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7.0 'expansion' = pure disaster ...We told You so ! .....and you where stubborn


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Meanwhile, myself and my friends have recently returned and are very much enjoying things. The new skill tree presents interesting choices I can experiment with. The mob tagging changes have made levelling less stressful. I even like the UI character sheet changes (but not the inventory..).


I imagine there's a strong reaction from players more emotionally invested in the game - and reading around, I've realised that most have never experienced any significant changes to the game for as much as 10 years. And I'm sure that really sucks - having things be different, realising that old habits and ways no longe work. We'll have to see how things move forwards.

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I've realised that most have never experienced any significant changes to the game for as much as 10 years. And I'm sure that really sucks - having things be different, realising that old habits and ways no longe work.


I'm not going to say that I was thrilled by the 6.0 changes either, so there's certainly some adjustment to any change. But part of my acceptance of the 6.0 changes was that they were preliminary steps for some long term plan which I just didn't have the vantage point to see.


Along comes 7.0 and I realize I was wrong, game updates are just a random back and forth game of new content for the sake of change. There is no long term plan. I was being naïve.


7.0 is a big disappoint for me.. the things that got me to log in daily have all been removed. I'll probably keep enjoying the stories on weekends until I get tired of repeating the same content but I just went from being a two hour per day seven hours per week on average player to a two hours per week player. I'm still subbed, obviously, so I'll use that time to maximize my rewards from Galactic Seasons but there will be a sharp drop off once my sub expires. You can also count me among those getting migraines from the inventory screen so if that's not fixed, I'll definitely be quitting altogether.


Also, your logic is flawed. The game has changed plenty over it's 10 year life so anyone who has been around has experienced change before.

Edited by red_onion
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FFXIV just dropped a 2.5 hour stream talking about their plans for the next 2 years with a new update every 4 months with new raids, new alliance raids, trials, new dungeon difficulties, a new deep dungeon, reputation quests, main story quests, a new hildibrand side story, a new minigame/housing type area that's gonna be like a animal crossing light.....the list goes on and on. They even talked about plans for their 7.0 which is still 2 years away with them upgrading the graphics and retexturing everything in the game.


Let's put this in proper perspective. FF14 did a stream about their plans for the next 2 years that lasted longer than Legacy of the Sith...

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I am a french player, and we are not glad too.


Disappointing but not so surprising,




This Update is part of a long line of disappointing Updates because since the game was released Biowara has accumulated bad choices, and players only had their eyes to cry ^^


Previously it was possible for us to stuff our pets so that their power depended on us, we had pvp stuff for pvp maps and war zones. There were also crafting conquests that allowed small guilds to match or even outright beat the bigger guilds, conquests made sense and if we were smart we could develop a strategy to, if not win, at least find in the top 10;


This was all trashed by Bioware.


So this update is not surprising in itself since it is very disappointing, like those that preceded it. The inventory is ugly, the stuff is non-modifiable and does not allow you to customize your character, I even happened to have two power relics on my marauder, 930 in critical and more than 2000 in alacrity: Long live the stuff index 318!


The character window with the inventory as a bonus is a notable improvement, the new zl too, even if in terms of content I expected better, the end boss bug will, I hope, be fixed quickly (hope done to live).


In short, I'm not going to detail everything, only that I'm on the verge of unsubscribing given this very disappointing update, even if it's not that catastrophic, because given Swtor's past I expected worse. But paying for a game that disappoints me more and more is not in my objectives, I will take the opportunity to do really interesting things, this Update will have at least been used for that: Thank you Bioware!

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Let's put this in proper perspective. FF14 did a stream about their plans for the next 2 years that lasted longer than Legacy of the Sith...


OMG you are right! I watched the stream and was just so pumped for what is coming next that I didn't even think of it from that perspective. It is really so terribly sad to see a game that I have loved for so long go the way it is going...

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Eves actually in a good place right now, mostly theres still some issues. lol Incarna still gets me going 11 years on so apologies for teaching your granny how to suck eggs. Still if you were there you can appreciate that the volume and scale of rage is nothing similar.


Yeah, but key difference:


CCPGames, for all their flaws and brazen corruption, eventually listened, and even abandoned that whole Incarna mess.


BioWare has barely ever even acknowledged that feedback exists, let alone listened or implemented.


Because to do so would require them to admit that they can do wrong, and this is not just impossible, but to them unthinkable.


Yes, really:


Read Jason Schrier's pieces on BioWare Magic vis-a-vis the Mass Effect: Andromeda fiasco, but especially the more recent one about the Anthem débacle, and how utterly craven and toxic their management really is, and see why BW games are as they are since 2012-ish.

(And then once you've finished, think carefully about how ready you are to give your money to a company that treats its people like that, if you have even a scrap of decency in you.)


EVE really isn't in any kind of good pace right now, not what it was at its peak which was 2008 - Summer 2011, and never again will be. The death spiral started with being able to trade/sell skill points catalysed by a cash-shop-only item that can't be manufactured by players.

