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Bad feeling about lack of "Expansion" news


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lolwat? DA2 was by all accounts a very good game. People were just disappointed that it detracted so much from the Warden story. The other complaints were highly subjective and not actual criticisms of the game. Some people liked the stylized combat and some people liked the more strategy aspect of DA:O. The only real legitimate design complaint was the recycling of level designs.


ME2? Who the hell complains about ME2? The one people like to complain about is ME3-- not ME2. And again the complaint was basically "this series was so good and we were so emotionally invested in the story that we are pissed off that you didn't end it right".


Like for real if people want to have criticisms about SWTOR fine, but let's not just start throwing all of Bioware's other games, which have been massive commercial successes, under the bus in the process.


You seem to have a very short memory when it comes to things like these.

Edited by CelCawdro
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You seem to have a very short memory when it comes to things like these.


What am I forgetting? Mass Effect 2 has the highest metacritic rating of all 3 Mass Effect games (91, 96, and 94 respectively). DA2 has a 79, which isn't glowing by any stretch but it's still "solid".

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Usually this means they are in the decision process about new features and systems that will be released in the expansion. I don't blame them one bit for not saying anything exact beyond the rep system and 5 levels. We know that already. That's enough info for me, for now.


If i am not mistaken the reputation system is being introduced in 1.7; other than a new planet no new features or game systems or PvP Maps have been announced with Makeb.

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Bioware and EA not telling us information about forthcoming content I can stand...


...but when people attempt to defend Dragon Age 2 as a "solid" or "good" game I have to draw the line!


"When you press a button, something awesome has to happen!"


"Button = Awesome"






I would theorize that we lack any advanced information about RotHC because they have not finalized anything beyond the existence of Makeb, 5-more non Class Specific Story Levels, a few more talents, and some token SGRA encounters.


Given recent Bioware attempts my initial assessment would be based on an assumption that Class Balance is going to be wrecked and that new game-breaking bugs are being worked out as we speak...

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I really don't think there is more they can tell us. It's most likely a planet, which was more or less ready at the time of the launch a year ago. Meaning, that the planet is full of recycled buildings, landscape and NPC's from other planets, just like now.


It's just five more levels of the same, that we now have. Thus, not much to tell really.

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So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between. Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this? (and weren't we actually promised a steady steam of info "soon", not long ago?)


From my experience it's rare for games to withhold that much information when we're this close to launch. Which makes me wonder if there's actually a lot more info to give? Or maybe there's a delay announcement incomming, pushing it to summer of autumn? You'd think they'd want to start building the hype if they want to continue brining new players to the game, and existing players back and not just be satisfied with the revenue created from the Cartel Store.

I have zero confidence in Bioware at this point. I wouldn't be shocked if there never even is an "expansion" or it turns out to be half a planet on rails with silly bad quests and minimal voice-acting.


Bioware has lied and broken almost every promise or statement they ever made about this game. Don't put any faith in this alleged expansion.


I kind of accept this game as a mediocre KOTOR 3 with no real future. Don't expect anything more and you won't be disappointed when it doesn't deliver.

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what exactly would you expect them to tell us?


we can proably assume new raids and flashpoints.


and really thats about all I expect. a new planet, 5 new levels, some new end game.


new gear that proably will be ripped into better looking armor from waaay earlier in the game.


I've no problem paying 10 bucks for it. but let's be honest here..

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My guess is that the expansion wil not be out early spring but late spring and they have not finished Mekaab yet let alone any actual additional content than a planet and 5 levels. From what I understand Mekaab was original sold as the largest non expansion pack addition to a game meaning they knew there was not enough content for a paid expanion pack and now we are being charged for it they need to put enough content in.


Also I would like to know how they will keep lv 50 end game content and have lv 55 end game content while not splitting the player base and ruining the game for anyone without the expansion pack?

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My guess is that the expansion wil not be out early spring but late spring and they have not finished Mekaab yet let alone any actual additional content than a planet and 5 levels. From what I understand Mekaab was original sold as the largest non expansion pack addition to a game meaning they knew there was not enough content for a paid expanion pack and now we are being charged for it they need to put enough content in.


Also I would like to know how they will keep lv 50 end game content and have lv 55 end game content while not splitting the player base and ruining the game for anyone without the expansion pack?


We can only dream that additional content is being developed for the expansion. Some extra flashpoints, operations and other minor features and secrets, not just for Makeb but also the existing worlds.

