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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So much for not charging subs for Makeb


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Honestly. If you think a new planet with five levels is worth paying for, then by all means go do it. Please just hear me out first. You are doing all players a disservice by pre-paying for so little promised content.


I will respond to a few of your knee-jerk defenses:

a. "but...but...it's sooo little money"

First, you are already paying a monthly fee. Would you have paid $10 to get 'section x/HK'? That's essentially what is happening here. Can't you see that they're trying to make us all F2P players who pay for new content? Yes it is the cheapest MMO expansion ever. It is also the most lackluster expansion ever. We don't know any of the details. Which brings me to the next knee jerk defense....


b. "they said they'd tell me more in the coming months"

This doesn't mean that you'll learn about any new content in the coming months. They have told you that you are getting a planet and five levels. If you pay for that now, what incentive do they have to put more content in? They already have your money! If every subscriber kicked in ten dollars today, they wouldn't throw in a new operation and 3 flashpoint and a new warzone out of the kindness of their heart. By paying upfront for a vague promise of content you are removing all leverage the consumer has.


Make them commit to a new operation. Make them commit to new gear progression. Make them commit to new flashpoints. Make them commit to advancement of the class story line. Stop throwing away money on fluff. You make us all look bad.


You really believe that people who are spending $40+ on random cartel packs are not going to spend $10 for expansion pack?


The weird thing about F2P is people think there saving money by not paying $15 a month, but instead there paying 3x-4x more a month for the same content that used to be free with your $15 a month... As long as there is enough people who are willing to throw money away were mostly SOL.

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Honestly. Level cap is all I wanted anyway. I don't even care bout anything else. So I look at what little or more else (however you look at it) that's coming with it is a bonus for me! I would have paid 20$ just for a level cap increase.


What are you going to do with your level 55 character that you weren't doing with your level 50?

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Hell no you shouldn't. I learned that by going to Blizzcon. Large parts cataclysm that were presented never happened or were totally different come actual play time.


I've learned over teh years to take what they show with a grain of salt till info comes available and the game has gone gold.




Except in this case, BW cleared up the wrod play in August with they are not sure of there plan. Now you are sure and you still don't have to get the product yet as it's still months away.


If you want the perk and trust BW enough to fork over some cash then by all means go ahead but don't act like you have to or that the product was ever promised to you a specific way and that it could never be adjusted.


"Clarifying" is just management speak for "renegging." Saying "that guy earlier mispoke doesn't count. In the real world you don't get PR "do overs." If you said it you put up or shut up, anything else is a violation of consumer confidence.


"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." Only works if you're Steve Jobs or Darth Vader. Not for some faltering game developer bleeding money, subs and good will.

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You really believe that people who are spending $40+ on random cartel packs are not going to spend $10 for expansion pack?


The weird thing about F2P is people think there saving money by not paying $15 a month, but instead there paying 3x-4x more a month for the same content that used to be free with your $15 a month... As long as there is enough people who are willing to throw money away were mostly SOL.




Math is a wonderful thing. :cool:

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Go compare it to WoW. I know most people don't like doing that, but they are the industry leader and what they do sets the standard. Look at the last three expansions.


Multiple new flashpoints, new raids, new gear tiers, new battlegrounds new class, new race, multiple new zones, days worth of new quest content, new story ,level cap, abilities, ui and system functions, pets, mounts, events.


We get 1/10th of that for 1/3 the cost. It's not a very good comparison. Look at rift, LotRO, etc. This "expansion" comes nowhere near the industry standard and they flat out said "it's not an expansion it's a patch" months ago, and now it comes with EVEN LESS content than they said back when it was just a patch.


Here's a bit of real logic for you. A level cap increase may be a NECESSARY condition for something to qualify as an expansion, but it is not a NECESSARY AND SUFFICIENT condition.


Blizzard also charges a lot more... Mist of Pandas or whatever its called is $40 for normal version and $60 for deluxe version....

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Oh and to all the people saying 'It's only $10, jeez!' pay for my expansion. I will shut up about it forever, promise.