No, EVE as we knew and loved it is finished, it's only a matter of when, not if.


'devs sniffing their own farts and convinced it's ambrosia from Heaven' Most people who work on ToR have 0 input in the games design philosophy/ Its just normal dudes doing their jobs and in the case of Swtor I suspect on a terribly small, overstretched budget. The people who are responsible for any issues yopu might have are way above the average Developers pay grade. Most of whom got into development becuase they grew up as gamers.


Again, read the Schrier articles --There's more than enough blame to go around, here.

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Bioware there's just one way to stop the exodus!!!


Roll back what you did!!

Return the removed abilities!!

Return the old passives choice system!!

Fix the UI or return the old UI!!

Give us moddable equip or keep the old one (6.0)!!![/b][/size]


Unfortunately this will never happen, there will be no rollback and no return of the abilities. the most we may get is the UI fixed and moddable equipment around June or so (just guessing) when they put in the crafting system. Isnt that how it goes. At the start of the expac you force everyone to do the content to grind their gear. then at the halfway point you add something else that allows everyone else to catch up, without the grind. WoW is famous for it

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With all the hate about 7.0, I wonder how many of the people actually canceled their sub?


I just did, this "expansion" felt more like a patch that nerfed and took away, added more grind and added a little bit of new story. I can't support that, especially if it's called an expansion. They should have spent all that time focusing on new content instead of everything else they did.

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I've more or less come to realize that this expansion/game development going forward is directed by a landslide at the consumption of the existing leveling experience.


When you look at it that way everything makes a lot more sense.


They grabbed new people with a flashy trailer and will try to make a buck off of them by the time they get to end-game. Facilitated their experience by simplifying gameplay and retooling the UI to the point of the game playing itself (3 numbers on the "character detail" screen and we give you green/red arrows in case you're more of a visual type). I'm guessing retention metrics weren't great and BW probably concluded information overload had some part in it.


Sure the existing player base will grumble at lack of development as opposed to recycling and dumbing down, but a) not that many of them and/or b) if they're still here they're proven masochists, so they will by and large just take it again like champs, cos of the IP.

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I just did, this "expansion" felt more like a patch that nerfed and took away, added more grind and added a little bit of new story. I can't support that, especially if it's called an expansion. They should have spent all that time focusing on new content instead of everything else they did.


The one of the main focuses of the expansion was mostly on the combat styles, the story will be added to throughout the year. I also don’t see where the hate for 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a good update, in my opinion

Edited by trevmnanm
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Beta account here. Posts going all the way back to when this forum came up after release. I am out. The changes here killed the joy of the game. Attempting these kinds of combat changes (this long after release) while also changing the fundamentals of the game in such a large way towards grind is insane. I have not seen anything done like this to an MMO since SWG's NGE...not even the UI changes make sense at all. Who actually approved the idea to double the size of the inventory window while also adding eye sore glows to each box? That person needs to be publicly named and blacklisted from the industry. Mind you, the person that APPROVED IT, not the one that came up with the idea or did the actual work. And thats not even getting into how the gear changes were made without ensuring that weapons could be added to the outfitter so people WHO SPENT MONEY on the weapons they wanted could actually effing USE THEM.


It is clear those that made this has not a care for the players and no amount of arguments can defend these things in a way that says otherwise. This industry needs to wake up and realize that when you do not listen to the players, your game does not succeed. FFXIV went from one of the worst launches in MMO HISTORY to being the #1 SUBSCRIPTION based MMO on the planet. And they listened to the players over and over again while games like this squeak bye as F2P...


I also don’t see where the hate for 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a good update, in my opinion


I also don't see where the enjoyment of 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a bad update, in my opinion.


The art of saying something without saying anything at all in a "discussion". You did not add anything to the thread.

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The one of the main focuses of the expansion was mostly on the combat styles, the story will be added to throughout the year. I also don’t see where the hate for 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a good update, in my opinion


What exactly is good about it? The UI is terrible, the combat styles are pointless (I can't even switch specs when queued into group finder), the group finder is broken with this "rotation" removing the ability to do any kind of daily reward for alts who are not level 50+ because no low level FP is available this week, we have less skills than we had in 1.0 (I'm leveling an alt right now and at level 30 I feel like I'm level 10 still with how few skills I have), the gearing "upgrade" system is awful and the "content" is less than 2 hours long.


Why should I be "optimistic" about the future when their "expansion" equates to smaller updates than other MMO's? An "expansion" that can't even give a proper fleshed out story line. Why should I continue to stay here when FFXIV just gave me an expansion with a fully fleshed out story that was 40 hours long and a recent stream showing a road map of everything they are planning all the way to 7.0 with updates every 4 months? BioWare can't even give us a basic road map.


