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meddani last won the day on June 29

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  1. not like this travesty of a game gets class balanced anyway
  2. who talks about three classes attacking at once? won't even bother with the rest if you start like that lol.
  3. no and no. this class is beyond busted for a while now, especially engi
  4. i'm german and i use the english version, in fact i do this with all of my games. i don't like hearing my native language in games (movies are fine), idk why lol. getting rid of the german dub wouldn't bother me at all.
  5. people saying "thank you for responding or communicating" like it isn't the bare minimum they should do LMAO
  6. when are you guys gonna fix this? gotta love orbs you can't use to power up your pylons so your stuck with them as a buff and losing the game....
  7. you didn't like how the castrated 2 out of 3 mara speccs? there's a reason you don't see them in pvp (or barely) anymore. or you don't like how snipers can root/slow you forever while having the option to delete 50%+ of your health with one GCD? blasphemy! 😃
  8. dude look up the date of the posts and when they actually implemented this stuff lol
  9. ^what eliadil said. augments do make a difference, even the purple ones.
  10. also one of the reasons why this is still up and running, any other IP and this game would'Ve been shut down years ago
  11. the best thing if you dc you get punished aswell, 10/10 dev team .
  12. guys/girls, stop complaining. devs never gonna listen, this game entered maintenance mode for some time now, enjoy the rest of your time with this game before the inevitable shut down is happening in the near future.
  13. 1. disagree about the gearing , you only need 2 tokens at the time, warzone and ranked ones (the latter one you can trade for warzone ones) 2. worse than what we have now? compared to now 5.X looks like a masterpiece lol edit: agree about the augments, they introduced like 2-3 new tiers of augs
  14. you sure you're on the right forum for the right game?
  15. all of 1.X , 2.X , 3.X and 6.X were my favorites , didn't like 4.X because they introduced the mastery stat because people were too dumb to figure out each class main stat and the changes to crit/surge lol
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