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7.4 GTN Preview Live on PTS


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Hello there!

With the Public Test Server live I wanted to take a moment to dive into what’s changed, what the plan is moving forward, and how you fit into it all. TLDR: We want your feedback and need your help to improve this feature further.

There’s a lot of things that have changed in the backend that will be hard to see at first, but I hope you’ll agree that the new system is better overall for both the current Galactic Trade Network and the future!

The version of the GTN that is available on the PTS is in many ways still work in progress, you might find bugs or issues with it as well as find some features you preferred have changed or been removed. We wanted to get this into your hands as soon as we possibly could to ensure that we get your feedback while still having the time necessary to act on that feedback. Feel free to report issues or bugs, share feedback, and I assure you that we will do our best to address them.

What hasn’t changed

The GTN is still a place where you can put an item up for sale and get credits in exchange. The search functions that existed prior to the revamp also have been maintained with some slight adjustments.

We haven’t updated auction categories yet. Reason being how these are set up on items. If you’ve got feedback about categories though please let us know!

What has changed

  • Searching
    • Search now returns a list of items with all available items per type collapsed down into a single listing.
    • Each of these listings shows the item, the quantity available on the market, and the lowest available price.
    • Clicking on the item/credit button will now open a new window showing each available listing of that item.
  • Buying
    • Seller’s names are now obfuscated from the sale. This is largely due to the amount of information in the new listing page.
    • You will see many listings at the various prices here. There’s a limit though if the item is listed at many different price points you will only see the first 20.
    • You’ll always get the best available listing when you click purchase.
    • Sometimes while you're placing an order, new items might be posted for sale or items you're considering might be purchased.
    • When this happens, you will get as much of the sale as possible at whatever the best price is for that sale.
    • If there’s not enough items to cover the sale, you will be refunded the difference.
    • If you overpay due to a new lower price, you will be refunded.
  • Claiming
    • Claiming now has its own window within the Galactic Trade Network!
    • Mail is only used in cases of alerts about sales or expirations.
    • Opening the claim page you will see a list of claimable sales and purchases.
    • You have a limit on purchases of 10 Buy Slots. Buy slots can be increased as necessary up to a maximum of 50.
    • Sale Slots are the same as our current slots. These can be increased to 100.
    • Slots become used when you create a listing or make a purchase.
    • Slots become available again after you claim all of the associated credits and items within that slot.
    • There is still a 60 day time limit to claim the item, make sure you claim your items!
  • Selling
    • Fees:
      • A buyer’s fee is added to the purchase price. This means the amount you put into the unit price is the amount you will receive.
      • The buyer’s fee is dependent on the unit price and is progressive starting at 6% (lower than current) but scaling up from there. Below is a chart that lays out the rates:


Minimum Price

Marginal Rate

Cumulative Fee

Effective Rate






























  • Deposits have been adjusted to be fees. This is to encourage folks to list their items at prices that are more likely to move. Below is a chart that shows the minimum and maximum fee depending on the Buyout Price and the Duration.



Fee Percent

Minimum Fee

Maximum Fee

12 Hours




1 Day




2 Days




3 Days




7 Days





  • As you can see, we’ve also increased the minimum duration from 6 hours to 12 hours, and the maximum duration is now 7 days up from 3 days. This is to make it more likely for listings to sell and to reduce relisting.
  • Under this model the fees max out at 100 Million. Due to the minimum fee, listings under that value can end up being not profitable. We warn you when you create a listing like this with a confirmation as well as highlighting the total profit in red if it is negative.

New Features:

