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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

** BIOWARE Response Needed for Game-breaking Ilum Bug **


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Bioware simply needs to scrap Ilum because every "Fix" there is just making things worse. Take some time and stop putting in knee jerk fixes that do nothing but drive more players from your game. I understand you made a killing off initial sales and all that, but every time a player quits they tell other people about how bad their experience is and that's the worst thing a game company can have happen.
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Blow up Ilum and start over. World PvP in this game is terrible! I had high hope that the PvP in this game would be amazing.. I still hope that I am right in the future but for now you guys failed to deliver.


Im tired of my kills not counting and WZ wins not counting. Its not like this is a new problem all of these issues have existed just now the whole kills on Ilum is much much worse

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my suggestion, the empire creates the death star early and blows up Illum instead of Alderaan. Problem solved. That's essentially what they're doing...


My stomach hurts....lol



Topic: Remember when Imperials and Republic players traded objectives? Nobody really got hurt, they got their dailies done quickly....


Flash forward weeks into the game. Republic players except on a few servers are getting farmed. Taking nearly an hour to complete their daily. New 50's having to fight RNG geared 50's......I'm scared guys =(

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Personally, I think they just need to fire some people. I work in software, and if I let even one bug this big go through (to my company's client base of 5,000'ish users), I would not have a job anymore.


They are rolling out bugs like this repeatedly, to a client base of over a MILLION people, and they do not seem to care. Pro-Tip Bio-Ware - Your developers / QA / Both suck. I am tired of seeing "We apologize for the inconvenience" posts after every single update.

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Honestly, at this point while I don't condone kill trading or flipping of objectives (when flipping counted towards the dailies/weeklies) it'd be better off for them to revert back to that.


For a few reason:

They keep breaking kill credit and making it harder and harder to complete dailies/weeklies.


I'm sorry but a SINGLE PvP daily should not take 3 hours to complete. Also, population imbalance can really wreak havoc on people's ability to complete the dailies/weeklies on Ilum.


Overall, they tried to go with the lesser of two evils and found out that that what they thought was the lesser of two evils was really the greater of two evils.

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This patch has nothing to do with the bug.


We just had this issue occur on Nadd's Sarcophagus. This is the second time this has happened on our server. The first time it only happened on our server unless someone could confirm it happening too.


We were able to get credit until approximately 6:30 AM PST this morning. From 4:30 AM PST to 6:30 AM PST several guildies were able to complete their quest and receive valor.





TL; DR - This happened to the Nadd's Sarcophagus server before. The first time it happened was on 1/30/12 and lasted around 14 hours, ending around 9-10PM PST.


My thread regarding the bug on 1/30/12

Edited by Kurthos
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My stomach hurts....lol



Topic: Remember when Imperials and Republic players traded objectives? Nobody really got hurt, they got their dailies done quickly....


Flash forward weeks into the game. Republic players except on a few servers are getting farmed. Taking nearly an hour to complete their daily. New 50's having to fight RNG geared 50's......I'm scared guys =(


Try being on the Empire side. Now that no Republic players even show up on Ilum, we have to ride in circles for 3 hours, competing against 70-80 people for armament spawns to complete our daily.


What a horrible implementation Ilum has been.

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For me it seems they have increased the invisible debuff when you die.


The player kill should be calculated per person and not on the player.


If player A dies to player B, releases, and player C kill player A, player C should get full Valor and credit.

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I reckon they don't test anything they implement. There is no excuse for the number of bugs their patches introduce.

There are lots of people who would test on the PTS....unfortunately you start at level 1. I don't see anybody leveling to 50 just to test Ilum on the PTS.

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Everything was working this morning after the patch so something has gone terribly wrong since then....

Fix this BioWare now not later


I logged in 5 minutes after server start, after 50 kills, it stopped working. Getting to 50 took alot longer than last week, which was fine, its the sharp stop that is wrong.

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For me it seems they have increased the invisible debuff when you die.


The player kill should be calculated per person and not on the player.


If player A dies to player B, releases, and player C kill player A, player C should get full Valor and credit.


Better yet, no invisible debuff at all! Let people valor farm/kill trade. At least Ilum would still be workable. As it stands now, by trying to prevent valor farming or kill trading, they've made it unworkable for every single player in the game.


I'll take a system that works but sometimes gets gamed above a system that doesn't work at all for anybody.

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Personally, I think they just need to fire some people.

I am generally not someone to jump on this bandwagon...but this is just getting ridiculous now and I am to the point where my confidence in the people working on Ilum is gone.


Bioware...take a week and fix, revamp and re-release the planet. It IS the end game for a lotta players and this is just going well beyond what is acceptable. EVERY one of the major issues with Ilum should have been caught by your QA people.


Honestly, lotro has better PvP than Ilum...and they're known for having the WORST PvP in any MMO.


You really need some fresh ideas and you need to dedicate some time to the planet.

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for reporting this issue. We're currently investigating and we'll give you an update as soon as we have one. Apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.


Shouldn't you rather investigate such things BEFORE you implement fixes/adjustments with patches? Or is it customary now to press some buttons, pull some levers and just see what happens?

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Shouldn't you rather investigate such things BEFORE you implement fixes/adjustments with patches? Or is it customary now to press some buttons, pull some levers and just see what happens?


Nope, what happens now is you wait at least 4 or 5 hours to be told they are working on a fix. Then anywhere from 6-24 hours there should be a change in game. Happened with the ilum 1.1 travesty and will continue as status quo.

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If everybody didn't start at level 1 on the PTS, maybe bugs like this would get tested out before they get patched in.

With no way to choose pre-made max level characters or copy over our own, these bugs will NEVER be found before you go-live.

Edited by Iriestx
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How many times do we have to prove that your poorly written patch notes aren't cutting it? Seriously, LEARN! We need to have someone detail these notes better. Kinda like: "here is how it was, here is the change, now this is how it works" and use detail.


Oh and you may want to speak to your DB specialists to figure out how to copy toons from live servers to PTS. We need to be able to give you precise feedback on your PTS forums (where there is less drivel and QQ posts - so you can find info and feedback faster) on our toons which we are fundamentally familiar on a daily basis.

Edited by GutPunch
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