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10 Good
  1. Some quick opinions on Vyerix's commentary (no offense intended...or not much, at least). They've indicated that all of these are, to their taste, 'normal' sized. Fearless Retaliator's, Unconquered Defender's, Indomitable Vanquisher's, Dauntless Avenger's (single and doubles) The singlehanders are OK...the thinness works well with the size. The saberstaves are ridiculous, however. Vicious Assailant, Vigorous Battler, Unrelenting Aggressor's, Pitiless Raider's (single only) These sabers have nearly an entire extra hand-length sticking out of the top of them, with the Unrelenting and Pitiless ones having a wacky fork that doubles THAT size. Comically extended. Derelict, Over-tuned Derelict (single and doubles), Volatile Derelict (single only) Again, nearly an entire balled fist's worth of stuff sticking out of the top. These are so huge that I kept one around on my assassin to represent his doublesaber when he was only wielding one of its blades (it's about the same size as the Warmaster's Double-Bladed Saber, one of the more reasonably sized saberstaves.) Tythonian Force Master's, Ziost Guardian's and Satale Shans Sparring (single handed) These first two are, indeed, fine...in fact, the Ziost Guardian is kind of at the very edge of what I like in my saber-sizing. You'd have to be on space-crack to think that that Satele Saber is 'normal' sized, however. That thing looks like a tool for impregnating banthas at the ranch. It looks like someone made it out of the exhaust pipe for a fancy speeder. It's ENORMOUS! Volitile/Over-tuned/Energized Conqueror's (single and doubles) These are fine...the double-sabers are at the edge of what I can stand for a saberstaff. The 'handguard' thing only looks good on the saberstaves, but the one-handers are fine. War Master's, Devasator's (doubles) War Master might be my favorite saberstaff in the game, if only for the length and ignition sound. The Devastator is actually pretty fine, as well, mostly because of the high position it's worn on the hip and the chaotic mish-mash design of it. Starforged types(single only), Thexans, Vindicator's(single only), Socorro type(single only) and Blade Master's type(single only) Of all of these, only the single-blade Socorro-types are of what I'd call 'normal' size. The Starforged ones are just less-fancy Satele Shan sabers, the Vindicator is like some sort of cartoon specialty wrench, Thexan's saber is like a damn riot baton with a saber-blade coming out of it, and the Blademaster's sabers seem like they need to be at LEAST 30% smaller to not look completely oversized. So, I don't really agree. One last thing I'll say is that, after having gotten my hands on a Tempted Apprentice's Shoto, I think that the Tempted Apprentice's Saber could really benefit from being repositioned in characters' hands so that they 'choke up' on it to the level of the shoto. That would really balance out the weirdness of not having the pommel peeking out of the lower hand, and the overextension of the emitter making the saber look too long.
  2. Yeah, there hasn't been a single Cartel Market/Pack lightsaber that I haven't thought was egregiously oversized EXCEPT for the Tempted Apprentice's Saber, which is only MILDLY oversized and which has a wonky hand-positioning to show off the flashing lights on the activation plate. The stupid flashing plate gimmick, though, means that any resizing would likely make it look even weirder in hand on on-hip. I'd really like to see either a mass desizing of these weapons, or some new models that are less huge. Some of these things are so enormous that they're as long as/longer than the character models' thighs...and the saberstaffs are often longer than the characters' LEGS.
  3. Not to mention the several still-broken jetpacks, including on the Contract Hunter's Chestguard, which is just a reskinned version of the Bounty Hunter legacy armor's jetpack. It must've been a year or two ago when it was 'officially' stated that jetpack bugs were on the radar, and I've long since stopped using what SHOULD be my favorite BH-type armor set.
  4. He sure does get sudden MONSTER EYES in between weeps and lava baths. And there are about fifty different Legends explanations for why Palpatine goes from a normal old dude to a pouch-faced goon to a guy with literal chimp eyes or whatever. Either way, the game's curious interpretation is to Juggaloize your character the eviller you get. I actually really appreciate all the 'yellow eye'/'pale eye' options added, as well as the 'corrupted' complexions available. As it happens, if I want to represent the sort of nastiness you get when 'This Is Your Brain On EEEEEVIL', I just use the Appearance Designer and the face sliders. Sure it does. If you weren't allowed to use the movies as reference, we wouldn't have lightsabers, space Nazi outfits, ISD and YT-1300-alike ships, almost every alien and species seen, and constant callbacks to lines and scenarios from the movie. The dark side corrupts...it leads to a serious case of full-body liver-spots and decay. Plus, if you want to give your character alabaster skin and bright white eyes, the CM and Appearance Designer have you covered. That's just not something that has anything to do with maintaining a good alignment.
