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    Beaumont, TX
  1. My load screens are a little slower than normal, and that is with an 8core, and my game files on a SSD.
  2. Took me forever but i found this one last week, enjoy! http://www.frag-em.co.uk/WP/2011/12/swtor-world-maps/
  3. Please add it to the account website, calling to talk to people with voices you can hardly understand is not cool.
  4. Hmm i always just turn on iTunes, and start Skrillex on shuffle when i do space missions, beats the hell out of the talking companions with bad triggers.
  5. The comm vendor window should have a spot showing how many comms you have for that vendor, I can see how many credits I have, even if that vendor doesn't want them, change it to how many commendations I have for that particular planet.
  6. I don't care how the Pub fleet looks, I just want to come out of the correct door when i land there on my Smuggler, I always appear outside the Trooper door.
  7. No one ever see's you speak in say because general scrolls to fast, i vote for chat bubbles.
  8. I got a 5770 here as well, and have no issues other than the normal herky jerky FPS on the fleet, might not be a video card problem.
  9. I also use mouse 4 for vent, but have yet to have anything buggy happen other than the buttons not working with the mouse cursor over any element of the UI.
  10. I have the Revanite title, and my Inquisitor cannot Complete or drop the quest to get the mask, I turned it in, and the next day it was in my log, i just again clicked reset, got the mask, went to turn it in, and Raymon wont finish it...
  11. Spent some time out there tonight on my server, the first Pub camper, fell for the PVP flag trick, so we stole his chest for an hour or 2 til he stopped showing up, then found an Imp camping one, had some Pubs ask us to help kill a Force Ghost, and his AOE killed the level 13 camper, good times. You can beat them, just watch where it spawns, and keep a timer from the second it despawns.
  12. indeed, certainly made leveling my Inq solo a pain, now i can whirlwind one, and he can tank the rest
  13. I can now turn off Mako's DPS abilities and they stay off when i mount or taxi, same with Khem Vals Cleave and Consume. Hooray!!!
  14. I was shocked to log in at 8am CST and I'm gonna try to get my Inq's space dailies done before they go down, since i go to bed when they were supposed to come up(night shifter)
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