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Everything posted by Methenu

  1. Switch to the PvP instance. It is on that terminal. For some reason it's not showing up on the PvE instance.
  2. The ability Malgus uses is called Relentless Assault (pulls you and companion). When you land it shows that you were defeated by Fall Damage (0 damage). It doesn't bug every time he uses it. Only some of the time which is even more frustrating as you never know when it's going to one shot you. I've managed to get him to 35% once before getting hit with it and, of course, have to start the fight over. The real boss here is the programmers apparently.
  3. I second this as an original CE owner. Toss it into the anniversary bundle for those that missed out. You can already get the other digital items like the Longspur Stap and the VIP wristband. Give back to the community BioWare.
  4. Do what you want, it's your story. According to a buddy I play with my Sage is a "giant **** blocking robot built in a government lab" (yes, Zombieland) because I always win the rolls and go dark side when he's being all suave light side with the NPC. Sith Warrior (Marauder) - Full Dark Side (Dark Side Jaesa is so sadistic) Bounty Hunter (Powertech) - Full Light Side Imperial Agent (Operative) - Full Light Side Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer) - Full Dark Side Jedi Consular (Sage) - Full Dark Side Jedi Knight (Guardian) - Full Light Side Smuggler (Gunslinger) - Whatever choice feels right at the time Republic Trooper (Commando) - Full Light Side
  5. Most of the adaptive armor sets do not contain them. I would like to see a variety of headpieces available on the CM. The Eradicator's Mask (which, yes, I purchased) is very nice in my opinion. The level of detail on it makes it all the more menacing. I'd very much like to see more of this type of thing on there or available in future Cartel Packs.
  6. Whole-heartedly agree! I was disappointed when I heard my Sage speak for the first time with it. She looks like a dark side Jedi, but she sure doesn't talk like one.
  7. Suggestions for Free and Preferred status players: 1) The constant messages reminding you of "x" should be toned down. X being something you don't have because you are not subscribed. Whether it's "you have entered a rest zone, you don't get rested xp because you aren't a subscriber" or when you get around 280k credits you are reminded every time you sell an item that you are getting close to your 350k limit or even the message in the lower left on every vendor that says "you're paying more because you aren't subscribing". Free and Preferred status players are being reminded at every turn that they are second class citizens. It doesn't make them want to pay, it makes them want to quit. 2) Restrictions on Warzones, Space Missions and Flashpoints should be relaxed a bit. You should at the very least be able to do the same amount of each. Maybe have a pool of 10 that you can use for which you enjoy more? So, if someone is more of a raider than a pvper they can do more Flashpoints. You can still get your fee for the Artifact Authorization if they get a good drop or earn enough commendations. 3) Rested XP. This is a big thing for a lot of long time MMO players. I can appreciate the fact that the longer you keep someone engaged in the game, the more likely they are to spend money on it. This should at least be given to the Preferred status players. Some I've talked to would shell out for an unlock for this. 4) Companion customization; I've heard from a few people that they can't obtain the first companion customization mission reward without subscribing. You'd think that at that stage you'd want to hook people in rather than placing something in their way. Might want to think about coaxing them in with a cool little bauble rather than saying "you hit lvl 10, give us some cash or kick rocks". I've managed to convince a couple people in the past week to come on back to SWTOR since we hadn't played for over a year and they're subscribing as well. Not because 'OMG it's such an amazing game' but rather 'these restrictions blow but we'd like to play some Star Wars'. From a business perspective the latter attitude isn't going to be long-term sustaining, it's going to generate minimal revenue and then be gone again. Speaking as someone who had faith, pre-purchased the Collector's Edition and was in on the first day of early access, some of the restrictions make sense and some are utter crap.
  8. They're nickel and diming the F2P players so that, in relation to the prices for individual aspects, a subscription appears to be a bargain. They attempted to allow F2Pers to "pay for what you want" so they could at least have some revenue coming in from that angle and ended up making it "pay for every convenience". As a CE owner, 1st day 1st wave early access'er and former 6 month subscriber, there isn't anything here that is encouraging me to resub except to get away from the perceived hassle of F2P. I say hassle because as a former subscriber I know what the game looks/feels like unrestricted. Cartel Coins incentive from purchasing CE and 6 months of subs - Mine is equivalent to about $20. Not impressed by the Cartel Shop/Nothing striking my fancy. Not a reason to resub. Story - Get it all for free now. Can clean up the couple remaining SLs that I didn't complete. Not a reason to resub. PvP - Been there, done that, meh. The PvP is mediocre at best. I do miss Huttball a bit, but... Not a reason to resub. Raiding - Been there, done that, meh. The SLs as you raid are solid and interesting the first couple times. After that, it's lather, rinse, repeat just like any other MMO. Not a reason to resub. I'm glad the subscribers still enjoy playing and supporting the game. Like the die hard supporters of SWG I'm sure they will be here until the end of this chapter of the Star Wars saga as well.
