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*Please* add chat logging; save roleplay communities from RSI outbreak.


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Not sure what chat logging has to do with RP, but I can't see any reason not to have the feature.


Thanks for asking! I'll explain.


I ran a major RP event for a dozen people on Saturday. It lasted around 4 hours, and so as you might imagine, a lot of stuff was said. My policy for these events is to log them and then post the log online, so that people who can't come can still see what happened. That means that I can't hold events in-game. Transcribing a hundred screenshots would be prohibitive.


So I run them in external programs instead. That's possible with advance notice, but it doesn't cover spontaneous scenes. Either way, chat logging would be immensely valuable for RP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fully support this request and have lamented this lack to my guildmates many times. The entire chat system needs a bit of a boost. Coming from a decade of NWN to play here is a serious RP hurdle.


Why no real whisper as in a small radius say? What SWTOR calls a whisper is a tell to another player.


Why can emotes not be detected so says and emotes can be on the same line without being the color of either depending on what I led with? NWN colors anything between * as an emote and the chat text is much more legible for it *he sighs*.


SWTOR chat is a kludge and so hard to read. Where is the floating text so I can tell who is speaking in a crowd? Why is color, bold, italics, and so on not supported?

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  • 5 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...
This remains a good idea, and one that I remain surprised was ever unimplemented. Most of the other MMOs I play include this feature, and I cannot tell you the number of times I've had to spend an hour or more post-events using Print Screen to unreliably capture the text of an event. I hope this issue has traction, as it would be a wonderful boon to the role-play community.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Adding my voice here. Please, this would be such a fantastic thing to have! I too have spent many hours on screen captures of long roleplays. I've had some longer, key roleplays that have been just in a chatroom or Skype, just because the process of recording an in game roleplay is so long, but then we lose the lovely visual context that I love in the game! Please give us a way to enjoy our roleplay in game AND save it and share it!
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

*hides shovel and mystical Sith items her Sorceror found*


Damn. Missed utilizing my necro powers to add support for this idea.



Please, please, please? I don't RP often, but I do join Gen Chat often enough to find great gems of humor, and I would love to record those moments in context.




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I would like to add my voice and support to this idea!


As a frequent RPer, such a tool would be invaluable to me. It would also allow me to spend more time in the game doing stuff and less transcribing screenshots!

Edited by Saenorel
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't do a lot of RP myself, but I've been looking for a chat logging feature in SWTOR since launch. As a Republic guild leader and an Imperial guild officer, having a chat log available would be a great way to effectively and efficiently keep track of what's going on in guild meetings and such. Not to mention all those whispers that get lost in the shuffle of all the other chat. I set up two different chat windows in my interface: one for General chat, system messages, and the "default" channels, and one for my Guild chat, Party chat and whispers. It helps me to better be able to keep track of what's going on, but having it logged would make the whole thing all the better.


What I would like to see is some sort of "Chat Log" interface, where the player can select which channels they want to log: Don't want to log General chat (that can be pretty inane)? Deselect it from the channel list in the Chat Log. Only want to log whispers? Deselect everything else.


It'd be awesome to have it log custom channels as well. Maybe make the channel selection a drop-down box containing a list of all of the channels to which the player/character is subscribed with a button next to it that basically shows the opposite of that channel's current logging status (e.g., if that channel is currently being logged, the button reads "Stop Logging This Channel", or something. If it's not being logged, it reads "Log This Channel").


The log files would be stored by date and character name (e.g., 20141029Istarra.txt) for easy review later, in case you were toon-hopping. Additionally, you could have the file name contain the chat channel that's being logged (20141029_Istarra_General.txt). I know that this could result in a large number of text files being created, so perhaps the file naming format could be selectable. If the player just wanted one big chat file, they could just select one of the options (date, character name, channel, etc.). If they wanted more granular logging details, they select more options.


As a programmer (not for games, but still...), I know how easy it generally is to get information into a text file. What would be really neat, though, would be if all of your logged in sessions generated a PDF copy of the information when you logged out (to help prevent someone from altering the transcript before sending it in if they're looking at it for an abuse situation). Sure, this last bit would require substantially more effort than really needs to go into this, but it's just a thought.

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I'm down for this for two, three reasons:


1. Roleplaying, like mentioned. Easier to copy-paste from a text file than typing in manually from screenshots you may or may not remember to nab.


2. Reporting other players. You might forget to take screenshots of the hour-long racist / sexist / derogatory rantings of a madman. However, with a chat log, you just submit that file and you're good to go with the whole thing as proof.


3. Possible scams / agreements made. I'll say it - I'll offer to whip up stuff for people. My memory sucks. I might not remember who wanted these droid parts I made for them pro bono. Check the log, see who sent it, and blam - they got an email with their name on it with these droid parts sticking out of the box.

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