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The Republic Fleet - With several pictures.


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I'm not going to say I like the Republic fleet, but I don't really hate it. I'll give a rundown of how I feel about each one:


R) Republic fleet shows how old the Republic is, at least in my opinion. What is the point in making a new space station when they have a perfectly functioning old one? Yeah it looks old as ****, and could be cleaned up quite a bit, but why waste the money? It's been around for a very long time (20,000 years iirc), so why fix what isn't mostly broken?


I) Imperial fleet shows how new all of their **** is, once again in my opinion. They just recently became a large enough force to overthrow the Republic, but they haven't had any of the resources that the Republic has had. So in that sense, of course their space station is going to look new and spiffy. All of their stuff is going to, hell I'm sure only half of their ships have even seen combat, while 99% if not 100% of the Republic ones have been to hell and back.


TL;DR - The Republic is old, all of their **** is old, so it is going to look old. Empire is new, all of their **** is pretty much brand new, so it is going to look new.


This. Not to mention that the past 800 years (before the war) has been relatively peaceful for the Empire, while the Republic had to deal with the The Mandalorian Wars, then the Jedi Civil War 20 years later, and various territorial disputes for the 300 years leading up to the attack on Korriban. The general aesthetic theme between both factions across all planets has been the Empire clean, neat, polished, and the Republic worn, old, weathered.


Believe it or not, Bioware has put a lot of time and effort into their cannon, and seeing it all come together here and taking a look back at its roots in KOTOR one and two is simply stunning.

Edited by Lord_of_Stone
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Believe it or not, Bioware has put a lot of time and effort into their cannon, and seeing it all come together here and taking a look back at its roots in KOTOR one and two is simply stunning.



Force using flesh raiders and Jawas sure took them a lot of time to come up with.

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Heh, The reason the repub fleet looks the way it does... is because we are at war with the empire.


We have had our capital city saked, we are loosing the war. Actually, we all know the story...


We LOOSE the war, I mean no too long from the time In-Game... The Jedi are all dead...


(except for a couple that went into hiding)...


I mean honestly, in a loosing war effort, what is more important. Pretty shiney's in the fleet areas... or just having a functional fleet period, no matter how it looks?


Remeber, no matter the lore that BW comes up with... The rebublic loose the war. I beleive Bioware did a pretty good job in representing, though the artwork in the game, the eventual winner.

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There are better ways of showing that the Republic are facing dire times.


Turn the station into a proper military camp, a central point where both army and fleet personal are being gathered, reassigned and transferred.


Remember Starship Troopers? The huge crowds of grunts mixing with Fleet officers on a space station as humanity prepared to attack the bugs? That. That's what Rep Fleet should feel like. The station was clean, modern but cluttered with the anarchy of military preparation on a massive scale.


Also: the Republic isn't some dime pinching nobody. Yes its been hammered but it's still a massive galactic power with hundreds of thousands of worlds. One planetary sacking (even if it was the capital) does not break such a beast.


Remember, the Empire had centuries to plan the invasion yet still wasn't unable to achieve victory. the Empire didn't sign the treaty because they wanted to, they did it because they were overextended and their military was exhausted. Basically the Republics greatest failure in the war was blinking first.

Edited by Elbrop
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Heh, The reason the repub fleet looks the way it does... is because we are at war with the empire.


We have had our capital city saked, we are loosing the war. Actually, we all know the story...


We LOOSE the war, I mean no too long from the time In-Game... The Jedi are all dead...


(except for a couple that went into hiding)...


I mean honestly, in a loosing war effort, what is more important. Pretty shiney's in the fleet areas... or just having a functional fleet period, no matter how it looks?


Remeber, no matter the lore that BW comes up with... The rebublic loose the war. I beleive Bioware did a pretty good job in representing, though the artwork in the game, the eventual winner.


Can't tell if troll...

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the rep fleet looks like how i thought it would.


The republic is old, and so is the station. it looks to be less of a military station and more of a civilian space station that just happened to be where the reps needed it to be. housing many diferent people of many different species.


The imperial fleet is a military station owned by the imperial army.


look at all the bases the rebels had in the movies, and then look at the death star.

Edited by XplaguesX
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Last time i checked the Republic were "Rebels", when have rebels every had the glamorous life?


