh. 4. Planetside - ........ because it was.
  9. and the sign said long haired freaky healers need not apply.
  10. EA owns Mythic, so just steal daoc's system and you have just created the best mmo ever.
  11. Hmmm the google machine still doesn't say if you can craft items up to legendary. I put in a ticket (lol) and still didn't get an answer. Anyone know?
  12. someone needs to sticky mnkybttrs comments because its the only explination, and it isn't even from EA :0
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