And the hate is from people who know biowares tendencies. Regardless of what the developers claim they will do (we were promised consistent story updates for onslaught as well) it takes them years to add anything. Onslaughts first story patch was literally an introduction to a character with a single cutscene that was less than 5 minutes and then it was over a year before anything meaningful was added.


I love this game. I've been around since the beta and I stayed a subscriber for years up until 5.X where I have just watched the game go downhill with each "update" getting less and less content and them removing more and more stuff. I hate what BioWare is doing to easily my favorite MMO in a long time and has led me to subscribe maybe once or twice a year if that because there's so little added to the game. I can go two years without playing and very little changes in terms of content.

Edited by Raansu
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The one of the main focuses of the expansion was mostly on the combat styles, the story will be added to throughout the year. I also don’t see where the hate for 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a good update, in my opinion


Everyone’s entitled to an opinion even when they’re wrong 😑

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What exactly is good about it? The UI is terrible, the combat styles are pointless (I can't even switch specs when queued into group finder), the group finder is broken with this "rotation" removing the ability to do any kind of daily reward for alts who are not level 50+ because no low level FP is available this week, we have less skills than we had in 1.0 (I'm leveling an alt right now and at level 30 I feel like I'm level 10 still with how few skills I have), the gearing "upgrade" system is awful and the "content" is less than 2 hours long.


Why should I be "optimistic" about the future when their "expansion" equates to smaller updates than other MMO's? An "expansion" that can't even give a proper fleshed out story line. Why should I continue to stay here when FFXIV just gave me an expansion with a fully fleshed out story that was 40 hours long and a recent stream showing a road map of everything they are planning all the way to 7.0 with updates every 4 months? BioWare can't even give us a basic road map.


And the hate is from people who know biowares tendencies. Regardless of what the developers claim they will do (we were promised consistent story updates for onslaught as well) it takes them years to add anything. Onslaughts first story patch was literally an introduction to a character with a single cutscene that was less than 5 minutes and then it was over a year before anything meaningful was added.


I love this game. I've been around since the beta and I stayed a subscriber for years up until 5.X where I have just watched the game go downhill with each "update" getting less and less content and them removing more and more stuff. I hate what BioWare is doing to easily my favorite MMO in a long time and has led me to subscribe maybe once or twice a year if that because there's so little added to the game. I can go two years without playing and very little changes in terms of content.


Like I said, to me 7.0 is a good update, I don’t mind the changes and I had little to no expectations with 7.0, so the expansion didn’t disappoint me

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Like I said, to me 7.0 is a good update, I don’t mind the changes and I had little to no expectations with 7.0, so the expansion didn’t disappoint me


Again.....what is good about it? Objectively outside of a simple somewhat neat feature removing advanced classes from the basic class, what about this update is remotely good? What about this update constitutes the title of an expansion? Your shilling for a bad update isn't helpful.


We all love this game and want it to do well, but being "ok" with the bare minimum is not a good thing.

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The one of the main focuses of the expansion was mostly on the combat styles, the story will be added to throughout the year. I also don’t see where the hate for 7.0 is coming from, 7.0 is a good update, in my opinion


Tell you what. I will post an apology for my criticisms on the 11th anniversary if, in the mean time, they add 4x the story and give it a good, solid resolution, squash the hoards of new bugs, make conquest fun again, fix the UI so it is efficient and doesn't hurt people, and rebalance combat and mobs across the board.

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alright after couple of days actually playing this abomination of a expansion i found something positive: the class buffs are passive now so you don't have to rebuff yourself from time to time....that's it lol


There's a downside to that, too, though.


On the starter planets, it was nice to be able to give new players a little extra help by giving them a buff that they wouldn't normally have access to. Especially if you had all four unlocked.


It's too bad we can't do that anymore.

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All you need to know about the quality and design skill in this expansion is that they increased the level cap, and at the SAME time they gutted skills out of your class. So you have more levels to grind through with LESS to show for it...If they want to make you pick between necessary skills you are used to using, they should be grouped in a sensible way...like pick a mez from 3 mez's, not choose between a mez, or an escape, or damage ability, 2 out of 3 are essential to gameplay and iconic for the class. These people are morons. They have broken what wasn't broken, needlessly.


It is completely asinine.



If it ain't broke, fix it til it is.

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There's a downside to that, too, though.


On the starter planets, it was nice to be able to give new players a little extra help by giving them a buff that they wouldn't normally have access to. Especially if you had all four unlocked.


It's too bad we can't do that anymore.


Also minor thing but buff doesn't affect companion after coming out of a vehicle straight into combat, you used to be able to manually reapply buff in this case, now you can't so they are slightly weaker unless you always come out of vehicle first so buff applies before entering combat.

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Also minor thing but buff doesn't affect companion after coming out of a vehicle straight into combat, you used to be able to manually reapply buff in this case, now you can't so they are slightly weaker unless you always come out of vehicle first so buff applies before entering combat.

they've been nerfed in general , you can barely do H2 quests anymore

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