  • Favorites
    • Favorites is a Subscriber feature.
    • You can now mark an item as a Favorite! Click the `star` to set this.
    • There is a limit of 5 Favorites.
    • Clicking on the Quick Search button for Favorites will quickly show only these items you’ve selected.
  • Newly Listed
    • You can see up to 30 of the most recently listed items with this search. It’s not real time, but should update when you perform the search.
  • Popular
    • This is based on recent sales volume.
    • Up to 30 of the most purchased items.
  • Cartel Rarity Filter
    • You can now filter based on the Cartel Rarity of an item:
      • Bronze
      • Silver
      • Gold
      • Platinum
    • Having this set will filter out any non-Cartel items and show only items of the selected Rarity.
  • Market Data
    • We have some more information coming to the purchase page that shows the current median value and its recent high/low values as well as a more historical version of that value.
    • Recent looks at a smaller subset of time to give you an idea of the trend.
    • Historical is a larger time frame but is not lifetime.
    • We plan on expanding on this section in the future, details to come when we have them.
  • Additional Changes:
    • Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.
    • Similarly in the case of Crafted Augmented Gear, we will still allow the gear to be sold but the Augmentation Slot will be removed. We will warn you in this case before you list the item 
    • We removed the Usable By for Companions filter. Ultimately this filter was not used often and due to the sheer amount of potential companions and changes in companion equipment since launch. We did maintain the “Usable By Me '' functionality, though it's still limited in the same way it was prior to the revamp to showing items that can be equipped as opposed to actually "usable".
  • Trading Fees:
    • We previously stated that we planned on keeping the trade fees tied to the highest marginal rate on the Galactic Trade Network. Due to the nature of these fees applying in both directions, the effective rate is actually double (16% as 8% is assessed twice). To keep the trade fees a bit better aligned with the GTN, we will not be increasing the rate at this time as a 16% effective rate is still higher than the new top effective rate of 14.93%.
    • We will be monitoring both Galactic Trade Network use as well as Trading and may make further adjustments where necessary.

It’s worth noting that this is a multi-phase release, meaning there will be continued improvements based on your feedback, our data, and some plans are still in motion. Buy orders are on the top of our list, but there’s other smaller improvements that are still in the pipeline based on previous feedback.

So, with that in mind - please continue to give us feedback on this new system. Jump on PTS and hammer away at it! We’ve added some initial listings to flesh out the market and added vendors with sellable items for you to list.

Some general questions to answer in your feedback:

  • Is there any functionality of the existing system that you don’t see in the new system that you would prefer we preserve?
  • What do you like about the new system? What do you dislike?
  • Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items that you wish existed?
  • Do you have any concerns with how the new system feels to use?

PTS Specific Testing

If you use the Level Boost NPC in Kessan’s Landing you’ll also receive a handful of Marketable crafted equipment, some materials, and crystals. Feel free to put these on the GTN to go through the selling flow, and when looking to buy you’ll likely be able to find these items available from others who have gone through the selling flow to test the buying flow. You can use any Marketable items for testing but we wanted to give a select amount of them so that folks have a particular set to work from with new characters.


Edited by JoeStramaglia
Updated new expiration time for claim page, fixed a slight miscalculation on top effective rate.
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1 hour ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

Am I correct in assuming you are talking about gear that usually has a prefix to its name that is based on one of Star Wars' many companies, i.e. Adascorp, InterroTek, QorWorks etc, or in the case of low level gear, named after a race, i.e. Cerean, Gamorrean, Echani, with each of those prefixes implying a specific stat distribution? If so, then I am not pleased with this change. I'm a person who still clings to the old days of SWTOR and especially the old design aesthetic of the gear, when SWTOR still had its own visual identity. I still collect this old gear (usually referred to as "unidentified" in the Outfitter) and use it for outfits on my various characters. Some of this lower level gear is already hard enough to come by as it is, but to completely bar it from the GTN doesn't sit right with me. To say that you'll put them back in some other form eventually isn't of much help. I still remember when Eric Musco said we'd get the Galactic Command gear onto a vendor shortly after Onslaught launched and it took an entire content cycle until that promise actually got fulfilled.


If this change goes through as I understand it, the GTN will be left with:

  • Cartel Market gear (duh)
  • Gear crafted by Armormech and Synthweaving
  • Old custom gear with pre-installed mods (example: RD-05B Gunslinger Jacket)
  • Old artifact gear with pre-installed mods and the [Prototype] prefix (example: [Prototype] Primeval Ardent Blade's Vest)
  • Old class-specific custom gear without mods (example: TD-17A Imperator Belt)
Edited by BenKatarn
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2 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Deposits have been adjusted to be fees. This is to encourage folks to list their items at prices that are more likely to move. Below is a chart that shows the minimum and maximum fee depending on the Buyout Price and the Duration.

This is a change I don’t like.  There have been more than a few times I have listed an item at a reasonable price and had people drastically undercut, meaning I’ve had to relist items a few more times.  This change makes me less likely to list items and really doesn’t make me want to spends the time figuring out what the going rate is for those items. 

