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Everything posted by Lightmaguz

  1. Buddy, you've lost. Our "whine" was much stronger and Bioware clearly noticed now deal with it.
  2. I don't care to make a wall of text essay on the matter, others did it already I just want to join the choir and figured this is the best way to be head since I'm subscribed why the hell not, right? It's bad, it didn't make the game more challenging it just made heroics grindier and more time consuming. Not a lot of extra time, granted but enough that I feel it's an overnerf. The HP nerf was massive across the board, the DPS was enough that companions can't take down an NPC pack without dying anymore and the only thing that was overtuned was the healing anyway and that needed a slight surgical nerf not a bat to the head. I'm unhappy with this change as are many many others.
  3. And yet a day ago you were the massive cry baby huh.
  4. Creativity only goes so far, a bunch of unique names and Star Warsy names(and I don't mean Vader, Luke and so on) are taken too on most servers and people are resorting to ' ` and ^ pretty commonly now. In all fairness this could be fixed with a change in the naming system with the simple addition of space as a valid character.
  5. One would hope developers don't care about Sarkesian's ****.
  6. Love it's great, I can join most groups, do heroics, stay after overleveling a planet and although there's severe whining lower level npc's do die really extremely fast. Wpvp has been dead since Ilum and the pvp servers are all dead as well, that's not a problem but lower level characters jumping 65's is pretty awesome to tell the truth.
  7. You seem relatively reasonable, what's so bad anyway?
  8. I'm back, lots of people are back and I see reddit threads about people starting the game every day, if anything this expansion is revitalizing the game.
  9. I've transferred all my characters since po5 is dead and one of them is having a particular issue, I can't use my chosen name the box says it's invalid. What's curious is that I can and have created a new character with the same exact name I want to use so it's not flagged as invalid and it's available. Support apparently lacks the power to manually fix it for me and it's very frustrating. I know of at least one other person with that problem.
  10. You do realize that with titles for at least two classes that can already be done right? Not to mention there's virtually no difference between that name with and without a space.
  11. Cause you hardly ever meet other people on planets and Ilum didn't work because the engine sucks so there's no world pvp therefore no reason to be in a pvp server.
  12. optional content, and the great part is you can still do the missions and you'll receive level appropriate XP, it's great. Companions might need a slight tuning but other than that it's all fine, great even.
  13. People didn't even want TOR to be an mmo to begin with, we wanted KOTOR 3 and in a way we're getting it.
  14. Just cause you think something's terrible doesn't mean it is... Circular logic's interesting sometimes right?
  15. I concurn, I've been having some bug problems with my transfers and am peeved about a few things like the comm vendors but other than that this patch is top notch.
  16. As if the pointless complaints about the tragic work of having to re-set the appearance tab wasn't enough OP actually likes *********** Malavai Quinn, must be a troll. Also, it's funny that I see mostly praise for 4.0 everywhere else but these forums.
  17. Answers would vastly help my server choice process. Ebon Hawk seems to be Republic favored and Covenant Imperial I haven't heard anyone complain about such problems over here yet. Also how are pvp queues?
  18. I heard Republic lacks players or at least pvp players?
  19. Yeah I'm also having problems deciding, I think pretty much the entire population of returning players stuck on Po5 is wondering where to go.
  20. The next logical step is them complaining about him complaining about them but on Twitter.
  21. Preaching to the choir here but I figure the more the more likely we get something done. I want the goddamn skins from the supplies vendors you removed Bioware!
  22. And get rid of Legacy as Surname, this would free up a lot of names that are locked in the currently alive servers and it's a superior system anyway.
  23. Pretty much... and to be fair I didn't touch a single day of that free month would have rather given it to someone else. Commit to a bad service all you want pal.
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