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Stronghold Decoration Suggestions

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About the armor stand idea that t posed like mannequins somethi mannequins something that u can put armor on and it will look like the armor is standing up at attention terracotta terracotta warrior NC NCP statue. / separated you're not going to be able to see every you're not going to be able to see everything put together an assembled to use a complete set of armor and that will be just sad looking



So I hope things are not just put inside glass cases. I'm not saying that having a glass case to the bad things it's just that when u have armor pieces having them come find in my before-mentioned idea and suggestion I think it would just look better

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Hello Everybody,


With Strongholds being released soon, the Cartel Market team is looking for suggestions of decorations that players would like to see in their Stronghold.


Suggestions can be general types of decoration like posters, chairs, lamps, giant missiles, etc.


Suggestions can be specific in game objects. An example would be, "I would really like the blood pool from the Blood Legacy quest on Korriban." (The more detail you can provide, the easier it will be for the team to track down the item)


Suggestions can also be objects not currently in SWTOR. An example would be, "I would like to put a Star Forge on my Stronghold's front lawn."


We are looking for any and all suggestions so please don't hold back.


Thanks in advance!


Pretty much this. I would like to see a Star Forge holo, with it floating above the Rakatan sun with the energy / plasma fuelling it flickering and moving as it's absorbed by the Star Forge.


Oh and an attack dummy that looks like a rather well known Gungan :D

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I would love to see kitchen and bathroom items. The one thing this game lacks most is a place for our characters to handle our nature calls and a bathtub/shower.


Here's a list of what I'd pay Cartel Coins for.


- Bathtub/Shower (that can be turned on/off)

- Mirrors (with real reflections)

- Toilet (that can flush)

- Bathroom and Kitchen Sink (that can be turned on/off)

- Refrigerator (that opens with food inside)

- Water Fountain (that is animated with flowing water)

- Any other Bathroom and Kitchen items that I have missed

- Weapon rack that can be used to display our weapons

- Mannequins to display our gear

Edited by DarkKnyght
adding more item suggestions
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Here are some ideas:


A LARGE table with a raised holo galaxy or planetary map. Think something that would be in a war room.


A large table with a holo of the supreme chancellor Saresh or Darth Marr, talking to our ship droid. When you walk past the object, you should hear the ship droid say something like "My master will be with you shortly". I know everyone hates to hear the droid, but the idea that the ship droid will be trolling that NPC for eternity makes me smile.


Travel terminal to the daily areas.


A mirror that actually works so you can see your reflection.


Portraits of your characters. They should look painted in an old European style, and the clothes should be whatever armor the character is wearing at the time the portrait is generated.


A huge variety of paintings so my place can look like a museum.


A large fountain in which I can hear the water.


Fish tanks of various sizes, with actual alien like fish swimming around inside. Perhaps we could hear the water bubbling when near.


Minigames, non-functional and functional, such as a pool table, or an arcade game that lets you play something simple like pong. Of course, real star wars mini-games would be awesome such as dejarek or pazaak. Perhaps an arcade game stand where it looks like your character is playing KOTOR.

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i'd like to see the current cartel market and from elsewhere holostatues to be available for display in the stronghold, too (dr. Oggurobb, revan, bastila shan, darth malgus, holo-rancor (the really small one), live day tree ...


Having holo-statues of the biggest defeated foes and heroes would be nice as well, like holo-statues from the dread masters ... Or toborro ... Or rycus kilran ... Or the kell dragon (full size) ... Terror from beyond would be far too big ...



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A Hutt NPC would be awesome.


Gammorian guards would be awesome.




Yes, I'm sure you can see a recurring theme :D.


I'd also like to chime in with others and say that I'd like to be able to add the sorts of ordinary bathroom and kitchen stuff you'd find in a normal home.

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1) Armor mannequins. Using companions for this is stupid. I want mannequins that let me choose male or female, body type 1-4. Limiting it to only companions limits what types of armors you can show. For example: Inquisitors have 1 companion who doesn't change his appearance regardless of gear, and 2 others that will never show headpieces. Also, nobody on any class can display a male body type 4, or a female body type 3 or 4.


2) A display case for unique items. Things like Tremel's ring, the counterfeit sullustan ruby, the Dread Seeds, etc.


3) A weapon display. For things like lightsabers, maybe just a table or display case where you can display the different hilts.