  • Cartel Rarity Filter
    • You can now filter based on the Cartel Rarity of an item:
      • Bronze
      • Silver
      • Gold
      • Platinum
    • Having this set will filter out any non-Cartel items and show only items of the selected Rarity.

I do like this change but could we please get the ability to first later our cartel items that are already in collections?  It’s irritating trying to look at stuff on the GTN and have page after page of items I’ve already gotten but needing to look at the all for the ones I don’t have. 

  • Market Data
    • We have some more information coming to the purchase page that shows the current median value and its recent high/low values as well as a more historical version of that value.
    • Recent looks at a smaller subset of time to give you an idea of the trend.
    • Historical is a larger time frame but is not lifetime.
    • We plan on expanding on this section in the future, details to come when we have them.

Is this going to work like the current suggested price does?  As I understood it, the price that is suggested is supposed to be based of recent sale prices.  Unfortunately I’ve had it list the suggested price at 1/3 or more than the going price for items.  That doesn’t seem like it is keeping a record or history very well. I worry that this will have the same issue. 

  • Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

I know you say this is due to backend changes but it is a terrible change. I like to put up some of the more unique/interesting items for sale so people can use them for the outfitter. Of course, I’d probably have stopped listing them anyways due to the fees change for listings now. 

Edited by Darcmoon
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QOL (aka carpal tunnel syndrome triggers :))

  • "Enter" key no longer posts the auction when an item and price is loaded like it does on live. The new GTN requires players to click the "Create Sale" button to post an auction. This is a bad change.
  • players can not click the Name field on the new GTN search page and Shift + Left Click an item to fill the field for quick searches like the GTN on live. This is a bad change.
  • there is no Claim All button on the claim page for items or payments. This should be added.


  • when posting multiple listings of the same item, item prices keep returning to the default price even if the player has changed that default price. Please allow changes in prices become the new default price for following listings of the same item based on unit cost.
  • players can buy their own auctions.
  • once a player reaches the max postings (50 on PTS) they can not post additional auctions until they wait one hour and claim their payments. If an item sells it would be nice to have the option to immediately post more items before claiming the payment in 1 hour.
  • players can not collect payments from the GTN if that payment will put them over the character credit limit. The live payments via mail allows players to reach their credit limit while the remaining credits stay in the mail box.


  • Filter by "Show Uncollected" to limit results to what players have not added to Collections and Decorations
  • Put a price limit field back in so players can budget their searches. Sometimes we don't want to be tempted to go over budget. If we can't see an over priced item, that overpriced item does not exist.
  • Have two options for how much a player wants to charge for their auction. "Price" and "Price with Taxes". The "Price" field is the amount a buyer will pay before taxes. The "Price with Taxes" field will be the amount buyers to pay after taxes are included.
  • 30 day Claim timers before a claim is deleted needs to be eliminated. I'm not certain if this pertains to only purchased items or expired auctions and credits earned from sales, but having a life and responsibilities outside of SWTOR should not force players to lose items after 30 days.


  • Are trade taxes changing?


  • DO NOT flood our mailbox with 100s of messages telling us items have sold. Build a "GTN Sales Counter" in the UI that reflects how many payouts are available and the number of items sold. An example would be a UI element that shows 14/50. 14 being the number of payouts available and 50 being the number of items sold. If there must be a message that something sold at X time for Y price to a now unknown buyer (since they are not listed anymore), put that info somewhere in the GTN UI, do not flood our mail boxes with notices. Some players save story based mail or Daily Log in items, or Galactic Season items and having to go into the mail box and individually click 100s of GTN notices will trigger a lot of people into an immeasurable amounts of rage.
Edited by Darkestmonty
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Please add a "Not learned yet" toggle to filter searches so they don't output:

  • Cartel market Armors/Weapons/Vehicles/Pets/Color Crystals/Companions/Companion Appearances/Toys/Tunings/Titles/Flairs/Emotes that have already been unlocked on your collections.
  • Non cartel market pets/vehicles you already know.
  • Crafting Schematics you already know.
  • GSF ships and customizations your character has already unlocked (and those for the opposite faction)
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OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!  I OWN ALMOST 96% Of the WHOLE CM !!! Have been a long time Subscriber & Player & Collector since the dawn of the games "Youth" !!

