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Everything posted by Rafiknoll

  1. Rafiknoll

    Back-fill Mania

    The thing is there is no such thing as "faction loyalty" for the grand majority of players, and there never was. There is no reason to think that the cross-faction discourages backfillers from trying to win now more than it used to be before the X-fac. The only differences are: 1. Due to more people not trying to win at all (number farmers), more objective players are quitting. 2. The system that prevented hopeless backfilling is no longer functional. The first is an unfixable player problem, resulted by the shift in the average mental age of the audience of this game. The second is a dev error. If they returned things to how they were, hopeless matches would be cancelled sooner, so there would be no more backfillers who get annoyed by entering a 600-100 game, and also queue times will decrease a little because such matches with quitters will end prematurely. It might also discourage number farmers from playing because premature ending = lower totals
  2. Rafiknoll

    Back-fill Mania

    There used to be a system that prevented backfills when a match reaches a certain progression (such as hypergate's 3rd round or ACW below 200 points). It made things so that if a losing team gets too many quitters, it will result in a premature match cancellation. For some reason this system seems to have been taken off at some point. A bad decision in my opinion, but it has nothing to do with the cross-faction. The solution for this situation is to get this system back up.
  3. I am still not sure I understand what the problem is. All one needs to do in order to look good is to absolutely ignore what gear he actually equips and use his cartel items SOLELY in the outfit designer. The only exception for that is weapons (by the way, SWTOR should really adapt what AC Odyssey did with their appearance designer which lets you outfit the look of your weapon as well as long as it is the same weapon type). So these are two completely unrelated factors: 1. For stats: Get and equip the top gear, doesn't matter if you move the mods somewhere else or not. 2. For looks: Put the gear that you wish to look like in the outfit designer.
  4. Rafiknoll

