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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Decision Time for 6 Monthers


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Renewed 6 months 2 days ago. I am loving this game. Do note this is my first MMORPG and the only reason I tried the genre is the SW theme and a few in game combat videos I saw.


I wish I noticed it earlier so I could have gone CE with early access. Been playing and learning the game mecanics since mid-Jan.

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Somehow, and I honestly don't have any idea how, even though I'm a 6-monther my account says I have 34 days left? All I know is I decided to leave long ago. GW2 looks like a way to occupy myself until something better comes along. Hell, even the pvp-less Neverwinter looks likes an improvement right now.
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I'll go with another 6 month sub just because I want to get my republic toons through their stories.

(Yes I'm aware I could probably do this with F2P but how much would it cost to keep all 8 slots open and transport and inventory slots and racial selections and the option to delve into the occaisional OP?)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Renewing 6 month. All MMOs need players commitment to grow and get better in time. I am giving this commitment to BioWare.


Here is to hoping that BioWare will show the same commitment to this game and it's remaining playerbase. The players cannot do it alone.

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I was on a monthly sub and I unsubbed 2 weeks ago. The game bacame old and boring for me though I'm casual. I've got only one 50 (in any mmmo I had more than 2 or 3 characters maxed) and several 30sh and is not appealing for me level any of them to 50.


However, I will keep an eye on the game to see how it evolves.

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I'm monthly. I unsubbed previously due to getting tired of spamming general on fleet in vain, but still had a couple of days left when the mergers happened. Gave them a try and resubbed. I'll stay subbed for now, but I'm finding my play time diminishing. It's still fun and I want to finish class stories for all my toons so we'll see how long it lasts.
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Here is to hoping that BioWare will show the same commitment to this game and it's remaining playerbase. The players cannot do it alone.


^This. I do month to month because MMO's are always changing, better or worse. But I also hope they allow you guys to actually fullfil that commitment. Like testing patches before they're released. Listening to feedback. Keeping you entertained with more than just promises of Soon™. The game would be better for it, but they have been doing the opposite since launch. :(

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