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PVP Map and Medals Feedback


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This new system is bad. BUT... I think finding something between the current one and the last medal system is doable and would balance things better. 8 medals shouldn't be hard for players who are actually trying their best regardless of class. Teams that play hard should be rewarded well. 

But I lack specifics on what to change. I just know the current one is awful. 

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I play the pvp weeklies on a tank in 332 mit gear, can usually protect for around a million if i am near the bulk of the fighting.



arenas - 8+ medals on win, 0-3 medals on lose
warzones - 8+ medals if you personally camp the objectives while the rest of the team leaves the defense objectives to actually win the game quickly, good luck getting medals in huttball or odesson

My experience in 4x4 arenas is that if my team wins, i will usually get 8 or more medals. If my team loses, i get anywhere from 0-4 medals depending on how bad we lost by. The arena map doesn't seem to matter.

For warzones, I can usually get 8+ medals when my team wins, but it varies more per map. i can consistently get the 2 tank medals (protection overall, protection in one life) if i am in the fray, the damage in one hit medal rarely if i crit on someone who is already sundered and taking extra damage, the rest of the medals i rely on either camping an objective for defense medals, or hoping that we win super fast to get the early win medals. 

If i rush to cap the turret that is our side and then babysit it for defense points, i can usually get 6-8 medals. If i run to other turrets to help cap those ones, i will generally only get 8+ medals if we get the early win bonus ones.

novare coast
this is another one where i can get close to 8 medals by standing around a captured turret all match. I don't think i've seen early victory bonus medals awarded here.

I usually get 8 medals on this because everyone fights near the doors and the defensive points roll in, the early victory medals here can add up quickly when the team that attacks second is way better than the team that attacks first.

If we get our pylon early and i camp it for several rounds, i can usually get 5-7 medals but generally need at least one of the early victory bonus medals to get 8 or more. And the medals don't seem to reward strategic play like denying the other team pylon/orbs or defending your teammate who captures the pylon. Sharing the capture pylon credit with nearby teammates like alderaan/yavin do would be very helpful here.

the only time i've gotten 8+ medals here was when i got grouped with a half premade and they got max points in a couple of minutes so all the early finish bonus medals floated in. I usually get 0-2 medals on a loss or 3-4 medals on a win here. This is the least fun map to play because i feel like i'm going to get stomped with nothing to show for it.

This map comes up so rarely i feel most players don't know what to do. I spend more time trying to explain how to play in ops chat than i do actually playing. I do like that the active zones move around so offensive/defensive play isn't just standing in the same spot all match but instead i spend a lot of time wandering hallways trying to figure out where to go instead which feels even less productive, medals wise.

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The lack of planning in this game about releasing stuff PvP wise is incredible.  First 7.0 totally killed the combat system its dull, dumb, way too simple, enough to compare 7.0 pvp videos to 6.0. Even watching 7.0 videos is horrible and didnt mention playing it yet..... Thats another topic tho.

And here comes the big PvP revamp 7.2.... lol I will only talk about dps specs and medals. While dps with taunt and off heal clearly can get more medals. Sorcerers and Lethality opers can heal as much as they can do dmg, if they re under pressure and need to kite. I have more arena videos healing more with them than dpsing and kiting 4 players for eternity, while still got quite good rot dmg, and mercenary can get heals out too, not as much as the former 2, but still get medals. both dmg and heal medals. DWTs.... Many players dont do that but thats pretty basic to use taunts on cooldown, off target someone then get back to your target, taunt dosent repect global cooldown so you can doo that between 2 abilities and peel for your teammates, it gives a qute good support layer for DWTs which is good. So 6 of 8 can get easily extra medals. There is Anni marauders who can also get brutal heals and can get medals for it, cant get the single big heal one, but they can get the overall heal medal. And yet there are snipers.... They removed the healing numbers from shield probes with 7.2 and roll dosent heal anymore since 7.0. The only class in the game with zero heal zero taunt. So snipers sitting there in the corner as they do in almost every content pvp wise and crying about being the only class that is discriminated as usual....

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9 hours ago, knightave said:

Still would like to see a way to queue for a specific PVP map.   Anyone else with me on that?


^this! I would love to have a possibility to choose which map I want to be queued for. Like for the flashpoints and operations. This way probably both people and devs could see which maps are fan favorite, and which ones need some tweaking to make them work (huttball).

