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PvP - What YOU should be doing in warzones


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My main is a DPS guardian and here are some tips for you kids that think all you can do is damage.


Even a DPS can save a healer!


I recently started switching to Soresu form to help with guarding our healers and it has made a pretty big difference. The longer your healer lives, the longer you live. If there is nobody to guard, switch back the Shein form if you want. If you don't know how to guard, switch to Soresu and then select a friendly, then select guard.


Use your taunts!


There will often be large clusters of people fighting together on a node, on a door, or around a ball carrier. Use Challenging Call! This sucks the damage out of the enemy for 6 seconds which is a huge amount of time. This could mean the difference of your team surviving until reinforcements arrive or keeping your ball carrier alive long enough to pass or score. Tuant can do the same thing except for one target. This can save your healers life as well as put a muzzle on a DPS wrecking ball.


You have more than one leap, use it!


Guardian leap is your friend. I don't know how many times I have been in the pit on Huttball with Force Leap on CD and Guardian Leap allowed me to get to the ball carrier above me. This ability can also get you or your teammates out of trouble. Target a friendly while you are surrounded and leap out of the fray. Target a friendly while they are surrounded to jump into the fray and drop a Sweep or a Stun to let them get to safety.

Edited by Hyryu
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Another one for Voidstar:


When planting a bomb at the door, you DO NOT need 3 people to plant it!!!!!! The rest of the team mates need to guard that player from interuptions and stop AoE's from taking place.


You all get an attacker bonus from it, let ONE person plant the bomb while you defend him. The amount of times i see this makes my blood boil lol




ps: doesnt help when rolling VS puts me in a bad mood already lol

While true, I prefer to have two people arming a bomb on the offchance that the enemy closest to you doesn't have an AoE readily available. 1 person is as easy as "basic attack" to stop, but if two people at least are in the door, it would take far longer to hit each with a basic attack. Obviously this is situations with few defenders left nearby, and CC should be used before just stacking a door, but doing BOTH is preferable to either one individually.

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After 13 years of MMOs I've come to realize that PvP is not a skill thing. It's an IQ thing. Most people just don't have the tools.


Well, I don't play any other types of games that takes 30 keybinds and good situationnal awareness, despite GCDs wich eases the button mashing, than SWTOR and MMOs in general. A lot of people can't use 30 keybinds and have to click numerous of their skills if they want to use them, or just chose to not use them. Once you're acustomed though, it makes a real difference. That's the biggest thing to learn when switching from FPS to MMO PvP, since you need situational awareness for both.

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Modify your GUI to support your class/role. Healers may do better if they have the operations frame near the center of the screen, for example.


Turn on target of target and focus.


Map a key to "acquire target's target". Map one to 'swap target and focus' or 'set focus'.


Remap your keyboard to be more useful in-combat, at the expense of out-of-combat usefulness. Seriously, do you REALLY need z and x set to social flourishes, and c set to character panel? How close are those keys to your fingers in combat? What sort of useful things can you map to them? (set 'U' to character panel if you like).




If you're a Tank AC, and don't have Aggro, use your taunt.


If you're a Tank AC, are in your defensive stance, and don't have aggro, guard your target's target.



If you're defending a node, and there isn't any action, Type "Incoming <Position>" in your chat window, but don't press enter. That way, when you DO see incoming, it takes a single keystroke to call for help.

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Yes the def at the other point should call out incs, but, we all know sometimes you get surprised or don't see them coming, or don't see how many are coming. Look at your mini map, if all of a sudden there is no one at the other point/door then GO! It doesn't matter whose fault it is, you all lose.


With stealth classes in a game you should almost always assume that the one guy headed your way has friends you cannot see. Heck a good team will have a stealth class scout the node before the non-stealthies head there. So never assume that the one guy headed your way is solo, let people know anyway so that they can get there when you're suddenly in a 3 to1 situation when the 2 stealth classes de-stealth and are beating on you in addition to that one guy you saw coming.

