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Petition: Server Transfers


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There have been several threads about server merges but still no word from the management. Myself and several other guild leaders have tried to save our server ToFN but the sudden increase in transfer costs caused a flood of panic migrations and whilst we did our best to prevent it, the damage had already been done.


The lone-wolves and smaller guilds on our server are getting the brunt of it since a lot of them are having trouble getting raid groups together so they end up collapsing. Currently, this benefits the larger guilds like mine since we take their remaining members but this won't last long. Everyone is suffering from lack of PvP, R-PvP and GSF pops and unless you have a pre-made group from your guild then you'll be lucky to get a GF raid.


I've spoken with several guild leaders on my server, representing over 1000 active accounts and we all agree, despite our attempts to fight the storm, we just can't stay.


Why didn't you all move already?

Each guild/person has their own reasons. Personally, I really had faith that they wouldn't let our servers get this bad without a merger happening and I didn't want to leave people behind that had strong connections with others on the server. I figured when/if the time came we would all get to move together. None of us could of predicted they would end the cheap transfers just as the summer holidays where about to begin.


The fact is we have given up on server merges. We get it, there's not enough people left to make it worth your time prioritising development of a method to move strongholds and all the other stuff. There is a rumor that merges may be coming in Q3/Q4 but by then it will be far too late. On top of that, there are still people that do not want to move, they enjoy the quieter servers.


How can you help?

Please post in this thread to show that you want cheap/complimentary transfers to be temporarily re-enabled. You don't have to write a block, just say "Help me move!". Let them know we're not happy and it's not just a small number of us.


I will encourage people on my server to post here and I ask that you all do the same. Even if you are already living in one of the destination servers please post here to help your lost friends, brothers and sisters find their way back to you.


Tait, Eric, we stuck it out, we tried our best to prevent the need for merges, we really had faith that you would help us and you still can. Please re-enable the cheap transfers for another month or give us a single complimentary transfer for each of our characters. Don't punish us for having faith in you.


Help us Tait/Eric, you're our only hope! :w_angelic:


Update 1: Bens Reply

Update 2: Taits Marathon Twitch Livestream Replies

Update 3: Eric confirms 90CC price and that we'll know more in news post this Monday/Tuesday

Update 4: 90 CC transfer discount is returning for 1 week Thursday, May 26th – Sunday, June 5th

Update 5: I created a character transfer guide, hope it helps

Edited by UlaVii
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and while you are at it increase the character limit per server (or even better, make transfers just reduce the limit by 1 in the source server, and increasing by 1 in the destination, not requiring more purchases for us), I can't be the only one who will have to leave some characters behind due to already having characters on destination servers (and no, "play with these characters" isn't always an answer when it comes to rwz rating, hardcore progress and conquests, not to mention people who share accounts with brothers and having different people have toons on different servers, and I personally know some) and that would also be quite unacceptable. not our fault that this massive leave was an "unhandled exception".

Edited by Rafiknoll
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Agreed this need's to be done before you do the same as S.O.E did to SWG and kill of the game by making simple mistakes and not listen to us

i sub and love the game but the lack of groups for sm / hm modes and pvp if your solo is a nightmare

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Help Me Move!


On behalf of the Dutch Empire (We are not big guild).


But I must say I already paid for an alt to move to red eclipse. Our guild cannot raid anymore with 5 max opsers online.

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Help me move! Seriously.


Two months ago, GSF queues would still pop after 10 minutes, unranked Warzone queues were near instantaneous and on all planets you would cross paths wil folks. Now I have given up hope of GSF ever popping at all, non-events planets are empty and the server has been bled dry by mass transfers towards The Red Eclipse.


Indeed those who had faith and staid behind, trusting you to healthily manage server populations and/or move towards a big server merge, are worse for it. We are stuck on a dead, dried out, planet. Please give us either a complimentory server transfer for each max level character, or reduce the prices again to the 90 CC and allow us to play this game as a MMO.



Edited by stef_bocklin
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Seriously Bioware, you f*ck with players again?! You know if this wasn't about Star Wars, most poeple would be already gone because how you treat them...


So again - either make the global merge (you have done this before) or stop making money on last not-merged players, and STOP *********** WITH US! I used to be a big fan of you, now I'm just disgusted... :mad:

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Help me Move too, i love this game(Bioware), and i don`t want to give it up because i can`t find anyone to play it with, the decline of the number of players on ToFN has had a huge negative impact on the of the game, Starfighter hasn`t poped in a very very long time, half a dozen of months, and it`s getting worse for ranked or ops gf. Some of us me included have been logging in less and less, i don`t want to leave my characters and my friends behind and start anew, it`s not the same, so please Help us Move, keep the game social and engaging, and we will fill EA`s pockets(full of CC).
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