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Everything posted by Elbrop

  1. That's some beautiful denial in the face of reality. +5 fanboy points.
  2. I hate the city planets. Loved Hoth and Belsavis. Also love Ilum. First planet that felt truly alien. Alderaan bored me to tears, mostly due to the quests and its generic fantasy world look. (Stpiud flying fish taxis) Edited to add: I also think Korriban is the best starting planet, from quest layout/progression to aesthetics.
  3. I've always wondered when people complain about being bored with an MMO after they hit the level cap. Do they expect infinite, fresh content? I mean I loved Mass Effect but two weeks after I got it I finished it and that was that. So your two months of happy TOR gaming seem ok to me.
  4. I was once just finishing a bug report when BAM, stupid mission window blasts 10 minutes of work into nothing. Needless to say I was rather annoyed and that bug went unreported (by me anyway). So agree 100% with OP. It's just another example of the thoughtless UI implementation in the game.
  5. Yeah hate to agree with the learn2play but in this case its true. Learn the few tricks that are possible in the space minigame (like multiple missile launches) and most of the missions are easy. Get a feel for how long it takes to blow a target up so you're already shooting the next one without having to wait for a confirmation explosion. Get the best ship upgrades available for your level. Check out the GTN for player made ones, these are much better than the shop ones for their level range. Kill turrets. Most missions have you encounter the same big ships several times, which means if you blow off their guns early on when they reappear they're pretty toothless. That's about it.
  6. "Organic, warm and open" These are literally the three last things you want a space station to be.
  7. It seems a lot of people keep bringing up the incorrect Republic = Rebels. I suppose its understandable since they share aesthetics, but its still wrong. In fact in the original movies the Rebels are fighting the Old Republic. Its just so happens that a lunatic ren faire addict had taken it over and made all the people wear period costume from his favorite historical period (that would be of the Sith Empire of this game). I mean seriously, on his first day in power he probably stormed into his military HQ and waving a history book "I want pointy ships like these. Change all our ships so they look like triangles!"
  8. There are better ways of showing that the Republic are facing dire times. Turn the station into a proper military camp, a central point where both army and fleet personal are being gathered, reassigned and transferred. Remember Starship Troopers? The huge crowds of grunts mixing with Fleet officers on a space station as humanity prepared to attack the bugs? That. That's what Rep Fleet should feel like. The station was clean, modern but cluttered with the anarchy of military preparation on a massive scale. Also: the Republic isn't some dime pinching nobody. Yes its been hammered but it's still a massive galactic power with hundreds of thousands of worlds. One planetary sacking (even if it was the capital) does not break such a beast. Remember, the Empire had centuries to plan the invasion yet still wasn't unable to achieve victory. the Empire didn't sign the treaty because they wanted to, they did it because they were overextended and their military was exhausted. Basically the Republics greatest failure in the war was blinking first.
  9. I'd love a global channel where people could recruit for teams. Currently you have to camp out on Fleet station if you want to try and do any flashpoint in the game. Which might be ok at level 50 (its not but whatever) but if youre trying to level up (and follow your class missions) that won't work. And for people who don't like chat spam, you could always deselect it in chat options (or make a dedicated chat tab just for it). So I could be on any planet, doing my missions and still be recruiting for boarding party. Good idea? Terrible? YOU DECIDE!
  10. "Buff them all" is never the answer. It's the gaming equivalent of saying print more money to fix the economy.
  11. I enjoyed the support roles in Rift, but yeah, a lot of the time you'd get in a group only to be asked to swap to a dps role (Rift allowed duel builds with a very fast system for swapping).
  12. Not at all, the official census for 2012 found seven other people in world who prefer the Jedi animations. You could form a very small Facebook group.
  13. That's another option, change it so Empire can ONLY chose Gungan as their race. We'd see alot more Repubs then I'd say.
  14. My only issue is I wish it was Founder Name instead of Name, founder
  15. Midichloreans were an answer to a question nobody asked. The prequel movies are one of the best examples of not knowing when to leave something alone. Everyone in the creative world (from art to cooking) encounters this at some point, the "just one more thing" that ruins your work. I still laugh thinking about "the prophecy". this is how I see the behind closed doors Jedi council meeting going: "OK lets look at this, we, the Jedi are sitting in our massive tower on the capital world of the largest, longest lasting civilization in the Galaxy. Our words guide the rulers of the Republic and we are respected throughout known space. Our ancient enemies, the Sith, are either extinct or hiding far away in the knowledge that to challenge us is to face destruction. And now a kid is here to balance the force? Somehow I don't think that would be good for us. After all, we're the winners and we sure as hell don't believe in some sort of balanced duality/ying yang type nonsense about the force - we're light side all the way baby. I mean what does that even mean? That for every good there must be an evil? That's some twisted nihilistic crap man. So I propose we take this kid and hide him in a closet till he's 80 **** the balance is what I'm saying."
  16. I let them go. With them inside who knows how the might be influencing her thoughts and decisions. After all, she never forgot Khems very good advice from the beginning. Not even the strongest living Sith messes with force ghosts with impunity. They are, quite simple, beyond the understanding of the living.
  17. You can be a ls inquisitor while still supporting the principals of the Empire. My LS SI hates the Republic and feels the Jedi order are deceitful hypocrites (after all the Jedi have killed and committed genocide "to protect the Peace"). Remember Korriban? it wasn't a dead world until after the Jedi arrived at the end of the last war. Personally she also loathes most of her fellow Sith. She hates the way they use the Sith philosophy (which she does believe in) as an excuse for self interest and unnecessary acts of barbarism. Her anger fuels her, and with it she will free her Empire, even if she has to kill ever other Sith (including the Emperor) to do so. And anything that threatens her Empire will be destroyed, and to ensure this she will see the Republic broken. Edited to add: I've made more than a few DS choices along the way, but I'm rank IV LS so consider her to be a LS character)
  18. Its simple numbers. In TOR there are a lot more force users. Lightsabers are hard to make and valuable, but with a bit of spit and polish even an ancient light saber can be repaired. Now roll up to the movie timeline. A heck of a lot less Force users. And shed loads of these ancient lightsabers still kicking about from the good old days of the old Republic. The Jedi order probably has so many spares they use them as doorstoppers and cracker prizes.
  19. Well in my version they won't be supporting the Empire because I kept the crown. (At lvl 50 I think its still in my mission inventory). I may even have used general chat to boast that by their own stupid rules I was now King of Alderaan. I like to think I was asked to politely leave their planet soon after.
  20. My Fan theory: The Flesh raider species are devolved Rakata. And hey, regardless of what they lost, at least they regained the ability to use the Force. So its not all bad.
  21. I absolutely love hitting on him with my female SW. The way he gets all nervous and "uh yes Sir.. um.. er I'll just go, er check the ship" He seems so uncomfortable with his superior hitting on him it's delicious. However it does mean I tend to back down and not progress the relationship past making him feel uncomfortable because, really, his mouth says Yes Sir but his eyes say Oh god no. He totally reminds me of Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf. But competent.
  22. Oh wow, didn't know he was that guy from the comics. Kind of wish I had known when I was leveling my SI.
  23. Darth Baras: "Tell...me...what...I...want...to...know!" Best bit of voice acting in the game.
  24. I'm not asking they make him a companion. ... No wait, that would be awesome. Now I'm torn.
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