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Another one:


If you're DPS and your team is leaving just 1 or 2 to defend a node, and you're elsewhere (e.g. helping cap mid), set your FOCUS to one of the the 'side' defenders.


You'll quickly see if their health starts to drop, which will often be noticed faster than they call Incoming.

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What is really messed, a lot of players on my pug teams will mark the healer.....Ive seen them tell us to kill the healer, at valour rank 74 ya I get it..and I attack them and begin to notice no one but myself and even the person who mentioned it in chat is ignoring the healer. Ive seen war heros say lets attack mid, okay I move in with a BM and a recruit...wait a minute we get slaughtered...go back to snow to regroup...the conq is guarding the snow turret? Ive seen war heros killing pubs in the tunnels as the rest of the pub team has already moved to the final gate in voidstar. Get the picture...this isnt a noob issue. I think its too easy to claim that ..or that players are all stupid. Heres what I think are the possible scenarios.


1)players are just swinging away to get their daily done, dont care if they win

2)intentionally throwing their game...for friends? for a laugh? I have no frickin idea!

3)immaturity...I really think a number of players are very young and strategy is really lost on them.

4)i see a lot of youtube posts...maybe this is what is going on playing just so they can get that one good funny posts to upload?


And to address the pug vs premade, yes generally a premade will win. However, I actually pugged my way this far, whay? most of my "guildmates" were horrible at pvp and I generally had better luck with pugs. Having said that, since the population dropped off, all that si left on the pub side a 1-2 very good premades everyone plays over and over and over.

Edited by LexiCazam
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It looks like following the objective is not important. You receive experience and valor based on your medals count whic strongly relates to your DPS and HPS output.

the ultimate goal is to DO AS MUCH DPS OR HPS AS YOU CAN.


Just simple tips to maximise your dps.


1. Do not win warzones fast, the longer it lasts the more exp you receive.

2. If you are ranged move as less as possible, damage output from static position is higher. If opponent try to run do not chase him but switch to another.

3. Never go for the healers, you will be CC and focused by multiple players, you need to stay alive to do dps.

4. Always attack tanks first, tanks don't drop fast, so before killing him you'll get alot of damage dealt, this is important for classes with dots, on tanks dots usually tick full duration.

5. If you have a healer with you try to find another dps or tank with healer and attack tank/dps not the healer so you'll be able to do dps non stop for very long time give you and your healer partner great numbers.

7.Never guard objectives it is a waste of time always run into massacre and nuke huge aoe

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It looks like following the objective is not important. You receive experience and valor based on your medals count whic strongly relates to your DPS and HPS output.

the ultimate goal is to DO AS MUCH DPS OR HPS AS YOU CAN.


Just simple tips to maximise your dps.


1. Do not win warzones fast, the longer it lasts the more exp you receive.

2. If you are ranged move as less as possible, damage output from static position is higher. If opponent try to run do not chase him but switch to another.

3. Never go for the healers, you will be CC and focused by multiple players, you need to stay alive to do dps.

4. Always attack tanks first, tanks don't drop fast, so before killing him you'll get alot of damage dealt, this is important for classes with dots, on tanks dots usually tick full duration.

5. If you have a healer with you try to find another dps or tank with healer and attack tank/dps not the healer so you'll be able to do dps non stop for very long time give you and your healer partner great numbers.

7.Never guard objectives it is a waste of time always run into massacre and nuke huge aoe


can't tell if trolling or just stupid.

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Novare Coast - you dont have to be right next to the terminal to start capping it, you can be about 10m away. Also some times enemies wont notice you capping when you are not right next to it.
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Novare Coast - you dont have to be right next to the terminal to start capping it, you can be about 10m away. Also some times enemies wont notice you capping when you are not right next to it.


Yar. I usually play a 'defender' role in WZ's, and the long-distance cap thing has gotten me a few times. If you get a group of 3 or 4, spread them out a bit to avoid AoE interrupt, you can often bypass defenders. It makes defense a lot more interesting.