    Warzone Rally

    I don't think that is the case (just take a look at a few other big threads), more likely is that no one else knows more about this to contribute to this conversation more than Trixxie's answer. That's true in my case, at least, sorry.
  5. I am NOT getting into the main argument here, but I just wanna comment that this particular thing is, and always was, meaningless. One has to be extremely unlucky or extremely careless (trigger boost and go AFK, for example) in order to not gain a single CXP boost from a crate for the whole duration of the last CXP boost. In fact, it is more likely you will get more than 1, so a CXP boost is a self-returning investment, and there is no need to use in-game or real currency to get them. I didn't buy any since the first few when it was released, and even then it was my lack of experience that led me to do so because clearly, one would have been enough. They just keep piling up on their own now. The fact some people can choose to spend money to get them rather than get them for free is a trap at best, not a P2W.
  6. I am with you there. At this point, I don't even care if "SWTOR remastered" is a new version without the ability to import accounts. The vanilla version of the game (even the solo aspects only) and up to about 4.0 in most aspects is so good that it deserves a good 2019-level technology. Gimme a SW RPG (MMO or not) which works as well as the 2 newest assassin's creed games, and I will probably drop anything else for it (Heck, I started playing it only for the reason of it technically being "KOTOR 3"). However, keep making this game closer to "ME Andromeda" (a display of "quantity and deadlines" over "quality and results"), and nothing will save it...
  7. All 8 class stories, all expansion main stories up to KOFTE (including), and even all planetary stories and side missions (it is OK to recycle a few planets rather than add more and more, though. Give Manaan some love!) Sound (both music, voice-acting and effects are amazing) Gear variety (extra points for dye modules and the appearance designer, and the ability to swap full appearance in a button click, of course). Good character creator with many options. Cool animation to most abilities, including the receiving ends of some (love these large knives on the target's of operatives. Not many games bother with the receiving ends at all). All the old flashpoints up to Umbara are not buggy and fun. Tanking, both in PVE and in PVP, is actually meaningful and fun (too bad about the existence of skanks though) G! S! F! Variety in the objectives of PVP so it isn't too repetitive (At least in the "dev layer". Too bad some people are "bored" by this variety anyway so they choose to switch any kind of map to TDM, so the resulted reduced variety won't bore them )
  8. 1. I am not even going to try to guess where were the commas supposed to be here. Too many options. Maybe install some auto-spelling add-on? 2. interesting, I respond to your invite to fight with an invite to fight and you are suddenly being evasive. We have a word for people like you. It’s called “female puppies”. [Female readers, don't take this seriously, it's a reference. Look at the previous posts] 3. Let's assume you did kill me (and I don't. See number 4): far as I care I was luring you and all your friends away from the node so we can win the match, and even during my death I was thinking "hehe, stupid enemies. I can't believe this simple trick worked on so many". You are so unfit for objective mindset so I will tell you: If my death serves the victory of the team, I will let this happen. You should do the same if you realize the realized the real goal in the game. 4. You killed me, eh? Humor us all and do tell me what is my legacy name, character name, and the class I was playing, and also when, please. Even better, post a video as proof if you have one. Ignoring this request will expose you as the lying kid that you are being now... 5. You literally (the real meaning of "literally") ignored everything I said for the lack of a good response, didn't you? Too bad I am able to respond to what you say AND say new things in the same post. A very useful skill for any human conversation
  9. I was hoping this is a good show. I am demonstrating how to use salt without offending any self-recognizing group (Except for "number farmers", because I actually do think being members of this group is a problematic feature )
  10. I think it would look less annoying if the objective required only 2 for daily and 7 for weekly but only progress for wins. It actually is worse than the current system (because losing is now 0 progression) but I think seeing a number like "50" is more discouraging (after all, assuming wins, the whole difference between 20 and 50 is in your head). Also, unlike the current "50", not rewarding losses at all will make farming 100% inviable. So "idle queuing" for the "benefit of losing" (which is a common tactic for mat farmers. They can watch Youtube and do other stuff as they do this) will be out of the question. To be honest, the new system is designed to discourage mat farmers but it only slows them down, it doesn't waste their time ("idle queueing"). The only people who DO lose time are those who actually play. So in the current system, a dedicated farmer is less discouraged than a real player who simply sometimes loses. If only wins progressed, while completing the weekly still takes more time, it is a complete shutdown to idle farming, which means you will not see that kind of farmers anymore. Might serve the purpose better and annoy less dedicated players.
  11. To be fair, maximizing output or efficiency in almost anything requires a spreadsheet. The sad thing is that the maximal speed is so low, that anything below it is almost unacceptable. So more people have to care about that, instead of the normal situation where most people go "who cares if it takes me 50% longer. It's just a few more days and I am having fun anyway". Now we are more like "I can't let it take 1% more time than necessary. It is a full week of suffering"