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I haven't really noticed a total drop off of medals. If anything, I can get significantly more medals in matches.  It feels as if the risk/reward is higher for medals.  So it's possible to get even more medals than before, but also possible to get even less medals than before. From a philosophical stand point I absolutely approve of this.  I do not believe any player should be awarded medals for simply existing in a match.  Nor do I believe that medals should be easy enough to max out so that in a loss or if a player performs poorly they should be at the maximum allowed  If you have a bad match you have a bad match and medals should reflect that as well as good matches, but I would prefer we not reward everyone for having a bad match.  Bad matches happen. If a player consistently has bad matches that may not be a game problem, but a player problem.  Often we conflate the two. And we shouldn't.

If we're concerned about the pvp season achievement's overall ability to complete for medals I would have to disagree that it's not attainable.  It should not be increased, but it is 100 percent in the realm of possible to complete.  Many have already completed it, and many more have already completed it multiple weeks ago. 

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20 hours ago, Shabir_Dhillon said:

Hi everyone, 


We wanted to follow up on the discussion regarding PvP Medals, and we’re looking into feedback in relation to  their difficulty of being obtained. We would like your feedback on which maps do you feel are the toughest to reach 8 medals on and why. We would really like feedback on both Warzones and Arenas. Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts.

From my personal experience I can immediately tell you that ANY AND ALL HUTTBALL, AS WELL AS MANY VOIDSTAR matches are hard to get medals on. Huttball maps are just terrible in general (See videos below). As far as Voidstar goes, you can put on one of the most balanced performances and still not get enough medals. https://ibb.co/T1tGWpG      There is an inconsistency in who gets them and who doesn't. Hypergate could also be better at medals. Since killing people does reward points in the game, towards the score, maybe it should also reward medals for that specific warzone.


Xam Xam has also posted a lovely medals guide which might help you look at it from an paper standpoint. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JKbnCK4h1BqdAbfjNAdwUQBLZaCofCX4oFa71yitqa8/edit#gid=0


Huttball Feedback Videos


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZyn2dUN3XA  (The most important one)


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Its soooo easy, as Tank, DPS or Healer, to get 8 medals, like seriously! 
Im sorry to say that, and i really dont want to be toxic, but if you can't reach 8 medals, its not the fault of the changes or BioWare's fault! Then you are just not good enough and have to learn more and get better.
The changes make sense they made and its still, really really easy to reach the medals. Even if you q alone and not with premades. Doesn't matter Arenas or Warzones.

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4 hours ago, Myrtar said:

I would love to have a possibility to choose which map I want to be queued for. Like for the flashpoints and operations.

This way probably both people and devs could see which maps are fan favorite,

We already know that though, and so does BioWare.

The problem with allowing players to queue for selective maps  is obvious:  Barely anyone would ever queue for Huttball. :csw_jabba:

Just like with flashpoints & operations, or any aspect of the game tbqh,  most gamers will always flock to the path of least resistance. (aka , the "quick & easy" path )  -->  Spammer Station, Red Reaper stealth run, Nathema for XP,  NiM Nefra, etc. etc.  ...all at the expense of ignoring the rest of content.  ( see 'Uprisings' :( )

And in this PVP case, for example, once a player is 100% green done with ALL  'achievements' in  X map , why would they ever queue for that "un-fun" ( least favorite ) map again?  They wouldn't.  So the queue for that less enjoyable map would most likely go barren.

Instead, imho, BioWare should increase potential medals & rewards for the least favorite  type maps.  Give incentives to go harder.

Of course, the other problem is: One player's least favorite is another player's most favorite. :cool:

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I pvp more than anything in game. I have over 200+ wins in both arenas and warzones. When I am on the winning team I can easily hit 8 + medals for any map. This does not happen all the time of course there has times when I only hit 3-7 medals. Arenas I hit 8 + when the team wins, but seems to always fall short of 8 when we lose unless we goto 3 matches the I can hit 8+. For warzones, all maps, hitting 8 is nearly impossible when you are on the losing team. Unless you strictly take out doing objectives and only focus on the medals which take away from pvping and having fun. It seems you have to go on defense for alittle bit, offense alittle bit, and just focus on it. You have to be person doing the capping on doors, the person with the ball in huttball and the person running orbs, etc…..but you can not be that person all the time. 

