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Official Q&A Thread for February 24th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are there any plans to reduce the chattiness of the ship's droid? It was cute the first few times to hear how he wants to make our lives easier, but it's gotten to the point where I mute my sound whenever I enter my ship. Perhaps you could even do a short-term fix to just move him somewhere less accessible on the ship so that we don't have to run past him so often.


Ideally, I'd like to see him behave like other companions in that he doesn't talk unless we initiate the action.

Edited by Kalabakk
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Any more information on when we will get expanded Legacy Features? Like, new races, new beards, tattoos, different and more varied cyborg "esque" options, for character creation. It's kinda preventing me from rolling too many alts, and lvling them up high. I feel like i'm gonna miss out on something i'll really want. Thank you all BW/Lucas Arts! Wonderful Game!
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Hi, since you all have waited awhile to bring in legacy no doubt to fix the bugs. But, many people like myself have all ready created alts, since the legacy system says it will bring new features into character creation is there any plans to allow already created characters to take advantage of these features via barbershop like game feature?
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When will same gender romance content be implemented, and will it involve new companions or existing ones?


It's not possible for me to judge whether this falls under "far-reaching content" since the announcement in FAQ is very vague, so kindly don't dismiss the question because of that.


Thanks for a great game!

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I'm really looking for more word on the SGR options, as It's been some time, and little to nothing really said about it.


I ask as I find myself not bothering with companions on any character made simply because I don't want to lock myself out, I have several questions or concerns about the " add to current companions vs make new companions that have ups and downs on each option.


It would be wise I think to give an ETA or at the very least a little more information as to the situation, simply because there are many having to hold off on actually playing certain characters and stories until more information has been shared.

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In the early (and even mid-late) beta, the respective fleets didn't exist and most of the activities now on the stations were performed on the capital worlds. Some of the help text even refers to this (e.g. AC training). While this change has undoubtedly reduced the amount of time spent running from ship to GTN and back (especially for Empire players), it has transformed the capital worlds into giant empty ghost towns.


Are there any plans in the works to increase the prominence of capital worlds as social hubs? (preferably replacing the fleets)

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Ranked Warzones are slated for a 1.2 release, but the state of the PvP forums suggest that Warzones aren't quite ready for the big time. Is there any internal testing and balancing occurring to address PvP balance issues (i.e. Mirror classes not being exact mirrors because of various animation delays or mechanical differences) before Ranked Warzones are implemented?
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What is being done to address population imbalances both between servers and factions? For example, on some of the lighter population servers it can be impossible to find an active warzone outside prime time, on others there are matches going all the time. On some servers, 80% of the warzones you play will be huttball because there aren't enough players on the opposing faction to fill the other warzones.
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Are there plans to update tooltips on abilities to reflect what they actually do so they are not so misleading to new players? For example, Powertech Talent Kolto Vents states "When you vent heat, you regain 7% of your health over 10 Seconds". It worked with the Vent Heat ability, but not when you actually vent heat normally so it can be confusing. I know other classes have similar issues as well so clarification on either a) Are they working as intended or b) Tooltip will be updated shortly, would be greatly appreciated.
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Can you tell us what Bioware is planning that will increase the quality and level of enjoyment of the game for the RP community?


I'm talking about support in areas like improving CS support for naming policy violations on RP type servers. Considerations for making a new RP server type with strict policies that would attract many in the RP community. RP content such as the ability to sit in not just Cantinas, but other areas as well. Things of that nature.

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Withen the Sentinel/Maurader class, there has been a lot of annoyance with the Combat spec having low performance compared to Watchman. Watchman is so good in so many aspects that it simply invalidates the Combat spec and marginalizes the advantages Combat does have.


Is this due to Combat underperforming in terms of class build? (GCD eating up much of precision slashs own buff time, no self heal/survivabilty, less interupt-ability comparitivly, simply doing less damage all around, etc)


or is this due to Watchman overperforming it class expectations?


If so, can Combat expect to see any tweaks in the near future?

Edited by thepilk
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You've been pretty tight lipped about 1.2's release date at this point, apart from "March" which is understandable. Is there an expected date where we can see more specific information about the content and changes coming in the patch, prior to its release? We know it's going to contain a warzone, etc, but more specifics about that Warzone must be known by now, along with specifics about what other content we can expect. Edited by Dillingor
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Is there a chance that the "Social" points could get tied to the account. instead of a specific toon? My main is generally running quests/Flashpoints/operations in group, but when the rest of the group isn't playing it is time to run a alt. My alt generally doesn't have access to some of the social items because my main hogs all the group time.


has this been thought about at all?

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Would it be possible to give an update on the status of same-gender romance arcs? Are they actively being worked on, or will it be a while before they are implemented? Will they only be available with future companions, or will our current companions be integrated?
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Are you planning to fix or even remove the "bosses stealth breaker" ability in PvE/OPS ?




This is really a pain for stealth classes, because actually if you are in stealth you need to stand even further away from the boss than those who can't use stealth or aren't in stealth and also you pull bosses more easily than those who can't use stealth or aren't in stealth. Also it's a huge dps loss for stealth classes because you have to wait for the tank to pull the boss before you can start moving to the boss and start dps:ing.

Edited by Tomperi
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Are there any plans to increase character slots per server?


I have found that because of the Legacy system, I would much prefer to have the ability of more characters, I say this because I loved levelling all the Sith classes, that I want to try the other Advanced class, except for one or two classes, to enable me to then have a Republic character of each Class means I need more slots, just 1/2. I.E 10 or 12 slots

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