It may only cost me $5 for a fast food purchase but I don't want to pay for yours, we haven't even met. :rolleyes: If you were my buddy, sure.

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So, if we have to pay for every update, why subscribe? Our subscriptions are paying for the development of stuff that we are then asked to pay for again. ***?

What about every 1.X patch since launch? They've all been free. We just got Ancient Hypergate and the heroic space missions last week. The idea is that RotHC is a lot larger than any of those previous updates, and that's why it costs money.

None of us know if this is going to be a good deal or a bad deal yet, so its a little too soon with start ************ about how it shouldn't cost us anything.

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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It may only cost me $5 for a fast food purchase but I don't want to pay for yours, we haven't even met. :rolleyes: If you were my buddy, sure.


I don't believe you called me a 'whiner' or told me to shut up for voicing my opinion either, so it really wasn't directed at you.


It's more for those who seem to think they can have say over what I, and others, are disappointed about and voice our opinions about. It's very similar to 'don't like how I play the game? Pay my sub and I will do it how you say.'

Edited by Prettyevilish
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"Clarifying" is just management speak for "renegging." Saying "that guy earlier mispoke doesn't count. In the real world you don't get PR "do overs." If you said it you put up or shut up, anything else is a violation of consumer confidence.


That is so wrong on so many levels and so not he way it works with gaming development its not even funny. Again, thats the reason game companies dislike telling gamers anything.


"I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further." Only works if you're Steve Jobs or Darth Vader. Not for some faltering game developer bleeding money, subs and good will.


Clearly it worked for the largest MMO developer around and while I don't know other examples right off hand I'm sure there are more. Blizzard however has had no problems changing released information.

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What about ever 1.X patch since launch? They've all been free. We just got Ancient Hypergate and the heroic space missions last week. The idea is that RotHC is a lot larger than any of those previous updates, and that's why it costs money.

None of us know if this is going to be a good deal or a bad deal yet, so its a little too soon with start ************ about how it shouldn't cost us anything.


Given they are selling all the level 7 space ship parts on the Cartel Market and make you do an impossible grind to afford them yourself, i wouldnt exactly say the Heroic Space Missions are free.... I expect a lot of future content to be this way, an extramly hard grind or just pay $15 to buy it on the Cartel Market...


Instead of F2P (Free 2 Play) it should be called PM2P (Pay More 2 Play)

Edited by Monoth
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Realy you actualy thought this was going to be free? Nothing is for free, nothing. Even in other games that gives the options to get content through ingame currency,,still isnt free. Hello you are paying for it through sub.


Cant belive people are still crying about the game after year being released. Get over it and move on.

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Honestly. If you think a new planet with five levels is worth paying for, then by all means go do it. Please just hear me out first. You are doing all players a disservice by pre-paying for so little promised content.


I will respond to a few of your knee-jerk defenses:

a. "but...but...it's sooo little money"

First, you are already paying a monthly fee. Would you have paid $10 to get 'section x/HK'? That's essentially what is happening here. Can't you see that they're trying to make us all F2P players who pay for new content? Yes it is the cheapest MMO expansion ever. It is also the most lackluster expansion ever. We don't know any of the details. Which brings me to the next knee jerk defense....


b. "they said they'd tell me more in the coming months"

This doesn't mean that you'll learn about any new content in the coming months. They have told you that you are getting a planet and five levels. If you pay for that now, what incentive do they have to put more content in? They already have your money! If every subscriber kicked in ten dollars today, they wouldn't throw in a new operation and 3 flashpoint and a new warzone out of the kindness of their heart. By paying upfront for a vague promise of content you are removing all leverage the consumer has.


Make them commit to a new operation. Make them commit to new gear progression. Make them commit to new flashpoints. Make them commit to advancement of the class story line. Stop throwing away money on fluff. You make us all look bad.


we will get new gear. and we don't know if we get new operation or FP.

this is a mini expansion that is why the cost is 10

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That is so wrong on so many levels and so not he way it works with gaming development its not even funny. Again, thats the reason game companies dislike telling gamers anything.