  12. Jeez. I know some necro'ed threads that STARTED in 2012 but this one even ENDED in 2012 and is still on topic. Makes you wonder, assuming the game still runs in 2025, what will the gear grind be like? Imagine if the situation now is 100x better than it would be now :eek::eek: Now reread the last paragraph and replace "gear grind" with each of the following: "merc OPness", "class imbalance", "number farming", "queue times"
  13. They theoretically could improve in the game "hacked SWTOR" until they are "good" in it. Then either they get noticed too much (due to their impact on the game getting bigger) and get banned or the cheat gets known enough so the devs act upon it and disable it somehow. Either way they will realize that improving in "hacked SWTOR" didn't help them at all in "SWTOR" itself, and they will have to start over again
  14. There are 2 subject here mainly (correct me if I am wrong): 1. Is using toxicity / insults a good way to keep PVPers in line in terms of not ruining matches. 2. Which insults should be considered "beyond the line" and which not. About the 2nd topic, it is a matter of perspective. I agree that making a too long list of bad words will devalue it, but think a general rule of "do not use any title that a group of people might identify themselves with" could work. This included races, genders and conditions. This does not include "imbecile, moron" or even "motherfu.cker" because no one identifies himself as such and can be offended because it is used as an insult (Unlike "autist", "jew", "N" etc.) My point there is, it is not how terrible is the word that is said, and I don't really mind what people call their target. My concern is about people ("bystanders") who aren't the target and are offended because their group's name is used as an insult. They have done nothing to deserve any offense, after all. Specifically, in this case, I care less about an autist who doesn't care about being one, or a non-autist being called "Autist", than I care about the other autists who do feel bad about their conditions and might see the message. [say whatever you want in /whisper. The red line there is absolutely further away] By the way, it is very mature of those who belong to a certain group to take no offense when it is used as an insult, but it still is very normal (and not to childish) to take offense from such things. This is why I think that despite mature people like Setarade who are "immune" to these things, it still is sensible to protect those who aren't. About the first topic, I see where you are coming from and it IS an effective deterrent against people who would ruining matches "casually" (not for the sake of trolling and annoying, but for laziness maybe). It will demotivate such people effectively when they see how bad things escalate if they do that. However, it actually encourages those who do it for the sake of annoying and angering. The number 1 troll killer is lack of attention. Since we can't have it here in a match because he keeps impacting our team negatively, the next best deterrent is if the entire team keeps it nonchalant "let's kick and report him" and express no further anger than merely stating the fact that he is a pest. If anger is expressed than his goal is achieved, and in his twisted way (every troll is somewhat twisted) he enjoys it, especially as I mentioned that sometimes people side with him simply because the offense go too far to their taste, such as when death wishes or racist comment start piling. Now the question is which group of game ruiners is bigger. My experience is that the troll group is bigger, so I support the calm reaction. If you experience is different, I can see where you are coming from. [ideally, the best way to is to try and evaluate what kind of ruiner is it and respond in the most effective tone accordingly. But this is quite hard to do during the match if you still want a chance to win. Also, you can't decide the tone of the whole group, only your own]
  15. It's a common mistake these days. "Let's settle this like men" means to most people "let's settle these like primitive apes and fight". I am not gonna spend a single CC to move over just to make a point. In addition, you fail to understand your failure as a human being (being as toxic and self-important as you are), which is the cause of the topic of this thread (=bad language and behavior) is not at all compensated by your in-game skills, even if you do have such. But by all means, keep telling everyone how better you are and how terrible they are if this is the only way to stabilize your self-image. P.S: We never tested who is better in the game, but you may wish to improve a bit when it comes to the thing that is called "punctuation" if you ever want to compete with literally anyone else here. This competition does not require server transfer
  16. I never said to stay quiet about intentional throwers. I think this phenomenon is cancer and the main problem in all PVP. Calling them out and raising awareness of them to make it hard for them to keep playing without constant kicks and reports is exactly what you should keep doing to get rid of them. Also in the cases that they aren't throwers but are simply bads or DPS farmers who don't call inc before they die (and are sometimes to ashamed to call after). You should let the, be aware that they can and should do better. What I am talking about is the form of your calls. You can say, as you said: "vote kick X, they are afk", which is totally fine, and you can say "kick X, this <profanity><mental condition><reproductive organ> is afk", which isn't fine. I don't think most sane people start from this low level but, as you said for some reason it "gets toxic from there", and it shouldn't. I said the following about the person himself receiving feedback but it is also true about the other teammates getting aware of him: Everyone who would regard and act upon a toxic "attention: this guy is ruining our game" will regard and act upon this kind of message even when it is not toxic. When toxicity is added to the equation, you only risk some "chat sensitives" to side with him against you or try to "calm you down" because you are toxic. I had this warzone not long ago. Someone was AFK in the corner stealthy, and a team member of mine noticed it before I did, so he called him out very toxically (it involved death wishes and some bad words that are used to insult dark skinned people). I was deep in combat so I didn't have time to chat