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Australian server transfer in LATE April!


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Which explains why they updated the Developer Tracker to include a dev posting explaining in plain English the challenges in implementing the transfer system due to the Legacy system:




Next conspiracy theory, please.


What exactly is complicated on experience number and legacy level? Sounds to me more simple than unread mails and GTN auctions...

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All you worked for all you did to get where you are is gone except your level is there, how many americans would put up with that.


Well seeing how virtual goods are not real to begin with and the fact that the EULA, we all agreed to, states that all virtual goods are owned by Bioware; I suppose I would put up with it since I started with nothing and ended up with nothing. The US and Europe didn't get a 2 month head start, why should Oceania get one?

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I was pretty gutted when i found this out this morning, way to communicate with us bw.


I got friends to leave WOW to come over to TOR because of the oceanic servers, now that we are all 50, we have to wait. I'm going to feel like the village idiot later when i talk to them.:(

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So we get awesome low latency servers to play on, but wait! we cant move our characters there FOR 2 BLOODY MONTHS??!?!? Not only are these servers a giant FAIL for the vast majority of "ASIA PACIFIC" as their latency to the servers are double that of the US servers, but now you have ANZACS leaving as well.


Mind BLOWING Effort!

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seriously messed up, well that end of my subscription.. what the point of leveling again, I have already leveled the classes i want.


we all know that they were so silly they designed legacy system to be non-transferable (a system that provides NOTHING)

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Still no valid response from BW apart from changing the thread title because its okay to screw us over but not to talk about it! That and the usual mindless drivel from the fanboys!


I can see why terms such as useless, incompetent etc are starting to become synonymous with BW.


Subscription closed.

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There is no excuse not to have character transfers even at RELEASE! Seriously, this should of been a feature of their infrastructure form day one. Every single mmorpg has had some type of character transfer available whether for free or a paid service. So there is no excuse for a 2012 mmorpg not to ship without this feature right out of the box.


I should be able to have the option to transfer characters day one If Im willing to pay for it.


And also there should be a free transfer service for those servers which have like 100 people on them, and there is plenty of those.

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We have no right to complain the game only released in march here

So the servers are for these new players

Because we jumped the gun and imported 20th dec and have 50's

We're not entitled to some special treatment

Go back to your 50's or roll a alt on. New servers


I had a blast on Dar Nala last night and will be leveling my new alt there until transfers

Edited by Arzhanin
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There is no excuse not to have character transfers even at RELEASE!


Could you kindly list the MMOs that had character transfer at release here:


1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________

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Crikey; harden up everyone, we actually have a decent MMO with servers located in Australia. So you have to level an alt, big deal. Bioware didn't have to release servers here, they were under no obligation, and hell it's not like blizzard did either. If you want to raid you still can. I can remember when a 200-300ms ping was unheard of on that other game. Honestly they could have never mentioned servers in Australia and no one would be the wiser.
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Or course, if it was next week and not April, we'd still be looking at a 20+ page thread full of people running around like their hair is on fire complaining bitterly about it and telling BW that they have "yet again committed an epic fail...someone pass me a tissue...I just can't take it anymore."
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As I posted in another thread:


Wow BioWare, just wow.


First you delay the game here so you can provide a "quality" experience for all players.

Then in the lead up to this launch you don't provide the same level of support you gave Americans and Europeans. No CE edition, no guild allocation system and hardly any information about the launch or the new servers at all.

Then when the servers do go online it's an even worse experience for Singapore and Hong Kong players then playing on an NA server. That's really a "quality" experience there BioWare.

Now, after saying transfers will be available shortly after the release and even implying it would be a few days at most, we find out that we wont be able to bring our characters across for 2 months. That's not to mention we still have zero information on how the transfer will work in regards to things like duplicate names and whether legacy points will be carried over.


This is just not cool BioWare. You make great games but no matter how good they are people aren't going to keep playing them if you treat your customers so terribly.

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I don't think I've ever seen a game developer treat their customers with such contempt. To spring this on us right before Oceanic launch is quite astonishing. After the Red Zone PR disaster I assumed they would have learned from their mistakes, apparently not.


I've been teetering on the edge of cancelling my sub for the past month, but I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt that they'd improve things.


If Bioware doesn't change this decision, I can't see myself hanging on for another 2 months.

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I had no intention of transferring my characters anyway, so I'm not really effected by the two month delay. However, I feel for you who were going to transfer, I honestly do.


But someone pointed out something in game that I feel needs to be said. Two points -


1) New Australians (and other Asia Pacific players) are just starting off today on our shiny new servers. They haven't had the benefit of three months (around about) of play time, they don't have the same credit balances on their characters and probably won't for a week or two yet.


2) A bunch of 50s all descending on the new servers will seriously throw out the economy and most likely lock new players out (at least for the time being).


I hope this helps puts things into perspective. Granted, two months is STILL a bit of a stretch, and there's the potential problem of people loosing out on legacy names which really should be addressed. I hope Bioware will say something about that soon.


Thats up for debate. Depends on the 50s, I dont know how they will behave, on our servers though they dont behave well and sell non 50's stuff way too high that only a level 50 can afford with their alts. This isnt really fair imo, and discourages the 50's from trying to gear up to participate end game.

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Could you kindly list the MMOs that had character transfer at release here:


1. _____________________________

2. _____________________________

3. _____________________________

4. _____________________________

5. _____________________________


And that is why they FAIL!

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I don't think I've ever seen a game developer treat their customers with such contempt. To spring this on us right before Oceanic launch is quite astonishing. After the Red Zone PR disaster I assumed they would have learned from their mistakes, apparently not.


I've been teetering on the edge of cancelling my sub for the past month, but I thought I'd give them the benefit of the doubt that they'd improve things.


If Bioware doesn't change this decision, I can't see myself hanging on for another 2 months.


They didn't mess anything up

The said they would have local servers for the oceanic release

And they did

Just because you imported before release entitles you to nothing your lucky their even offering transfers

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So we get awesome low latency servers to play on, but wait! we cant move our characters there FOR 2 BLOODY MONTHS??!?!? Not only are these servers a giant FAIL for the vast majority of "ASIA PACIFIC" as their latency to the servers are double that of the US servers, but now you have ANZACS leaving as well.


Mind BLOWING Effort!


Mind BLOWING that you just had to buy the game before it released in your country and now suddenly the latency is not acceptable. Nobody forced you to play before it launched today.

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They didn't mess anything up

The said they would have local servers for the oceanic release

And they did

Just because you imported before release entitles you to nothing your lucky their even offering transfers


Get your facts straight before posting garbage.


They DID NOT state that they would have oceanic servers at release.


If they did I doubt half of the red zoners would have imported the game.

Edited by -Morrigan-
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Get your facts straight before posting garbage.


They DID NOT state that they would have oceanic servers at release.


If they did I doubt half of the red zoners would have imported the game.


Read what I said then read it again ok then read what you just typed


Local servers for oceanic release in march ok understand

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