Clearly it worked for the largest MMO developer around and while I don't know other examples right off hand I'm sure there are more. Blizzard however has had no problems changing released information.


game companies hate telling consumers things so much that their marketing budgets often dwarf delopment costs? no. game companies marketing costs often dwarf development because game companies want to tell us what we want to hear in a way that they can back out of later in for the explicit purpose of moving as much product as possible.

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Given they are selling all the level 7 space ship parts on the Cartel Market and make you do an impossible grind to afford them yourself, i wouldnt exactly say the Heroic Space Missions are free.... I expect a lot of future content to be this way, an extramly hard grind or just pay $15 to buy it on the Cartel Market...


Instead of F2P (Free 2 Play) it should be called PM2P (Pay More 2 Play)


Yeah, not happy about this trend. There should at least be parady. Right now it's not tipped in the subscribers favor ( it should be favored to one actually playing the game as designed and not taking short cuts ). Oh and yes this is the slippery slope to P2Win. :cool:

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game companies hate telling consumers things so much that their marketing budgets often dwarf delopment costs? no. game companies marketing costs often dwarf development because game companies want to tell us what we want to hear in a way that they can back out of later in for the explicit purpose of moving as much product as possible.


Could be. They also hate telling gamers anything (during development anyway) cause once they do, gamers seem to take it like the signing of the constitution. Even after new info. has come out. Like in this thread.


6 month old quotes from 2 different people that were tied together and then expanded upon 2 months later and cleared up today and you're still holding onto the original 6 month old quotes as if they were doctrine.


Maybe if you had said you just don't like it and the way it looks and where it seems to be headed in your eyes, people could at least accept that. What people are are actually doing borders on OCD.

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we will get new gear. and we don't know if we get new operation or FP.

this is a mini expansion that is why the cost is 10


I hate to be mean, but you have had some of the most naive posts I've read all day. Seriously, your faith in the goodness of bioware is borderline delusional. Yes, they said there would be new gear. Obviously there will be level 51-55 green, blue, and purple items that drop. How will those items compare to current 50+ gear (black hole/campaign and hazmat/dread guard)? If my dread guard gear will still be better than level 55 purples, then I don't need to worry much about getting it. They've said new gear will drop. They haven't said there will be a new end game gear level.

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no you paid more...just an example


subscriber: monthly sub is £9, expansion price is £6, together you pay £15.

free to play: expansion price is £12


so yeah...there you go :)


US dollars:


$15/month for subscription, plus another $10 for purchase of content update = $25.

Free-to-Play purchase of content update = $20.


For all of the 'General Genius' people who really think they are getting a great deal.

Edited by Amodin
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Yes, it's all lies, broken promises and a blatant money grab for content which was supposed to be an update patch and not an expansion. But considering that the BW/EA combination scores negative in credibility by now anyhow, I can't really say that this has any shock value. As a subber I get maybe two weeks of extra entertainment at the price of a big coffee and two bagels I usually buy on my way to work. Yeah, it sucks, but you don't expect fair deals from your drug dealer, right?
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Well, look at it his way. If I crap in your hand and call it a diamond, does that make it a diamond? I can still charge you the price of a diamond and you can still choose whether or not to pay for it. The point is, calling it a diamond doesn't make it stink any less. That is a fact. :)
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Whats sad is I was one of those player saying "wait and see."


I waited. Now I see. Can I go back and take the blue pill this time?:eek:



This is the problem, if you don't make your feelings clear well before time.......... well afterwards it is too late. :(

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To clarify all of the confusement.. In this video there has been stated that Makeb will be the biggest, NON-EXPANSION PACK piece of content ever released. So, I am very disapointed they will put this into a Expansion Pack, where they first said they wouldn't do that.


http://starwarstorguide.blogspot.dk/2012/12/pre-order-makeb-its-supposed-to-be-free.html Just around 5 minutes they start talking about Makeb.

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