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Everything posted by Cobb

  1. OK, so... I have a bit of experience with various gaming guilds. I've been part of one guild for 14 years. It's been interesting to see other members grow, mature, and move on with their lives. As things go, however, it's membership got smaller and smaller, and the focus of the guild changed (or maybe mine did), and I found myself drawn to casual-friendly atmospheres and games like SW:TOR, while they focused on less casual-friendly games. So, in various games, I've joined various guilds, in an attempt to find that 'magic' of a close-knit group of men and women who go beyond the trite slogans of 'fun-oriented', 'casual environment', etc... You've all seen the spam in general chat for guilds looking. They're all the same promises. And usually, the same disappointments. I've found friendly people in other guilds, in various games. Sadly, they tend to be populated with the sorts of players who game hop a lot, and I've found myself in more than one MMO in a high-ranked, but curiously empty guild, as the players moved on to The Next Big Game. I have real-life friends in Pax. They've been suggesting I apply for some time, but frankly, the two week application process was a big turn-off. I'm glad I finally listened to them. The two week process isn't how long it takes to get your character in-game guilded. It's more of a probationary period where you're under increased scrutiny - both within whatever game you're playing with them, and on the forums - to make sure that you'll be a good fit. During this time, they've hit my application thread with LOTS of questions. Sometimes, it feels a bit like hazing, or the kind of poking that you expect from friends. And that's not a bad thing; It seems the process is intentional. If I poke this guy a bit, does he fly off the handle? is he going to be a good fit? Well HE like US? And wouldn't you like to know the answer to those questions before you spend four months in a guild? If the application process seems daunting, give them a try anyway. I bet you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  2. That's no altar; that's a space station!
  3. thank you SW nerd. corrected. (not to imply that SW nerd is a bad thing - in this august company, I consider it a compliment)
  4. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can imagine." -- Random PT "I don't know; I can imagine quite a bit." -- Random Forum Troll.
  5. I have only two things to say: I wanna know what spec that is. I wanna start playing my L50 PT again.
  6. Try to avoid cast-time heals. They'll get you tagged as a healer by the other team faster than anything. Scoundrel Tips: Cast Underworld Medicine while waiting for the door to drop to get Upper Hand, then recover your energy. Use Blaster Whip in combat to get UH - it's faster than UM, and doesn't tag you as a healer. Diagnostic Scan is less dangerous to cast mid-combat, because it's icon isn't green. Of course, it does crap for healing, but it in a pinch can help you recover energy if you've specced that way. Don't forget to use your defensive abilities.
  7. See, this is why I think the Inquisitor has such a great backstory. Here you see two people using it to rationalize their decisions to go either light or dark. And other options in between show up in this thread. Funny thing? Neither of the above rationals are the ones I settled on when playing my Assassin. I went LS on one Assassin, rationalizing that I'd suffered enough as a slave - weak, powerless. I saw what those in power could do, and was determined to make things better for those who couldn't fight for themselves. I went DS on a Sorcerer, rationalizing that... now I have the power, and now everybody is going to pay for the wrongs inflicted on me. Only the strong survive, and those too weak to fight for themselves only have themselves to blame. Just a wonderful backstory. So full of potential.
  8. I love Force Shroud, especially talented with Lightning Recovery and Disjunction. Key PvP talents, IMO.
  9. For the record, I have a Shadow Tank I PvPd to Valor 58 till I switched to a BH for my PvP (currently Valor 53). And an Assassin that's level 24. Tank specs for Assassins/Shadows are great for PvP. Not because they dish out the massive DPS (they don't); not because they're impossible to kill (they're not); not because they're the best at CC (certainly not). They're great for PvP because they're a mixture of hard to stop, hard to kill, with decent DPS and just enough utilities, protections, taunts, and interrupts/CC to be a problem for as long as they're alive. The tank assassin is the true jack of all trades in WZs. e.g - node defense: Guard ally; stealth to make sure they get initial aggro; mind control, discharge. The enemy is hitting 5% less often, for ~34%* less, and half the damage is going to you instead of the person they're trying to kill. And those are all abilities you have at level 20. That means, on average, your guarded target, being attacked by a taunted, discharged enemy, is taking a net of only 31.6% of damage they otherwise would (you'd take the same amount). Level 20 Darkness PvP Spec I can't imagine doing PvP in Darkness Spec, without Lightning Recovery and Disjunction. These don't, in themselves, make you do more damage. But they keep you alive longer and mobile. * - Don't know the internals on the 5% debuff from guard and 30% from taunt - it's possible they're additive to 35% reduction, but it's possible they are multiplicative (0.70 * 0.95 = .665), resulting in a 33.5% reduction instead. Or it's possible they don't stack at all, but I find that unlikely.
  10. Run Diplomacy missions. While increasing and decreasing your LS/DS points, you can have both. That is, you'll might have 2500 LS points and 3000 DS points for a net 500 DS Alignment. However, as you get closer to the top or bottom of the scale, the max number of points you can have is 10,000, so if you have 3000 DS points, but start earning LS points over 7000, your DS points will start to disappear. e.g. at 8000 LS, you can have a max of 2000 DS (net 6000 LS alignment). When you get to 10k either LS or DS, all of the points you earned of the 'other' kind will be gone. All that said... to the OP... I love running my Sith Inquisitor as a LS. The background story is, in my opinion, the best in the game to rationalize taking your char LS, DS, or something in between. I have a much harder time rationalizing a LS Sith Warrior or a DS Trooper.