Have a huge empire, be greedy, kill people for fun and learn ways of the darkside and you too will have 'beautiful' ships...


Other than that, hush your putrid rebel-self :)



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Last time i checked the Republic were "Rebels", when have rebels every had the glamorous life?


Have a huge empire, be greedy, kill people for fun and learn ways of the darkside and you too will have 'beautiful' ships...


Other than that, hush your putrid rebel-self :)




It seems a lot of people keep bringing up the incorrect Republic = Rebels. I suppose its understandable since they share aesthetics, but its still wrong.


In fact in the original movies the Rebels are fighting the Old Republic. Its just so happens that a lunatic ren faire addict had taken it over and made all the people wear period costume from his favorite historical period (that would be of the Sith Empire of this game).


I mean seriously, on his first day in power he probably stormed into his military HQ and waving a history book "I want pointy ships like these. Change all our ships so they look like triangles!"

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I like the republic look better. If it was raining it would feel so much like Blade Runner :) Very dirty and gritty and sticks with the old Star wars theme that space isn't clean. The Empire side just looks like it was made by someone overcompensating for a small.....well you know ;) And EVERYTHING is black and red. Some 80's metal band called and wants their style back.
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Last time i checked the Republic were "Rebels", when have rebels every had the glamorous life?


Have a huge empire, be greedy, kill people for fun and learn ways of the darkside and you too will have 'beautiful' ships...


Other than that, hush your putrid rebel-self :)




How are the Republic rebels? They are the center of civilization and have hundreds of thousands of star systems (no idea how much really) that have joined them. Do you know what a rebel is?

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^ Republic is heavily based on the Rebel Alliance and the Empire on... The Empire, even the symbols were switched around, the reps are using the Jedi order symbol which is very much like the Rebel phoenix and the Empire is just using the republic symbol which turns into the Imperial symbol during Rise of the Empire. I think people are nuts I'm mainly rep and my empire alts are not really that much more fun mostly the same.


Oh you have no idea.




All of our armor is lackluster. Meaning brown. Everything is brown.


The artist for the Republic side must have been colorblind or something. It is terrible and everyone + their dog is getting really angry about the faction imbalance dealing with both playerbase and the lack-of-attention that Bioware paid to the Republic.



My black robes must be my *********** imagination... Trooper armour is among the best looking gear in the game, so on so on.

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The "super awesome fountain" looks like the Republic had a sudden pipe-leak, and just threw some plexiglass around it and left it that way.


I LMAO when read that haha



I'm republic...and after seeing those pics....ya...we got pwned.


part of the reason I keep finding myself on Nar Shaddah....for some nice eye candy every once in awhile :)

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Last time i checked the Republic were "Rebels", when have rebels every had the glamorous life?


Have a huge empire, be greedy, kill people for fun and learn ways of the darkside and you too will have 'beautiful' ships...


Other than that, hush your putrid rebel-self :)




i cant believe i ran into another one...

so ill just copy and paste from the other thread about the fleets...



Right, im revoking your rights to play the game until youve done your homework.


read up on the old republic here:


the general galactic timeline here:


and then the rebel alliance here:



study hard, there might be a test before you are allowed to play again...

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If you guys are going to say its an old fleet then why the hell did bioware decide to lazy it up and make both fleets use the same lay out? I mean come on every wing and hallway is the same color yellow and brown there is no personality or anything its just YELLOW AND BROWN. Each wing and hallway on the Imperial fleet has a different theme with attractive colors.


they could have at least changed the lay out of the republic fleet instead of copying and pasting over the empire fleet. I mean you can still see the Empire flags reflection on the republic fleet. Really there is no excuse for that..

Edited by FoE_Viz
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If you guys are going to say its an old fleet then why the hell did bioware decide to lazy it up and make both fleets use the same lay out? I mean come on every wing and hallway is the same color yellow and brown there is no personality or anything its just YELLOW AND BROWN. Each wing and hallway on the Imperial fleet has a different theme with attractive colors.


they could have at least changed the lay out of the republic fleet instead of copying and pasting over the empire fleet. I mean you can still see the Empire flags reflection on the republic fleet. Really there is no excuse for that..