its plain difficult. I know people who only pvp for CQ points, season quests, and because they do not have time to do PVE raiding. PvP makes it easier when you have other characters to meet these objectives. 

so the question about 8 medals? My opinion and experience from how many games I have done since 7.2 is that it is very difficult to hit 8 medals on all maps of arenas and warzones unless you are on the winning team. If you are on the losing team, it seems 9/10 times you are at 7 or below medals. And you don’t get any CQ points. For some that may not matter, but for others it can. I am speaking for not just myself but for others who aren’t. 

before 7.2 pvp revamp, you could hit 8+ medals unless you were not participating, you were afk during the match, or not helping the team in anyway. 

CQ may matter to all, medals may not matter to all, but for some it does when it’s all they got time for in game is to pvp since it is what they love to do. 

I know you wanted to make it more difficult, but that can steer people away from it if they are always on the losing team. If it’s the only thing they enjoy doing and forcing people to play more on one character who can consistently hit 8+ medals because they are on a class that makes it easier to hit that mark…for example stealth and classes with taunts and deal great amount of damage since they are usually the ones able to cap doors, score with the huttball..etc. and not play their alt characters/classes. 

overall just need to make a change to the current system in place. The old medal system before 7.2 was great for all even if they were on the losing or winning team. 

I do agree 24 matches in arena is not great. If you are in a pre made, or just get lucky with people who know to 4v4 pvp..then ya it doesn’t take long at all since you are winning most of the time..but you always get people who undergeared, don’t know 4v4 pvp, or people who rage quit etc. and then the 24 number takes a long time to complete. 12-18 would be better imo. But either or, I’ll still be pvping. It’s what I love to do, and am good at it, but it’s not easy for others or casual players or people who want to learn it. Which is just as important as anything else. We want pvp ques to be quick and we want more enjoyable experience to all people/skill level. 

Edited by EragonSkySolo
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The medal categories and qualifications for them are fine, but the number needed (8) is pretty hard to get. 

I would reduce that to (7) and see how that goes... if it still needs adjusting then go to (6).

Also I think the number of arenas needed for the weekly (16/24) is also too high, it needs to half of that because the arena are still more toxic and less fun the warzones. I don't like doing arenas, I prefer to play for objectives, but if I want to get the seasonal rewards, I'm forced to do them.


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23 hours ago, Shabir_Dhillon said:

We wanted to follow up on the discussion regarding PvP Medals, and we’re looking into feedback in relation to  their difficulty of being obtained. We would like your feedback on which maps do you feel are the toughest to reach 8 medals on and why. We would really like feedback on both Warzones and Arenas. Thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts.

Note: Some of the scoreboards linked are my own; but many are gathered from recorded matches on YouTube or Twitch. I feel like the full scoreboards + the player stats on each game give a decent view of 'typical' matches.

Ancient Hypergate [Scorecard Gallery Link]
Like other game modes, this one rewards a quick win and standing on the pylon. Unlike other game modes, there's very little reason to stand on your own pylon unless (a) you're losing, or (b) you're the designated guard. Since defender points are easier to come by than attacker points, pickings for medals are slim unless you rotate out to the pylons even when technically unnecessary. On average, fewer than 2 players on either team will meet the 8+ medal threshold in a given match.

Any Huttball Map [Scorecard Gallery Link]
These maps reward landslide wins and physically scoring the ball. They do not reward protracted, competitive games. The only reward for assists comes in the form of "dauntless" medals, which stack on quick wins. The longer and more competitive the match, the less likely that players on either team will score 8 medals. On average, ~4 players on the winning team will receive 8 or more medals, and no one on the losing team will meet that threshold.

3-Point Capture Maps [Scorecard Gallery]
If you are on the winning team, you are likely (but not guaranteed) to be fine for medals here, especially if it's a quick win. (those Dauntless medals, again...). However, because the current medal system puts such great rewards on defending points already under control, the best way to secure those medals is not to chase, not to rotate between nodes, not to extend any further than what's strictly necessary to win, and--if losing--to retreat to a controlled pylon and wait for the match to end while accumulating as many defender points as possible. Despite the higher potential for medals, and the existence of exceptions, it's very frequent that I see only 1-2 people on the losing team (if that) reach the threshold.

