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Everything posted by Azuyr

  1. TOFN is in bad shape too. Climbed from 40ms to 300kms in 2 minutes...in my Nar Shaddaa stronghold. The game is unplayable. Fix these issues!
  2. Not the sole reason. All competitive and great pvp guilds are dead. This happened after the introduction of arenas. No real point in being a guild if you only need a team of 4 people. And boy, those teams played objectives. Now people barely know what objectives mean. Warzones are a dpsmeter. /Rip
  3. That's why 1 will cap and the other 7 will try to prevent the enemies from stopping the capper. DoH! What kind of pvp players would try to cap an objective all at the same time?
  4. Wake me up when 8v8 ranked is back. Also, the objective capping change makes me cringe. Seems like a bad idea.
  5. No. They play it because it because of Unstoppable. The last op ability juggs still have.
  6. Played both, like both, but Vengeance is better(though it pains me I can't say rage). It's better at defense and at successfully rooting enemies. Charge(1st root) -> Ravage(2nd root)->Saber throw with root from utility(4th)->Impale autocrit from vindicator set->shatter->Ravage(5th). This is, clearly, hypothetical, but most of the times, attacked player will panic and use breaker. Also, Vengeance has a nice and simple flow, compared to Rage, where you have to hit certain abilities to obtain procs and knockbacks and stuns often screw up your rotation. Damage wise, Rage IS superior, considerably so, I would say, and if you focus targets well with other players I would say it can be more effective than vengeance. But being cc-ed leaves a lot of open windows where you lose time(=therefore, damage), and Vengeance makes up in that. I think people should test both more and explore, and then post feedback regularly, based on results .
  7. Can't believe how ruined my pvp tank spec is. Tried to go deep Immortal but it just doesn't work and without consistent pocket healing you are as squishy as a sorcerer. Considering of changing perspective and going for dummy smash. Also, my wife (who plays sorcerer) is raging that Bioware removed instant Whirlwind. So I guess I'm not getting any tonight. Thank you BioWare!
  8. The video below pretty much sums up my reaction to this latest news :
  9. I have a life. I've played since the launch and a couple of days before via preorder. And I still haven't reached level cap, I'm still not bored and I'm definetly not racing towards level 50. I know lots of mmo-players who skip all the dialogues (and miss all the fun imo), play 20 hours a day, do all the heroics, etc. and then come complain they don't have enough content. People, when you subscribed, you didn't subscribe for an alternate life, but for a game. Start playing some sport, read a book, do some charity or something and wait for new content to be released. When WoW was launched, all they had was Zul Gurub if I recall. And after 7 years, people are still playing that.
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