There is Just some Items I have Searched & Hoped to Collect ( or almost gave up on them ) ❤️

* The Vindicators Duel / Doubble bladed Lightsaber




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Deposits have been adjusted to be fees. This is to encourage folks to list their items at prices that are more likely to move.

Is that before or after you subtract all of the people who will be encouraged to not sell items on the GTN at all?

When I first started selling items on the GTN, years ago, I would look through the listings for each item I was putting up, figure out what the going rate seemed to be, and then set a price for my items based on that.

After a while, I realized that I was spending hours looking at GTN listings instead of, you know, actually playing the game. And I didn't like that. So I decided to just pick a price for my items that I felt was reasonable and put them up for that. Simple. Done.

But now that there is going to be a penalty if an item doesn't sell, my approach won't work anymore. Now I'm going to have to spend time figuring out the optimum prices for items before selling them. It wouldn't be so bad if I only had a few items to sell, but if I've got any significant number of them, it could wind up taking hours. Hours that I won't be spending, you know, playing the game.

I agree with the people who don't like this change.

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8 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:
  • Selling
    • Fees:
      • A buyer’s fee is added to the purchase price. This means the amount you put into the unit price is the amount you will receive.
      • The buyer’s fee is dependent on the unit price and is progressive starting at 6% (lower than current) but scaling up from there. Below is a chart that lays out the rates:


Minimum Price

Marginal Rate

Cumulative Fee

Effective Rate





























Hi Joe, let me get this right, you’ve added a progressive tax “buyers fee” that the buyer pays now instead of the seller? 

Will the buyer or seller see that fee on the list price when they are browsing or making the purchase? Or will it be a hidden cost that will automatically be deducted when they make the purchase?

I’m asking for 2 reasons. 

1. As a seller, it’s good to know the whole cost to the buyer when trying to work out a fair price to sell it for. So it would be great if it shows this too. 

2. As a buyer, it would be good to see the total cost so that you aren’t surprised by hidden fees & it’s easier to track your spending. 

Also, can you please explain the difference between the marginal rate & the effective rate? Why is there a difference? 

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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8 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

This will be a terrible move. There are lots of armor styles & sets only available from world drops.

Sadly we’ve seen the team make promises so many times like adding armor pieces added to vendors and it never happens. And I know this might be the intention, but something always stops it happening. 

Surely there is a work around you can employ to the backend database, like a category for world drops that doesn’t look at stats or lvl? 

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8 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:


  • Seller’s names are now obfuscated from the sale. This is largely due to the amount of information in the new listing page.


I have a concern about not showing the sellers name.
In the past there have been people who’ve found loopholes in the CM & ways to trick it into giving too many items. Aka, Black/Black dyes 

The only way this was discovered was players like me who saw the amount of dyes certain named players on the GTN were listing. If we can’t see the sellers names, how will we report anyone suspected of gaming the CM or GTN systems? 

There are also certain Mega rich sellers who game the GTN system & trick other sellers into price wars to lower the price. Then when the price has dropped enough, they buy all the items cheap & relist them much higher.
So when I see certain names doing this, I stop listing on the GTN & I never buy from those people because I don’t want to support this type of predatory trading. Hiding those names will not improve the GTN, it will make it worse. 

Please make sure players names remain visible for the reasons I listed above. 

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Honestly, I really don't like the changes. 

Its going to kill the GTN Even more. Yes the GTN Is the source of a lot of inflation, but the problem with SWTOR is there is no Credit sinks.

A lot of these Changes are actually going to Discourage players from selling items. 

27 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

This will be a terrible move. There are lots of armor styles & sets only available from world drops.

Sadly we’ve seen the team make promises so many times like adding armor pieces added to vendors and it never happens. And I know this might be the intention, but something always stops it happening. 

Surely there is a work around you can employ to the backend database, like a category for world drops that doesn’t look at stats or lvl? 

Agreed, this is a terrible idea. Even new players will sometimes throw random drops on the GTN in hopes of making some quick credits, I did that when I started out all those years ago. 

Not to mention for space barbie players, some items can only be bought off the GTN. 

They make promises saying they'll add it to vendors but it will never happen. For example a lot of blue and up gear can only be found via world drop, The S-311 one of the more trooper blaster rifles, I can only find on the GTN. If they follow through on the changes this weapon will be unobtainable. 

39 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Hi Joe, let me get this right, you’ve added a progressive tax “buyers fee” that the buyer pays now instead of the seller? 