Like i said, i like the republic fleet better than the imperial one...


Did it ever occur to you guys that it may be as simple as the fact that there were 2 different designers on the 2 fleets? and the artistic tastes of the guy that designed the republic fleet doesnt mesh with your tastes?

I like the republic fleet... it feels much warmer and cozy... and alot less cluttered with crap... i hate how cluttered and messy the imperial fleet is, and how cold and sterile it feels.


But i think that is exactly what theyre trying to confer.

Republic fleet: Organic, warm and open

Imperial fleet: Artificial, cold and cluttered


you just happen to like the imperial one better (and if you look at most peoples arguments as to why, its because there are holo-trees and scattered droids...)

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Guys, it's the empire, it's normal for it to be more grandiose. You can't compare Roma, Berlin,Paris... to Atlanta, Vancouver or any drab grey city . I think it make sense that the IMPERIAL fleet looks more imperious and in order than the republic one.


Just my 2 credits.

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"Organic, warm and open"


These are literally the three last things you want a space station to be.


dont tell me what i want from a space station...


oh and "open" doesnt mean as in no-windows-all-the-air-is-sucked-out, but as in not cluttered with debree.


and why would anyone want their space stations to be sterile and cold?


well... except the chiss...

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I have toons on both sides and to be honest never really noticed any major aesthetic differences while playing.


Their simlarities have always bothered me far more than any differences...to me it conveys a sense of laziness in design even if there were reasons (including fanwanking ones) for them to be based on identical models.

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I can understand the arguments that say it was lazy to have the fleets design similarly, but if a design works, and someone happens to make that design, then *** is the point in changing it?


Confusing? Possibly. Who knows, maybe the imp's stole that one from the pub's and now they are using the current pub fleet because it was the only extra one they had laying around?


****, now I feel like an RPer.

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It's presented fairly well. The moment you walk into the Republic you given a sense that everything is being put into the war effort and trying to survive. I don't play a Republic character but my son does and seeing some of the missions and how it's presented you really get a sense that they are hanging on by a thread. Everything is dingy, drab, dented, and if it's not pivotal for life it's left to decay. Yet, when you look deep into the core of the Republic you can see something unified and beautiful.


On the Empire side you are left with a sense that whenever we want we could finish off the Republic. You get a sense that the Empire has money and doesn't know what to do with it. It's not the Republic the Governments worry about but the massive hulk of an Empire outside their gates. As you play though you do get a sense that for all it's wealth and glory the inside is decayed and dying. We have Lords plotting Assassinations against each other, people who grumble about oppressive conditions, and so on. The Empire is tearing itself apart from the inside out.


The Republic reminds me of when I went through Czechslovakia after the wall came down. The entire town on the outskirts was devastated and just rubble. In the middle though it became an enchanted wonderland of gazebos, statues, creeks, and happiness. The people of this town had taken everything they had and saved the last bit of beauty that their town had to offer. All of this despite the U.S.S.R. Communistic destruction. Out of everything in Europe that I had seen this enchanted place is what I remember best.


Ummm... I am not sure what to say. This sounds like a desperate attempt to make something that stinks smell good.


There is NOTHING unified and beautiful about the Republic, corrupt senators, corrupt colonels, ignored delegations from new species, or at least token handling of problems. Shortage of resources EVERYWHERE. The Fleet fits this theme. Apparently, despite being a civilisation that has had hundres or years to develop and refine itself it still can't afford cleaners on their fleet. Still can't afford more than 1 special forces squad (what the???).


Republic does not equal eastern EU. Ultimately playing the Republic is a depressing experience, everything is falling apart and is run down. Billions of credits of collected tax, years of established bureacracies and nothing is fixed, cleaned or managed. There is nothing unified about it. I don't see any resources going towards a war effort, if that was the case the Republic should be bustling when in reality the Fleet and most planets are Ghost towns. I think there are more random NPC's running around Sobrik on Balmorra (Imp side) than there are on all of Coruscant.


Play Republic rather than just casually observe it on your son's account a bit more before you make terribly ill informed comments and comparisions.


The Starship toopers comment earlier in the thread is apt. The Fleet should have soldiers and resources flowing through it.

Edited by Chaede
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