20 hours ago, Ferrouswheel said:

the first question is what are the goals of medals, and what is 8 medals supposed to represent. If 8 medals is supposed to be the best players on the winning team, and someone with a fantastic game on the losing team, then it's meeting that goal.

^This does indeed become the question...

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So, I just finished an Ancient Hypergates match.  Like yesterday most of the people in the match failed to get 8 medals. 

Of the two healers on my team, one did 6.5MM heals and the other did 7.2MM.  The one that did 6.5MM got 8 medals and the other one got 4.  On the opposing team, their healer did 8.3MM in heals and only got 7 medals.

The top damage number was 12.8MM and that person got a total of 4 medals.

Overall, there were three people on the winning team that got 8 or 9 medals, and two on the losing team.

It was a well fought match that could have gone either way, but as we know, in pvp there is always one winning team and one that loses.

Like I said yesterday.  It think that everyone in the match deserved to reasonably advance their conquest and pvp season totals, and I think that some adjustments are needed to either the number of medals required, or the number issued in order to properly respect the effort that people are putting into working to support their team and win the match.

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First of all, you have to drive away number farmers from warzones into a different game mode, they are killing the fun factor of casuals/new players and objective-focusing PVP guilds. Second, I inform you that in terms of skill level 9 + 10 + 3 + 2 does not equal 4×6, so implement a proper matchmaking.


As for arenas, winning an arena (round) is enough to get 8 medals, so utterly pointless to give medals in arena at all. Giving a medal for 30k or 60k damage hit is just dumb and should be removed. You get the former by simply farting in a warzone, whereas some classes can not crit 60k.


Damage/healing/protection medals are totally useless and does not represent how much you contribute to winning. You can win Odessen or Hutball with 0 damage done. In the meantime, you can do huge ammount of damage without any effect on the outcome of the warzone if you fight in the middle of nowhere. Dealing damage/heal/protection is just a means to an end, should not be displayed at all and voila, damage farmers are finally gone. AOE fluff damage negated by AOE heal/self heals is good for nothing as well.


Medals should only be handled out for any action leading to completing objectives:

HB: carrying the ball, killing ball carrier, passing towards enemy line with a minimal progress distance, clearing mid, pushing down stealth from your goal line, killing enemy player by stage hazards. Remove Quesh from the queue for good.

Odessen: activating nodes and mods, guarding points, disabling enemy points, killing mod carrying enemy, taking over enemy nodes.

VS: Planting/defusing bomb, interupting player planting bomb, fighting near doors. No medals for player kills, good-bye number farming.

AH: capturing and defending pylon, picking orbs, killing players carrying orb. Damage done irrelevant.

CTF maps: ignore damage done, only team effort matters. As for the team with only one node: defending medals should only be granted if the node is under attack or there is only one defender there, so no medal farming by afking as defender. You have to make taking over turrets quicker, CTF maps are the most difficult to change the tides of war (especially Novarre Coast). Sleep should not interrupt channeling capture, stealther has to act quicker or engage in fight.


Healers are in a special position: thank you for your contribution, you get your medals for healing team members working on objectives.


Finally: even if ranked is gone, no player should be allowed to enter arenas without minimal iRating of 332 and valor 80. Undergeared beginners / bad players die instantly in arenas, will be harassed/annihilated in seconds never to return to the game mode which is a problem for the whole community. Again, in terms of skill level (and gear) 9 + 10 + 3 + 2 does not equal 4×6. Removing ranked was the worst idea ever been done to PVP, for you have brought toxicity and frustration to regs and normal arenas instead of getting rid of out.

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My specific feedback is twofold.

1) the entire medals system needs a revamp. General knowledge is that it's difficult to get 8 medals, BUT it is also unintuitive. For example, on a Warzone I captured 2 turrets, defended turrets, got 31 kills, did not die once, and won the match, and barely got 8 medals. 

2) the medal THRESHOLD and systems needs a rework. Right now it's very Binary, meaning you get 8 medals and get some progress towards your weekly PvP Seasons goal, or you get 7 medals or less and get NO progress towards your goal. The progress needs to be linear instead of binary, meaning that it's better to have a weekly PvP seasons goal of get like "50 medals" in the week rather than the current all or nothing "8 medals in one match 3 times".