It seems like they are punishing sellers who sell higher priced items, like if you go past 1 Bil, you are paying in the hundred of millions of credits for fees, that is ridicolous. Not to mention you do NOT get refunded for it if the item does not sell. Again I get they are trying to combat inflation but adding grossly overpriced fees is not the way to go.

The Dev's need to add more money sinks in the game, Not Stupid Fees, I can't even go on starter worlds anymore and give free credits away cause the game charges people thousands of credits in tax just to trade items.

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9 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

I have to agree with a lot of the folks here - especially for people like me who are avid Space Barbie players, this is an awful change. As a particular example, I have intentions of recreating my main character to go through the class story again with the new cutscene lighting changes, and this means recreating his outfits as well, many of which incorporate these 'random' pieces. So instead I'll have to try and find replacement pieces that still work with the outfits - not as easy as it sounds, and not fun at all, when I worked hard to compile the original ensembles.

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6 hours ago, SteelheartTiTan said:

OMG OMG OMG OMG !!!  I OWN ALMOST 96% Of the WHOLE CM !!! Have been a long time Subscriber & Player & Collector since the dawn of the games "Youth" !!

There is Just some Items I have Searched & Hoped to Collect ( or almost gave up on them ) ❤️

* The Vindicators Duel / Doubble bladed Lightsaber

Wrong Forum area buddy

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10 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

You're removing all leveling world drop gear from being sold on the GTN?! Why?!

These include color variations of launch and early expansion era gear sets (2.x, 3.x) that aren't available in any other way. 

These world drops don't compete with the Cartel Market's armors and weapons or take away from the game's overall revenue - they only allow players to enjoy a greater variety of options for their appearance tabs. 

It can't be emphasized enough how bad a decision this is. 

Edited by arunav
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1 hour ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

It seems like they are punishing sellers who sell higher priced items, like if you go past 1 Bil, you are paying in the hundred of millions of credits for fees, that is ridicolous. Not to mention you do NOT get refunded for it if the item does not sell. Again I get they are trying to combat inflation but adding grossly overpriced fees is not the way to go.


The maximum non-refundable listing fee for a 3 billion credit auction will be 250,000 credits for 7 days.

You could lower this amount by posting the auction for as short a time frame of 12 hours for 10,000 credits. If posted during the busiest time of day and luck, you could sell a 3 billion credit auction with a 10,000 credit posting fee.

The good news for sellers is that they no longer pay taxes on the GTN. Sellers currently pay 8% sales tax when selling on the GTN. That is 240 million credits in taxes on a 3 billion credit sale. The buyer now pays the GTN tax so the posting fee of 10,000 to 250,000 credits is nothing in comparison.

The bad news is buyers are now paying nearly 15% in taxes for a 3 billion credit item.

Edited by Darkestmonty
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1 hour ago, SentinalMasterWW said:

It seems like they are punishing sellers who sell higher priced items, like if you go past 1 Bil, you are paying in the hundred of millions of credits for fees

Actually it’s mostly the buyers paying the fees, not the seller. And yes there are sellers fees, but the cap is 250,000 for 7 day listing. So it’s actually the buyers they are targeting with the progressive tax. The more expensive an item, the more fees the buy will pay. 

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19 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:

The good news for sellers is that they no longer pay taxes on the GTN. Sellers currently pay 8% sales tax when selling on the GTN. That is 240 million credits in taxes on a 3 billion credit sale. The buyer now pays the GTN tax so the posting fee of 10,000 to 250,000 credits is nothing in comparison.

The buyer always paid the tax, no? How it is on live, you list an item for 1 bil, the buyer pays 1 bil, and the game eats 80 mil of the buyer's money before giving it to the seller.

Now, the seller lists an item for 890 mil, the buyer's price is 1 bil, and the game eats 110 mil of the buyer's money.

Edited by TheRandomno
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4 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

Actually it’s mostly the buyers paying the fees, not the seller. And yes there are sellers fees, but the cap is 250,000 for 7 day listing. So it’s actually the buyers they are targeting with the progressive tax. The more expensive an item, the more fees the buy will pay. 


18 minutes ago, Darkestmonty said:


The maximum non-refundable listing fee for a 3 billion credit auction will be 250,000 credits for 7 days.

