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Everything posted by DakhathKilrathi

  1. They scrapped it because of uh Which was right after my fairly detailed post about what would be a reasonable level of effort to expect from an average player. I guess "people are bad at this game" was discouraging, but I answered honestly. That, or "fix the scoreboard before you require medals" didn't go over well. They still haven't fixed that either.
  2. I like the fact that it's plain. I want more regular looking clothes. We have so much armor and clothes with random tech on it already.
  3. Summer starts in June, but I agree that this would have been better timed for April. I assume that in the future the spring event will be earlier than the initial release date. It's been a bit but I feel like that was the case with the Hutt Feast event too: it released at a different time than it currently runs.
  4. It's nice to have something different now and again, and seasonal events have been a nice change of pace when they're available. Would I have rather had GSF? Yeah, sure, but I also recognize that other players might not have wanted that. I can be okay with other people getting content they like because I'm not quite a bitter old woman yet.
  5. Oh yeah, don't get me wrong. I thought Shrine of Silence was really well done. But in general I don't really bother with flashpoints as this point because there's just no reason to. And when I do, it's because I'm ticking off a weekly, so like everyone else I go for the shortest ones.
  6. Nah, I think the farm stuff looks neat. Way more interesting than yet another flashpoint I'll run once then never touch again, and I mean that sincerely.
  7. lol you know they didn't GSF doesn't exist as far as they're concerned, apparently. Pretty sure it's been over a year since we were last acknowledged at all, and that's a shame because that time frame included the 10 year anniversary of GSF's launch. That said, I'm cautiously optimistic about what they revealed today. I know the general tone here is negativity but some of it looks okay. We'll see how it plays when they release it.
  8. weird how they'll ding you for that but not for advocating self destructing but yeah fair enough i guess
  9. Nah, that's always been there. From a video I recorded eight years ago: Given what you yourself have said about how you approach this game mode, though, I can see how you could miss things like this.
  10. Ignoring for a moment that this is a different game in a different engine that clearly struggles with letting players navigate in three dimensions (lol no swimming after ten years and no flight either despite it being star wars), where's the incentive for them to do it? It might be possible, but possible and a good use of money are two different things. I said it was prohibitively expensive. It would cost too much to ever make any sense at all, and that's assuming you can find someone who can work with it, and that's not a guarantee. That's just not a good use of money. I would love to see it, but I live in reality. They don't even acknowledge that GSF exists at this point. Has nothing to do with a conflict with Squadrons either because EA has been busy pretending that game doesn't exist either for a while now. Ramalina hit accurately on most points where this is concerned, as usual. I suggest giving that a re-read. Whatever you think they set out to do, what they have done is created a niche game mode that no one picks up because it's too hard to get into. It's too hard to get into because they neglected that portion of the game in development. Whether intentional or not, that is where we are now. OP is complaining about that very issue, for that matter. Let's try keeping the thread a bit more on-topic in that regard.
  11. That question is pretty easy to answer: designing mobs that can move is not something that SWTOR does. Sure, you get pathing NPCs, and yeah, they will follow you if you aggro them, but that's not the same thing. It doesn't even work well, and that's when you're dealing with only two coordinates. Add in a third and that gets way more complicated. Possible? Maybe, but it would cost so much that it doesn't make sense to do it. I would however like to see a training mode with drones that simulate important game mechanics. They don't have to move.
  12. There are custom games, but you do need at least four people to get that going. I'm happy to review gameplay videos, too, with a second-by-second breakdown of what you're doing right or wrong. I agree that the game should have a better tutorial, though. The tutorial is garbage and good for little more than experimenting with power settings and turning. As for general or pvp chat, that's because most people are asking in the GSF channel if they're talking about gsf: "/cjoin gsf" in game to join.
  13. Link is available in my signature. I would like to highlight and reiterate this point. Have you tried asking anybody to group, OP? Because I can't speak for everyone but I know I'm personally willing to pick up new players as long as they're actually making an effort. We know you're not going to do well at first; it's expected and totally fine. If you're trying you're already doing better than conquest leeches and SDers so I'd be happy to have you.
  14. Hi, welcome to the best part of SWTOR! There are resources in my signature as well as linked in other parts of this thread. Feel free to join us in the unofficial community Discord server if you haven't already and you have any questions or just want to check in with others who enjoy the game mode. There are no stupid questions, and everyone starts off getting blown up a lot.
  15. Vendors on each planet would have been the way to go, and I say that as someone who wants a few of the pieces. Most of them are bad, as was pointed out by the devs themselves when the topic of removing them came up. Bad doesn't mean 'shouldn't be available at all' though, because some of them are actually pretty okay. Two vendors per faction per planet would have made way more sense to me. One for weapons, one for armors. Would need to be per faction, though, because the old items had different appearances depending on which faction you're on. The new ones don't. That's a fantastic change, even if the overall implementation leaves something to be desired.
  16. Genuine question. The rewards aren't that great, and you'll still get it on an alt or three or four by doing stuff you actually enjoy. Most of the complaints I've seen about the rep reward nerf are about how it makes conquest even grindier than before. And it does, but uh... that's fine? Was always a little weird that you got such an insane amount of points for logging in to click a token. (Btw, combine current reward with the companion influence objective, which is also a click and get points instantly objective, and you're still getting a decent amount so it's not that bad.) If you hate conquest as much as it seems like you genuinely do, why keep doing it? Because it seems to me the problem isn't that they reduced the rewards for a single objective. The problem is that most of the player base apparently dislikes doing conquest at all.
  17. For one, this has already been reported as a bug. For another, as someone who has been farming the fitted drops while it's bugged: nah you definitely still get those drops, and I feel like the rate is more or less the same as always. You still get the odd 320 piece, too, it's just not at all common.
  18. at least one of them does and he makes sure to suggest it in even unrelated threads. see the post above yours.
  19. Yeah. About that. Can we assume this will be fixed, then? At present you can not in fact list them on the GTN, or at least I haven't been able to. Considering this was listed as a core feature I do wonder how this went live without anyone catching that. You did test it, right?
  20. Only took them years lmao. Hopefully the scoreboard fix doesn't take quite as long. Does that mean we're due for a deselect fix soon?
  21. because it's fun? because it's fun. Oh, so you do understand that you're being short-sighted and selfish. Huh. And you keep doing it anyway. That's why. You know it's wrong and you keep doing it for rewards. If there were no rewards, you'd have no incentive to.
  22. I wasn't behind the idea of removing rewards originally, but having seen people defending their decision to lose on purpose in this and other threads? Yeah, get rid of them. I don't want people like that in my games and if the reward is all they're playing for, removing it means they won't be around. That's fine. I'd rather wait longer for games where I have a chance than get stuck in games I can't possibly win because someone is throwing. The better option is to punish that behavior, of course, but we all know that takes months and the people who do it keep coming back so it's not any sort of punishment that matters. Changing the contribution system would fix it too, but if the devs won't do that? Remove the rewards. Please.
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