Edited by Vitas
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First day of Spring is March 20th so I wouldn't expect Makeb to be out til May imo.


I guess this is an american thing. In the uk Spring is the 1 March to the last day in May. Seems simpler just breaking the seasons into whole months. Its kinda why I wish they would say a March release or a May release as things like A spring relase mean different things to people around the world.

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From what I understand Mekaab was original sold as the largest non expansion pack addition to a game


You mean described or promoted, not sold.


But here's the funny thing. How is it Makeb has gone from being excitedly anticipated as the "largest" non-expansion pack in the history of gaming ... something so huge and so immense that it had to get hyped ... to "OMG what is this tiny thing they're charging 10 bucks for?"


It used to be something huge and immense. Now it's something tiny and not enough?

Edited by SnoggyMack
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From my experience this is a pretty standard thread. Personally, I don't need a play by play. There will be plenty of info once it is released. At that point you can decide to buy or not to buy.


The word expansion is still posing some problems for some of you... Don't know what else there is to say about it that hasn't been said. It is paid content. It remains to be seen if it is worth the money but for 10 bucks, as a sub, it sounds like it is: a new planet, level/abilities increase and new end game.

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Makeb garnered a lot of hype and excitement because at the time of its original promotion the addition of "the largest non-expansion content in MMO history" was a demonstration from Bioware of the faith they had in this game. Not failing to mention their willingness to develop major new content that has been paid for by subscribers without charging extra to access it.


Now we come to find out Makeb is going to be a single planet with a single world faction story quest each, enough XP for 5-More Levels, and is going to cost subscribers $9.99.


In short, Bioware shifted from Makeb being a massive piece of content delivered to subscribers for their loyalty and support into a single planet and a handful of levels likely designed to force end-game players to shell out $9.99 or else fall behind in End Game PVE and PVP.


That is the difference.

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"the largest non-expansion content in MMO history" was a demonstration from Bioware of the faith they had in this game. Not failing to mention their willingness to develop major new content that has been paid for by subscribers without charging extra to access it.


So it's just the price tag that's causing the issue? Because the large content is still part of the product isn't it?


In short, Bioware shifted from Makeb


They did? They shifted the contents of it? What was it that was going to make it the largest non-expansion content in MMO history? What are the details of the free Makeb? What is it exactly that they shifted?

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Also I would like to know how they will keep lv 50 end game content and have lv 55 end game content while not splitting the player base and ruining the game for anyone without the expansion pack?


In short, they won't. Anyone without the xpac will essentially be left out of end game, which is standard practice for MMOs across the board.

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They did? They shifted the contents of it? What was it that was going to make it the largest non-expansion content in MMO history? What are the details of the free Makeb? What is it exactly that they shifted?


They started charging for it. A large free content update does not necessarily mean that same update can be called an expansion. In my opinion Makeb as far as the information we have now does not warrant being called an expansion, now the price for RotHC is very fair for what has been advertised. Akin to DLC released for Mass Effect, or mission/adventure packs or whatever you want to call them for other games.

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The secret is that the tiny amount of info already released will actually be all that the expansion is going to have :p


No I'm not joking completely, the cartel market has been a huge source of revenue for them lately and if I was a CEO I'd say more of that instead of content that is free (or close to free, as the expansion is).


Yup, except it is not a secret, just people expecting something it is not (i.e. not anything more than an adventure pack). :csw_yoda:

Edited by Goretzu
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I get a feeling BW are feeling the pressure of adding 5 new levels to a game with very limtied End Game Options. Will all the Hard Mode flash points move up to level 55 or all be offered on Nightmare mode of level 55 characters, if so what new level of loot will this bring in. Equally what is to stop (or maybe they expect) my level 55 running the current HM FP solo. With 5 extra levels the damage reduction will be significant and make such possible.


Same can be said of other aspects of the game such as Dailies, will they be move up to level 55 or stay the same and offer even less challenge for level 55 characters. What of Crafting and PvP and PvP level gear, black hole coms and the like. What of the new talents and how will they fit into the talent trees and what of the new skills? What skills do you offer each of the 8 Advanced Classes, equally you now need 20 talent trees with 5 new Talents each. Thats 100 top tier talents to expand the new levels into the Talent trees. Without doubling up, over powering or offering redundent talents at the top of the list.


