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10 Good
  1. BLACK version of the Ultratech Stalker coat that used to drop from the final boss of False Emperor. Since the model currently sports a lowered hood, to please those who want more hoods, you could offer it with a hood-down version and a hood-up version.
  2. Yeah, this. I could've lived with it, I think, as major tier boundary. Every 3 sets or so, you'd have to cash in the previous tier piece to step up. But it looks like they're going to pull this on us for every piece now, and I don't think that's going to be acceptable for me. In other words, player support for pvp is being force-choked by stupid design, not just stupid armor design, but stupid planning of the upgrade costs. I don't want to go, but the slow updates and the disappointing last world event really put a damper on my enthusiasm. A few more bad moves like this and it's unsub for me. Edit: and this is as a Shadow who's been using DPS gear to tank in PVP, so I don't have to worry about re-grinding nearly as much as a lot of other people who want to be able to use two specs. Most dual-speccers, this grind would be nuts. The fact there are probably worse ones out there in other games is no defense (how many of those games are anywhere near successful?).
  3. Please avoid one of the worst mistakes in online English. Not "should of." It only sounds that way. Should -> <- have = should've
  4. Sith ship first and everything else later by a mile? More Empire bias. They've really pulled out all the stops to get people to play on the side that's guaranteed to lose, led by a species destined for extermination.
  5. Farming low levels? Oh, they reeked, all right
  6. So, I was just sitting on fleet waiting for the Group Finder to match me up for a daily hardmode flashpoint. While I waited, I did other stuff. And missed two pops because there's no alert sound when the window pops up (or if there is, it's nowhere near as obvious as the warzone queue sound). Really, if the Finder is going to dump us back to Fleet (or wherever the flashpoint exit is) when it finishes, it becomes pointless to go and do dailies while we wait. We're stuck sitting and waiting, which means we will want to multitask. So please add an attention-grabbing sound alert!
  7. From 6-month, downshifted to monthly subscription. A little edgy about F2P is going to work out, and disappointed with the start of the event today (sounds like a lot of go-fetch missions for rewards I'm not interested in).
  8. Thank you for the inspiration, War Hero headpiece users... I never really liked this headpiece until you made me think to check its color match... with the Ultratech Stalker chest. Throw in a white saber crystal and Black Hole gloves, and you get... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b283/sharkmegabyte/SWTOR/Galli-white-trench-ninja1.jpg http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b283/sharkmegabyte/SWTOR/Galli-white-trench-ninja2.jpg (Columi may not be the best leg match, but it's the best I have for now)
  9. Okay, let's put this another way. You think that a line of assassin droids could be highly successful while keeping the same standardized appearance for, what, 300 years? In that case, I have some prime beachfront property on Taris for sale. No, without some customizations to make him look unlike the old HKs, HK-51 would not be able to get within a mile of any target that couldn't be taken down a lot more cheaply by a newbie bounty hunter.
  10. The video showing HK-51 left me pretty disappointed and underwhelmed. He (especially his head) looks so... dull. He's going to need some customizations to make him more interesting and dangerous-looking. I, for one, was really hoping he'd look more like IK-4C from the Republic's Nar Shaddaa bonus series. That is an appropriately mean-looking type of droid! And the scripting and voice acting for him was great, too. Can we get an HK customization that makes him look more IK-ish, please?!
  11. The group finder is missing an option under Planetary Destinations for Ilum (Dailies). (These still pay better per-mission than Belsavis or Corellia.)
  12. Kinetic Shadow pull (which is vs. hostiles instead of Sage's friendly) did this for me today too.
  13. Shadow tank in mostly DPS gear here (I run two pieces of Survisor armor for the set bonus, plus sometimes the shield as a survivability tweak). This nerf is not having a major effect for me so far. I think I can see the reduction in healing from Telekinetic Throw, but that's it. So my survivability is down a little. Well, I can make up for some of that with 2 skill points in Impact Control - gives me 10% instant self-heal whenever Battle Readiness is activated. Already used this along with WZ Medpacks and TK Throw a few times today to come back from the brink of death to just under 50% health and kill several damaged opponents before finally kicking the bucket myself.
  14. Don't use the default targeting keybinds. My suggestion is, set up custom key binds for 'Target Nearest Enemy' and 'Target Next Enemy,' and experiment to see which one works for you more often. Then... keep them both. There will be times your favorite doesn't find the enemy you want it to; when that happens, use the other one. A few people may be able to get good enough at click-targeting that it isn't a disadvantage to them. Salute to you if you eventually pull it off, but I don't think most people can manage it. Odds are, if you insist on continuing to click-target, you'll die a lot and cause your team to lose a lot of games.
  15. Yes. This has happened way too much. BW finally is fixing the delay on Consulars' Project, but we still have a delay on Force Wave when imps don't. Fix Force Wave next (or add a delay to the Inquisitor's aoe knockback). Up to now, if you put an identically specced Inquisitor and a Consular with equal gear and all cd's up in a room and let them fight it out, the Inq would be able to win just by having more responsive abilities. If the Consular won despite the disadvantages, you'd know it was because the player was better. I look forward to a lot of Imperial tears after 1.3 when nobody can stealth-dodge Project anymore. But the delay on Force Wave coupled with lag and position-displaying issues will continue to make countless Huttball matches headdesk-fests, winning games for the Empire, until this imbalance too is corrected.
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