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Novare Coast - you dont have to be right next to the terminal to start capping it, you can be about 10m away. Also some times enemies wont notice you capping when you are not right next to it.


I would go as far as to tell people not to cap from right on top of the console, far too often i see people blocking others from capping by covering the console with their bodies....also u can cap during battle so say 2 of ur team are finishing of 1 of another team.....cap the node!

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Bump because this is the kind of thing we need on the pvp forum (instead of whining children)


Also, I think you need to separate novare coast and alderaan. They are only similar at a superficial level. The tactics you need to employ are very different.


A couple more points of advice.


1. In alderaan, there can only be 1 capper. Every class has at least 1 aoe, which means that double capping just actually gives them a wider target surface area. If one person is already capping, do not try to help them with the cap. Instead, distract and CC/slow all incoming players. This also applies to voidstar bomb planting.


2. When capping in novare coast, the entire team, except maybe a dedicated ccer should be capping the point. Standing around waiting for someone to kill just slows the process.


3. In alderaan, it is often possible to interrupt your opponents left (your right) cap if you have force speed or predation. In novare coast, it is NOT possible to prevent the farthest point from being captured.


4. If you are dead in voidstar, as the door explodes, wait a little bit to release for the "attackers have secured this room". You will respawn farther ahead instead of behind.

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This WZ is all about positioning and passing the middle is for people with charge abilities, if you can't get up to the bridges by jumping to someone avoid the middle.


Save your knockbacks/pulls/stuns for killing people in fire/poison and getting people off bridges.


Clear your side of the map, if you are spawning and the opposing team has players in position on your bridge it is your job to kill/knock them down.



Save CC abilities for after you wipe one side, don't fight at the door (door is for capping not dying to AOE in front of), when a teammate is capping stand in the notch near their spawn (this way you can see them come out and CC but they can't charge to you and leapfrog to the person capping). If you blow all your CC and our teammate isn't able to cap switch and try to cap yourself, hopefully your teammate has some CC. Standing away from the door and pulling people away + stun is a great way to give your teammate the last couple seconds of a cap.


Civil War

If you have 1 turret and are not able to get mid have your team fly to the side and attack from there, the enemy will have a harder time tracking your movements and you can quickly hit either turret.


Stand on the wall and spot for your team (best done by ranged).


Novare Coast

East and West are the closest together, in my opinion they are the best two to control (being dynamic is the highest priority though).



Understand how resolve works. Why do I constantly see sorcs catch passes on the highest bridge with full resolve before they have the ball?


Situational awareness. Mark healers, yours and theirs, mark their squishy high DPS, you can see the number of medals opponents have as well, if you get 3 shot early on by a guy who already has 8 medals mark him, he's dangerous.


Communicate. Use numbers, call incoming, 1st just that they are coming, then take a second, and count (you don't have to be exact there is probably an extra stealther or two anyway) and put the number on the following line even if it is just 1 (remember, stealth).


This goes double for premades, your strat won't work if you don't tell the pugs.


Learn which way is east and which way is west. BW could help with this (compass overlay on minimap) as many people seem to get confused.


Don't quit so easily. There are some really pathetic quitters that play MMOs; if you all ever want to get laid you're gonna have to learn to be more tenacious. I'm ok with getting some defender points in Civil War when it is 300-100, but the other day half my team quit while the game was tied.


If you must quit, do the real PvPers a favor and actually leave the WZ. I don't leave games I start so I've been in a lot of games where my team is outnumbered at the start or just blows it and 1,2, or 3 people leave. I wouldn't say it happens often but sometimes with the replacements we are able to launch a come back when it didn't seem possible, it isn't possible when people are sitting AFK flaming each other.

Edited by MinguesDew
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Thanks heaps for the tips - did my first PvP ever (in any MMO) today - and got 10 medals twice in my first 5 warzones (not sure if that's good, but seemed ok for starting) - with a lot of thanks to these tips for helping this noob :) .