  11. This. Pushback applies to cast time spells in that, partway through casting, if you get hit, your cast bar gets pushed back to an earlier part of the cast, increasing the cast time. For channeled spells, you simply lose a part of the spell as your cast bar (working it's way down instead of up) gets pushed closer to the left. Perhaps it should be called "push forward" in this case, but that would just be confusing. If you want to maximize your chance of getting the entire TK off, you have several options. Spinning Kick (Stasis Talent), Force Stun, Resilience, full resilience bar (pvp), etc... Nothing's guaranteed (especially in pvp), but you have options.
  12. Power. If your accuracy is high enough (honestly, it's probably higher than it needs to be with L50 gearing right now). Power makes everything hit harder. Normal hits hit harder. Crits hit harder because they scale dmg from the normal hit. And with so many auto-crit abilities laying about, raising crit rating for 15 seconds is less useful than it othewise might be.
  13. I disagree. A Shadow Tank has sufficient abilities that are single-target to build threat and hold aggro. But they have to be aware of the situation around them. If you're having problems with CC, then pull the non-CCd mobs away. If your healers or DPS are pulling aggro before that, then they need to L2P; with few exceptions (e.g. crit string requiring massive healing on the tank) pulling threat early in a fight is a fault of the person pulling aggro, not the tank.
  14. +1 Just because one side is called "Republic", and the other side is called "Sith Empire", doesn't mean that they are the pure analogs for the future (i.e. ~2700 years from now) "Rebel Alliance" and "Empire". The Sith Empire of SW:ToR dies out before the movies, while the Sw:ToR Republic lives on as both the decaying Republic of the trilogy that I like to pretend doesn't exist, and, under new management, the Empire of the real Star Wars Trilogy. If you want to be an Imperial Trooper, the BEST story line is the Republic Trooper.
  15. IMO? Play a BH. Run with Mako. Ignore the rest of your crew. Consider her your Aide de Camp. Search for social gear that'll make you look more imperial. Heck, instead of wearing the (light) Imp Pilot gear, pick up a (medium) chest piece that looks like an Imperial Officer's uniform. Better yet, get two - one for you, one for Mako. To round out the look, pick up moddable Sith Warrior heavy armor instead of BH armor for your other slots. It looks less like a 'battle suit', and more like close-fitting clothing. Note that in a future patch, social gear should automatically 'upgrade' to the best class of armor you can wear (i.e. heavy). Chainmail dancer's outfit, anyone?
  16. The best way to get focused is to cast your out-of-combat channeled self-heal in view of the enemy. This is a favored tactic of mine while playing a Shadow. Show the enemy what they expect to see.
  17. That's called 'balance'. The other team is working hard for victory, too.
  18. I wish my tank had a 5 second invulnerability tool. That, IMO, is on the wrong AC. Give it to Juggs; give it to Assassins; give it to Powertechs. But an immunity to a DPS class? That's poor class design.
  19. Just brainstorming here.... still not comfortable with my Mara (that's why I'm in this forum - to learn more). I wonder, would the combination of a Crit Overpower and Enraged Slash reduce Vicious Slash to a Rage Cost of 0, removing it from building Fury? Would anybody actually run Shii-Cho form and be specced Overpower?
  20. Intents and purposes. Don't want to be a nag, but ... well, that one just grates.
  21. Another one: If you're DPS and your team is leaving just 1 or 2 to defend a node, and you're elsewhere (e.g. helping cap mid), set your FOCUS to one of the the 'side' defenders. You'll quickly see if their health starts to drop, which will often be noticed faster than they call Incoming.
  22. HO only protects against roots, snares, and physics (knockbacks and the like). It doesn't protect against mezzes or stuns.
  23. I'm actually a 42 PT, AP-specced. I have HO, but I don't use it for a speed boost. I'm specced with Penumatic Boots, which gives a 15% speed boost all the time. It's not huge, but I find it critical to the success of the AP spec. AP is a run-and-gun PvP spec... almost everything you're doing is 10m range or less. Getting and staying in range is critical. 15% speed boost, 30% speed debuff on RB'd targets are all critical to getting your 5-stack PFT so you can 5-stack FT. So... with a 15% speed boost from PB, the extra 15% from HO just isn't worth it... but it IS worth it for the immunity in PvP.
  24. Full Resolve Bar + Hydraulic Overrides == No stopping you from capping.
  25. How well-equipped do you need your companions? You're not going to use them in operations or PvP (maybe if open-world PvP becomes a reality). Really, all you need is good enough gear to do the End-Game daily missions - and frankly? The gear is there. PvP vendors Armormechs End-game PvE vendors World Drops Class and planetary mission rewards The only real issue for companion gear is during leveling. If you stick to just one companion, you get all the armor and weapon upgrades you'd ever need. Implants and ear pieces? Those you have to find yourself. While leveling, my companions wear my implant/ear hand-me-downs, and I don't worry if they don't have the primary stat on them.
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