This single new plannet has to bring a lot to the table, and I suspect is why many MMO's only offer a level increase with a Paid boxed Expansion that adds a new tier of end game. I get a feeling that the devs may have realised that Mekeb offers a stroy based leveling system from 50 to 55 but much like TOR then has problems when it comes to end game. And as it currently stands may make much of the current end game pointless as the gear level on off in HM FP is worse than what can be attainted in the expansion.


Now I'd love it if Bioware came in and explained all the aspects of the Expansion as well as learning a bunch of new species and customisation options were coming in. But sadly I suspect the reason we aren't hearing this is because the devs don't know the answers.

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I get a feeling BW are feeling the pressure of adding 5 new levels to a game with very limtied End Game Options. Will all the Hard Mode flash points move up to level 55 or all be offered on Nightmare mode of level 55 characters, if so what new level of loot will this bring in. Equally what is to stop (or maybe they expect) my level 55 running the current HM FP solo. With 5 extra levels the damage reduction will be significant and make such possible.


Same can be said of other aspects of the game such as Dailies, will they be move up to level 55 or stay the same and offer even less challenge for level 55 characters. What of Crafting and PvP and PvP level gear, black hole coms and the like. What of the new talents and how will they fit into the talent trees and what of the new skills? What skills do you offer each of the 8 Advanced Classes, equally you now need 20 talent trees with 5 new Talents each. Thats 100 top tier talents to expand the new levels into the Talent trees. Without doubling up, over powering or offering redundent talents at the top of the list.


This single new plannet has to bring a lot to the table, and I suspect is why many MMO's only offer a level increase with a Paid boxed Expansion that adds a new tier of end game. I get a feeling that the devs may have realised that Mekeb offers a stroy based leveling system from 50 to 55 but much like TOR then has problems when it comes to end game. And as it currently stands may make much of the current end game pointless as the gear level on off in HM FP is worse than what can be attainted in the expansion.


Now I'd love it if Bioware came in and explained all the aspects of the Expansion as well as learning a bunch of new species and customisation options were coming in. But sadly I suspect the reason we aren't hearing this is because the devs don't know the answers.


Exactly. To call this content update an expansion in my eyes would require that all in the above post mention. New level 55 FPs and WZs new daily areas, new crafting recipes, new Operations, new skills, new gear. One planetary storyline does not an expansion make. Until more information is released regarding what will be contained with the final "expansion" I will continue to call it what it is. Downloadable Content Update.

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So now we've gone into february and the info/news about the Rise of the Hutt Cartel "expansion" that's suppposed to launch in the spring is few and far in between. Am I the only one who has a very bad feeling about this? (and weren't we actually promised a steady steam of info "soon", not long ago?)


From my experience it's rare for games to withhold that much information when we're this close to launch. Which makes me wonder if there's actually a lot more info to give? Or maybe there's a delay announcement incomming, pushing it to summer of autumn? You'd think they'd want to start building the hype if they want to continue brining new players to the game, and existing players back and not just be satisfied with the revenue created from the Cartel Store.


This game has been mismanged start to finish . i wish the original pre release forums were still here so we could necro some community concerns. But that said there are really good aspects of the game that are invetive and original i still like tha gme it just holds very little end game longevity

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I get the feeling a lot of people are going to be disappointed with Makeb


A lot of people were disappointed with SWTOR, so that's a given. I'm just glad I started playing the game without high expectations. Mine were kind of low, actually, because of some stuff I heard before it was released, so I ended up being pleasantly surprised instead, lol.

Edited by chuixupu
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Exactly. To call this content update an expansion in my eyes would require that all in the above post mention. New level 55 FPs and WZs new daily areas, new crafting recipes, new Operations, new skills, new gear. One planetary storyline does not an expansion make. Until more information is released regarding what will be contained with the final "expansion" I will continue to call it what it is. Downloadable Content Update.


They are just milking people now at this point. i played at launch for six weeks and am not a huge alt guys so when i capped with my main there was very little to do but grind HM 8 mans for rakata so i quit for a year.. i am a resubscriber for the time being now, the F2P is really to limiting. if they have any hope of reinvigorating this game they need to devolp a full blown expansion with 3 new end game planets 7 new FP and 3 new raids plus a plethora of new features. id pay 40 bucks for it if they did a traditional expansion like rift just did. Sadly though EA is involved youll see TOR got the way of Warhammer i am pretty sure.

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