You could lower this amount by posting the auction for as short a time frame of 12 hours for 10,000 credits. If you post during the busiest time of day and you get lucky, you could sell a 3 billion credit auction with only a 10,000 credit posting fee.

The good news for sellers is that they no longer pay taxes on the GTN. Sellers currently pay 8% sales tax when selling on the GTN. That is 240 million credits in taxes on a 3 billion credit sale. The buyer now pays the GTN tax so the posting fee of 10,000 to 250,000 credits is nothing in comparison.

My bad they made the whole thing even more convulated before, 

So Now if a buyer wants Items, of the GTN, they have to pay the listing price and if its expensive as hell like in the photo that was shared, they have to pay almost half a billion credits in taxes, What the actual F. 

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14 minutes ago, TheRandomno said:

The buyer always paid the tax, no? How it is on live, you list an item for 1 bil, the buyer pays 1 bil, and the game eats 80 mil of the buyer's money before giving it to the seller.

Now, the seller lists an item for 890 mil, the buyer's price is 1 bil, and the game eats 110 mil of the buyer's money.

currently the buyer only pays taxes when using the trade window while the seller pays the taxes when using the GTN and the trade window.

After the update the buyer will be paying a scalable tax up to 14.95% while the seller only pays the posting fee.

Note: I have no idea if the trade window taxes are changing in 7.4

Edited by Darkestmonty
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I honesty think the Dev's are trying to speedrun fastest way to kill an MMO at this point, if they actually go through with the design choices, this is just another nail in the coffin for the game. 

These changes are going to kill the GTN.

Like removing even more content of world drops and everything that is a pain to get. 

I hope they listen to the feedback and go back, but would'nt be suprised if they say "This is what the fans want, we totally cant admit our own failures and say this was a bad idea"

Edited by SentinalMasterWW
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11 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Are there any specific filters, searches, or ways of finding items that you wish existed?

Haven't checked out the upgrade on the GTN yet, but I'd love it if I could filter items by what I have locked/unlocked in collections. I frequently scroll through the GTN looking for new armor sets I don't have unlocked already, and while I think having items of the same name under one heading will be helpful, having the additional filter will be even more helpful.

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Just now, SentinalMasterWW said:


My bad they made the whole thing even more convulated before, 

So Now if a buyer wants Items, of the GTN, they have to pay the listing price and if its expensive as hell like in the photo that was shared, they have to pay almost half a billion credits in taxes, What the actual F. 

Yep, the same as if they trade player to player, the receiver has to pay the fees. 

This will absolutely destroy the GTN market over night. I can’t see this being positively endorsed by the buying player base. 

As for the seller fees, I think they’re way too steep because they are already taxing the buyers. 

They either need to make the sellers fees refundable if an item doesn’t sell or lower that thresh hold a hell of a lot more. Because people will stop listing things on the GTN, especially with this new cheapest item always being first. 

It’s like Joe just wrote down every idea we gave him in the original GTN feedback thread, both good & bad, then implemented all of them 🤦‍♀️ I think he missed where we debated the pros & cons of each idea and said do either A. B. or C.
Either have sellers fees or have buyers fees. You don’t need both & the sellers fees should be mostly refundable or sellers will stop listing on the GTN. Which will only push up inflationary pressures with less items being listed. Demand will completely outstrip supply. 

They are adding too many ideas & radical changes to the way the market works. Which I believe are going to back fire & it will drive players away from the GTN, which will directly impact their Cartel Market direct sales income & cause them to lose actual money. 

They really need to do a financial risk assessment on this before pushing it live. 


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7 minutes ago, TrixxieTriss said:

They really need to do a financial risk assessment on this before pushing it live.

charging buyers nearly 15% is insane. Players don't have the incoming and outgoing number of credits over time, but instead of gouging one system add more credit sinks into the game?

Edited by Darkestmonty
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11 hours ago, JoeStramaglia said:

Due to some backend changes we no longer support items with random stat allocations  on the Galactic Trade Network. These are primarily world drops from leveling up to 70. These will continue to be tradable and marketable versions of their appearances will eventually be made available in game wherever they are not currently.

Strongly dislike this change. A lot of the old drops like that are still useful for outfits. I know from experience that "will eventually be made available" doesn't mean anything at all. This shouldn't go live until you have a solution for that problem, otherwise I fear we will never see a solution for that problem. 

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