  9. While I agree with you, Leo, there is a certain sticking point that's getting me. That is: the people that did purchase the game and sub for a number of months have the coins retroactive as a perk for supporting the game early on, but they have to be subscribed to redeem that. If you come back to test drive the free to play to see what changes are there in order to determine if you want to resub, you don't get them by default even though you have already paid. So, it really isn't a perk of the sub in that instance, it's a carrot to get you to resub. The monthly allotment is a reasonable perk. 500 is a nice little thank you to go along with the sub. And from the look of things BioWare needs to thank all the people subbing now for overlooking a subpar overall experience in order to frolic in the Star Wars universe.
  10. I apologize if you don't get it. I figured everyone playing the game and defending BioWare's actions was acquainted with the original trilogy at the very least. Original line from Episode IV: The more you tighten your grip, Tarken, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
  11. Or you could go play GW2 where it's about collaboration instead of competition. It's really a good system and I hope that future MMOs take from the example. It eases up on the ******ery by a quite a lot.
  12. Haven't had a sub since July I believe it was. As you can see, yes I am able to post.
  13. The more you tighten your grip, BioWare, the more subscribers will slip through your fingers. Yeah, I went there.
  14. Speaking as someone who purchased the CE and a 6 month subscription and came back to see the restrictions on free to play before re-subbing, reading "giving away as much as humanly possible to our free play players" is a joke. Not subscribed - pay to show or hide your legacy name Not subscribed - pay to show or hide your head piece There are more but you get the idea. Is this as much as humanly possible? As a long time MMO player I consider these things basic fluff. So, in my opinion, this is not as much as humanly possible. Maybe as much as inhumanly possible? Because honestly all I'm seeing is a desperate money grab to unlock features basic to most MMOs. I'm surprised there isn't a charge to unlock the mail system. I'm not sure who I feel more sorry for, EA/BioWare for feeling they had to resort to this or the players who would actually pay for it.
  15. Decision has been made for some time. I haven't even touched the game in about 2-3 months.
  16. Go play The Secret World. This is merely a suggestion. It has the systems in place that you desire. Rather than waiting for BioWare to rework/improve their systems, try out another. 1) Doesn't matter what server you create your character on, because of the server cluster technology they use everyone plays together. No need for transfers. Only limitation is the Fusang PVP warzone which is server specific. 2) Open-ended skill system. Create one character, they can do everything, no re-rolling unless you want to play another faction. Pure DPS. Pure Tank. Pure Heals. Or any hybrid combination you can come up with. 3) Monthly content updates. New missions, new unlocks/achievements, new features, new dungeons, etc. Sorry to say, but BioWare is following the Blizzard playbook step by step. Don't expect them to deviate from it too much.
  17. Just finished my 4th character through Voss solo. Difficulty seems fine to me. First character - Sith Sorcerer Second character - BH Powertech Third character - Sith Marauder Fourth character - Jedi Guardian
  18. I would surmise that it's because actual experience does give insight. The author has been playing MMOs for the last 7 years. That means he has practical experience with the genre. He has seen what works in other games, watched them stumble into pitfalls and would like SWTOR to avoid them if possible. If BioWare had more practical MMO experience and insight perhaps the game would be doing better.
  19. What big news on coming additions? The "1 new this 1 new that" isn't big news. It's just news. Standards that they need to live up to or even the fanboys will run out of positivity.
  20. How long of not hearing anything about why it's taking so long do you look to flag down a server? 30 minutes? An hour? When do you and your date become hungry enough that you just go to another restaurant? I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for an update after a month of silence on this topic. Even saying something like "we're almost there, 1.3 will be arriving on the PTS soonish" would alleviate some of this.
  21. So...you've lvled up as a pvper since 1.2 has gone live? I think not. People are complaining about the drop since 1.2. If you didn't notice before, PvPers didn't have a problem with the credit situation before as, as you state above, you could get everything you need + some cash left over at 50. Now they can't. And Zoeller said the incarnation that was on PTS was only temporary, but it went live with no comment from the devs. That is what they are upset about.
  22. Well if anyone lives in Austin, BioWare is hiring for QA personnel: QA Analyst QA Tester -- End Game Both are temporary, on-site positions....because if they actually hired permanent, full-time people with a clue about how to properly QA a software package perhaps things wouldn't get to the zero hour before the decision was made to revamp the current incarnation of a particular feature.
  23. Methenu

    gear changes: wth?

    Strange game. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?
  24. My guild plays both sides on the same server. I happen to be the guild leader for the dark side. I made 2 Republic toons, but didn't get the past the early teens. Just didn't pop for me. Now that the Legacy system is going to allow me (because I have a 50 Chiss Bounty Hunter) to make a Chiss Smuggler, I'm glad A) that I got a Chiss to 50 before Legacy and B) that I will have plenty of assistance from the vets that have been playing Republic since head start. Most of our Republic guys have alts on Empire, but we're going to be looking at a lot more now as they will be able to play the races they enjoyed on Republic + bonus abilities on the Empire side. It just doesn't feel like punishment to me. It feels like a reward for picking what you liked, leveling it, playing it and enjoying it. I also have a 50 Pureblood, so maybe I'll make a Pureblood JK as well.
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