First one was a bit of a right off due to me getting to grips with it all, but once you know what has to be done, and communicate.. BOOM !! The most fun i've had I think in a video game ever.


I can't believe I've waited this long (level 40 now - Guardian) to try PvP.. it's ridic good! :D:D:D

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Don't be the landing pad. If you're standing (i.e. not a Slinger/Sniper in cover) and visible (i.e. not stealthed) on your own ledge, the opposing team's carrier *will* Leap/Charge/Storm to you for a free goal. He will laugh at you and your teammates will curse you.

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General: Theres no point doing DPS if you let them get the heal token in the corners.


Attacking, dont waste your time fighting 6v6 and 2v2 on seperate doors, all get to the same side and you are likely to have an 8v6 advantage as two stay to defend the other door. Let two stealthers go and cc the second door and cap it, or kill them all and CC them coming out of their spawn. If you do go 2v1 on the other door, dont DPS, one of you cap and one of you CC. By the time you have dpsed them down they will have called for backup anyway and your chance is lost.


When you open a door, stop killing the enemy, CC and snare and let your speeders go and cap the next bridge/forcefield/door with all the enemy in the previous zone.


Defending, stop bloody DPSing the second they plant. Some decent CC will allow your team to defuse, breaking all the CC means you lose.


Civil War:

1 versus 4 can work. I can hold middle as a smuggler healer whilst my team cap left and right, hide behind pillar, interrupt, hide, heal, interrupt, hide, insta stealth when it gets hairy, interrupt, hide, repeat until you get backup (or at least you've given your team a good headstart on points). ).

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Good info. But there's a huge problem with this thread.


The players who actually need to read it, never will.

Yeah I'm really impressed with how fast this thread gets knocked back to page two by those whiny kids who share a brain.


Sticky please?


This game is loaded with awful PvPers and they are too cranky in game to listen to anyone there needs to be a sticky like this and the guy who started the thread should be able to moderate his own sticky and get rid of pointless posts like this one.

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Probably already mentioned but just in case:


When out of combat use your class heal/recharge ability.


I even do it at full health sometimes as a visual/ audio reminder to those around me not on full bars. This is espicially useful around new players.

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Just a couple of comments from the first 4 or so pages.


Guard. Yes it's good if you are guarding someone and you drop it if they are out of range...say on the other side of the map. It should be noted, however, that the guarded target can remove guard as well by simply right clicking the buff.


Taunt. I saw this mentioned but didn't read in detail. All I'd say is try to taunt someone who is not anywhere near you in the fight. I generally will aoe taunt a sorc ball from behind as I run to a different node.


Capping. It's been mentioned that you don't need more than 1 person to cap. If you are wondering if you should be that person, look at your cooldowns. Do you have CC available to cast? If so you are NOT the person who should cap.


Capping part b. If you are a smuggler or operative, you can cap from cover. While this won't help with most folks, it will keep the Warrior/Knight who's first impulse is to leap to you and then aoe the door from being able to do just that.


Huttball. If the other team has just scored and someone from your team is fighting the 1-3 that scored the touchdown, leave your team mate to his/her fate and avoid that fight. If there are 2-3 of them at the goal, then that means 2-3 less between your team and a score.

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I would just like to add that in SOME cases focusing the marked healer will not be a good idea.


An example I will give is on my server there is both a WH geared Juggernaut and a WH geared Bounty Hunter Healer


We tried and tried to kill the BH and he would not drop, the Jugg was merely soaking his damage and the BH has enough tricks (shield mainly) to quickly burst heal up with the taunts on us attacking.


So we instead focus fired the Juggernaut, with someone CCing/Interrupting the incoming heals from the BH and he fell and then we would take out the BH.



So in closing, I would like to add that when you pvp you need to be able to see ineffective moments and quickly (QUICKLY) adapt to succeed.

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