4) The crystal displays at the upper level of the Oricon watchtower.


5) Active companions/NPCs. I'm glad to see the dancers actually dance, but I would also like to see guards patrol (or even pace on their hooks), and various other animations for other NPC types just to make them feel more alive. (not really a decoration suggestion, but hey, while I'm here.)


5) Allow the datacron decorations to be used by other characters on your legacy as a way of implementing legacy datacrons. Obviously make it so that they cannot be used by visitors (or random guildies in guild strongholds). Again, not really a decoration suggestion in and of itself, but perhaps a way to add utility to existing decorations.

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The following ideas assume they are not already restricted to achievements.


Mandalorian/Hunter Pack. Suits of armor on mannequins. Weapons and helms on pedestals, shelves, in trophy cases. Bounty certificates for the wall. Popular bounty targets as animated in cages (waiting to be transferred for collection of bounties).


Creature pack. This pack could include animated creatures in place, perhaps some caged to give it a hunter look. Rancors, sleens, dewbacks, nexu, banthas, wampas, hounds, womp rats, rakghouls (all types), destroyers, etc.


Droid pack. Droids could range from animated droids to incomplete droids, of different types. Security, astromechs, protocol, etc. Perhaps some with unfinished parts as if you're into cybernetics and you actively build droids. Think C3PO in Episode 1. Could also have tables/counters with cybernetic parts, like a droid crafting table.

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Hello Everybody,


With Strongholds being released soon, the Cartel Market team is looking for suggestions of decorations that players would like to see in their Stronghold.


Suggestions can be general types of decoration like posters, chairs, lamps, giant missiles, etc.


Suggestions can be specific in game objects. An example would be, "I would really like the blood pool from the Blood Legacy quest on Korriban." (The more detail you can provide, the easier it will be for the team to track down the item)


Suggestions can also be objects not currently in SWTOR. An example would be, "I would like to put a Star Forge on my Stronghold's front lawn."


We are looking for any and all suggestions so please don't hold back.


Thanks in advance!


I'd like to see NPCs from our class's story mode. It'd also be super awesome if we could put other characters from our legacy in our stronghold as NPCs. (at least faction-appropriate ones)

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The 3 large pillars, covered in purple lightning arcing between the pillars, with the metal chains between them. Located in "Oricon: Dread Cavern", on the "Seeds of Dread" quest. A large Corrupted Elder Subteroth is standing on the central platform between the 3 pillars.


The purple lightning arcing between the pillars is what makes it cool, if it is made available, keep the lightning please! Would be particularly neat if it also had the Subteroth trapped in the lightning beams like it does on the quest :)

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That's another thing, there aren't any children in the game and the strongholds might be a cool place to have them.

I recall that on Coruscant I received a quest from a child :p Probably the only kid NPC in the game.


My thoughts about the way mannequins could be added to the game:


Edited by PavSalco
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I also agree with having manequins on which to display armor--that aren't our companions.

I also would like a way to display nice weapons.


A pool and/or jaccuzzi would be aweome.


And I would request that dancing NPC's be obtainable by additional means rather than JUST by cartel certificates (since in all the packs I bought in the past had a grand total of 0 that I received).

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I too would like to request mannequins and weapon displays but also have another idea.


This may have been suggested elsewhere but as a solution to the growing complaints over the lack of fleet chat in strongholds, would it be possible to have 'communications relays' or something that will unlock various chat streams, including from the fleet? It seems to me that this would solve a problem that is aggravating a growing number of players whilst adding something very sought after to whatever rewards stream it went in (BW could really gain some kudos with crafters here).


I think that this could be either a large hook item with a satellite dish or antenna (I'm thinking Balmorra AA gun size), or just a computer console for a medium hook. It would then be interactable so that when clicked on, the associated chat channel replaced the current channel.

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GSF Ships, no holos, not scaled down but "the real thing". If possible they should display my build and cosmetic custimozations.


Ability to add my characters as NPCs who disappear or get "holo-ized" if they represent the character that i've logged in currently. This might be an unlock-item similar to the name change, if you use it, the character you used it on gets added to your decoration library as an NPC.

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The huge ice man sculpture (in the scenery) from the mission on Hoth where the Republic player works with the imperials to bring down the pirates, would be great to have in a cartel pack, and it's probably just the right size for the starship parking place.
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