  5. DS corruption is the way it is because it's the best they could do to replicate the stuff seen in the movies, the degradation of physical health and collapse into beastly nastiness being an evil wizard brings about. LS effects don't exist because this isn't Fable...Obi-Wan and Yoda don't get halos or Saiyan hair or any of that crap. Yoda doesn't even get teeth, for pity's sake.
  6. One of my favorite aspects of SWTOR is the customization allowed for characters in their looks and loadouts. A plethora of heads/hairs/skins/species...the Moddable tier of gear and the Outfit Designer...all of these are wonderful things that have greatly increased the longevity of this game for me. I find the 'Attuned' weapons you gain near the end of Chapter 12 offensive, though, because they appear to be a rather ignorant misstep to remove that liberty from our characters. I choose all of my character's outfits and weapons carefully, trying not to duplicate looks to give each character a distinctive, personal flourish. Being forced to equip a weapon chosen by the devs and not myself is antithetical to this. I've heard speculation that this is to ensure that the common complaint of Agents and Troopers using their 'invisible outside of cutscene' sidearms in the final confrontations, that doesn't wash for me. Why do we need to use these specific weapons? What makes this lightsaber's animations any better than the others I've been using throughout my career? What about folks who've paid out the wazoo for rare weapons like the Stronghold Defender's weapons, or the Unstable Arbiter saber? Why shouldn't they have the right to use their preference? I'll leave aside commentary on the story itself, and I don't have the insight nor the experience to understand all of the factors that went into this decision. It's an unwelcome one, though, and goes against the spirit of customization that I prize throughout this game. If others are displeased, I ask them to comment here and let the Devteam know our concerns and comments.
  7. The grade six light side Diplomacy missions "Cover Story" and "Fight the Propaganda" no longer grant companion gifts, instead granting medical supplies while their dark side equivalents remain the same as in previous versions. This change unbalances the gather capabilities of Diplomacy users who, for whatever reason, wish to use only light or dark side mission and alters the gathering capabilities of the skill in general. I have not been able to identify whether missions of other levels and/or in other skills are similarly changed, as I do not remember and I have found records of the state of specific missions distressingly difficult to find. It probably worth going over all gathering and mission skill missions to ensure they are functioning as intended.
  8. This was a disappointment...especially vis-à-vis the Cartel Certificates, which have dried up. Ah, well...I guess it's more like gambling, now. The satisfaction of getting it coming and going...
  9. I'm having this same issue...my ability to report bugs is being deleteriously affected by the vast number of spammers I've reported lately.
  10. This same is true on my account. I am a subscriber, with a plethora of Legacy titles that are now inaccessible.
  11. This remains a good idea, and one that I remain surprised was ever unimplemented. Most of the other MMOs I play include this feature, and I cannot tell you the number of times I've had to spend an hour or more post-events using Print Screen to unreliably capture the text of an event. I hope this issue has traction, as it would be a wonderful boon to the role-play community.
  12. Please fix this bug posthaste. It is adversely effecting our RP communities, and gnashing our enthusiasm for the game to a thin and tasteless paste.
  13. This would be a fantastic addition to this game's roleplay arsenal, and I am confident that the dividends in good feelings and story-expansion potential would be more than worth the effort of programming it in. Consider me in full support!
  14. I got no idea if anyone's listening, but I'm still eager to get this pretty neat armor working correctly. I've seen quite a bit of confusion and doubt over the jetpack on the Contract Hunter's Chestguard, but it's definitely not just supposed to be a backpack...it's the same model as many of the jetpacks that BH armor have, which usually fire a cool cluster of jets out of the back when Rocket Boost or BH rocket powers are used. Is it really so hard to make it work with this armor? And, again, it's just plain crazy to me that this helmet (plus countless others) don't have modulation. I don't know who doesn't want to sound like a stormtrooper, Darth Malak, or Boba Fett, but I assure you they aren't me.
  15. Seriously...it's not a huge deal, but it just feels wrong with my BH to scoot around on boot-jets like some...PEASANT. And I don't get the whole helmet snafu...especially since I seem to recall seeing one of those dumb cowboy hats with the ninja facemasks get voice modulation added to it a few patches back.
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