myself at the exact time it happened, but among the few who did respond, only one more joined in calling out against the AFKer's while the rest was "chill dude, it just a game", "death wishes are off limits" and counter-profanity from an actual dark-skinned player who really didn't appreciate the N word. It ended quite fast because the guy who called the AFKer out quit the match. At this point it just didn't feel right to call the AFKer out properly, so he just stayed there till the end. In the end, I reported both him (as I report any AFKer) and the one who called him out with profanity. Only the caller got banned so far. So fine, I was mistaken in understanding you. You didn't mean you call to correct the ones being called, you meant you call to make the rest of the group notice. I still don't see how does using swears and profanity make it more effective. I CAN see it can be counterproductive... I don't think everyone would start a whole thread complaining about people who objectively complain about others who ruin games, do you?
  17. Not really, but I am sure THEY believe so. If they considered themselves as people with any kind of "anti-social skills" they wouldn't use it as an insult against others.
  18. You don't understand: the insult is that autists have poor social skills because of things outside of their control, while the insulters are superior because they willingly ignore their supposedly fully functional social skills and choose to act anti-socially. In other words: Being an autist is an insult because unlike the insulters, the autist's situation is NOT his fault. OHHHH waaaaiit...
  19. A mission to win a reg match once per week per character wouldn't make any difference. Even unlucky and unskilled number farmers win once in a while if they play enough time due to the randomness of their own team and the enemy team. If people will get even slightly more toxic if their weekly's completion is delayed by a match or two, they would already be toxic because the old weekly rewards x2 for win. It will make no difference. But we can avoid this problem too if you think it is necessary. Change the mission to: "Complete a warzone match with 8 medals or more". There you go: no quitting, no winning required, 8 medals.
  20. For some reason there are two separate arguments here: 1. No one denies bad language is bad but nothing should be enforced because the suffering site should grow a backbone. [This is what I was mostly responding to, at least recently] 2. Bad language and all forms of toxicity in general are a logical and normal response to (intended or unintended) bad performance in PVP. I don't even see why is number #2 being discussed. Let's stay true to ourselves here: There is no kind of badly-performing player (troll / noob / bot / whatever) who will take toxic/angry feedback and improve his gameplay who wouldn't take non-toxic calm objective feedback and improve his gameplay just as well. Every bad player falls in either of the categories: the ones who don't care to play well or don't care to win, who will ignore any kind of feedback and never improve their way, or the ones who want to win and try to win but simply aren't good enough, in which case, any feedback which includes helpful tips and not only random profanity will help them improve. Some of the 2nd group might get mad at toxic feedback and temporarily switch to the first group, but there is simply no sense in thinking that a nice constructive feedback will ever have less success than an offensive constructive feedback (and most offensive feedback is so passionate that it leaves no room for any constructive element anyway). That is all there is to number 2. There simply exists no scenario that benefits from toxicity that wouldn't benefit the same or better without it. About the "I will spread bad word about them in the group" part: unless they are doing something reportable, there is no benefit in making someone's badness a public topic (if it IS reportable like hacking or explicitly wintrading, by all means carefully spread the word to increase the number of reports). You only risk them reporting the chat and getting the most active participants squelched. Nothing will change simply due to the fact that more people talk toxic about them.
  21. It is a weekly. The maximal number of matches that can be affected by this kind of behavior is one per character of these idiots. Now let's think: If these quitters are PVPers anyway: they will stay because what is the difference between staying in the match which completed the weekly and staying in any other match? So they are not PVPers. So these people are probably not PVPers and they don't normally PVP at all. In that case: 1. It might take them the majority of the match or even a few matches to get 8 medals. 2. Nothing lost anyway. With new weekly: they play once more more (see number 1). Without it: they play none. You actually just one a small wave of useless queue-fillers (which existed since forever anyway. Labeled: noobs) per weekly reset. I don't say it is a good thing. But it really isn't such a problem compared to the obvious benefit for all players of getting 1 more crystal per week.
  22. Whoever needs experience about sorting a list on any PC program in 2018 is either too young or too old to play an MMO. It is basic intuition, it could be his first game ever and I wouldn't be suprised.
  23. I will drop here two things: 1.The best football (soccer, whatever you call it) teams would lose ALL their games if not for the goalkeeper, but none of them lose all their games due to not having a superstar. Hence objective is more important than "numbers". The fact that fans drool more about numbers doesn't make them more important. I hope these "legendary attackers" are capable of at least assisting in blocking goals when necessary. Usually, a good offense and lack of defense will lose versus a mediocre defense and mediocre offense. 2. To get the greatest crit possible, you need to have 0 alacrity and overstack power and crit. Your performance in combat will be far lower, but the flytexts will always show greater numbers (just the time interval between them will be greater as well). Worshipping the biggest hit is dumb even for number farmers...
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