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Even when we win, I am not getting 8 medals in the Huttball warzone matches I'm playing. I am playing as a healer, most often. Sometimes a tank. But in most Huttball matches that we do manage to achieve a victory I'm getting about 6 medals at most. Losses I'm lucky to nab 2-3 medals, though.

I still hate Hypergate more than any of the warzones, though. Such a horrible map and the point distribution makes no sense at all. I call it the "where objectives are meaningless" warzone.  On the flip side, the teams that just love deathmatching and claiming high kill numbers have a ton of fun in there.

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On 1/20/2023 at 1:25 AM, varietasplus said:

First of all, you have to drive away number farmers from warzones into a different game mode, they are killing the fun factor of casuals/new players and objective-focusing PVP guilds.


Finally: even if ranked is gone, no player should be allowed to enter arenas without minimal iRating of 332 and valor 80.

Disagree with both. First part because numbers at least correlate with contribution, second because that would prevent fresh 80s from entering. One could maybe argue more into the direction of having fixed sets/stats for pvp, which would have quite some downsides as well.

In general first thing about the question of medals is: what is the goal? My assumption is that medals should reflect contribution of individuals towards the goal. Some medals do not match this, e.g. the crit ones, they merely measure luck, gear and/or spec. Some are just not making sense, e.g. the speed ones, as they are only a measure how lopsided a match was.

I also think that there will never be a 100% accurate system, but in the long run some are more suited than others. The current system forces a more medal oriented gameplay, you need to think how to achieve them.

From my point of view instead just add a couple of tiers for protection, damage and heals and adjust them based on map (average length) and gear level (max level). Get rid of speed ones. Close the gap between „doing“ a click and „supporting“ the click (keeping the area clear). If possible add support medals like stunning/slowing/rooting someone to assist a cap, or solo cap or denying a cap for some time or…

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i339 gear in PvP effects medals.  

If the other team is using this obvious exploit then normal players wearing 332-336 gear cannot compete on the same level.   

Grouping with friends is amazing. I mean who doesn't want to play with their friends. 

339 players are coming into PvP with around thousands more overall stats. That is a HUGE difference.   

Medals often come from winning. That is fine. But some players do not have a skill/raid groups to get 340 gear from R4 vet to take advantage of i339 stats in PvP.  Please even out stats. 


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32 minutes ago, Enomars said:

i339 gear in PvP effects medals.  

If the other team is using this obvious exploit then normal players wearing 332-336 gear cannot compete on the same level.  

339 players are coming into PvP with around thousands more overall stats. That is a HUGE difference.  

Just wanna make sure i'm understanding you properly here, since i had thought  PVP wz's & arenas were coded "capped" at 332 iRating ( or did that jump to 334 now with 7.2 update?  i forget )  ...  Are you saying the  *reverse bolster* code  just simply isn't working again?  Or are you saying there's something else  certain players have discovered?

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5 hours ago, Enomars said:

339 players are coming into PvP with around thousands more overall stats. That is a HUGE difference.   

A 339 rating gear set simply does not give you thousands more to ur stat pool. If so prove it and let's get it fixed. This is why I asked for a screen shot lol. 

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So, in today's example I am using a Voidstar match.  In that match only one person on my team got 8 medals, and none on the opposing team.  

It was another active match with players on both teams working to win.  Besides the one person 8 medals, one got 7, one got 3 and the rest got 4 or 5 medals.

As for me I got 5.  They were, 1 attacker, 1 defender, 1 for 30k hit, 1 for 60k hit, and 1 for 30k heal.

I'm not sure what I needed to do to get more medals because I still haven't seen a complete list of objectives. 

In short, what I did see is that the opportunities to earn medals is too low compared to the number needed to advance conquest and pvp season reward totals, and either the number needed needs to be reduced, or the opportunity to earn medals needs to be increased.

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On 1/19/2023 at 8:35 AM, NicoleMay said:

Map feedback?

The rotation could be improved. Huttball is not fun to me, and while I do enjoy Pylons, we get them way too often. I would love to see more Odessen in the rotation. It's my favorite WZ map.

See, that’s a problem when you don’t allow players a choice on what maps to play.

I personally hate Odessen & love OG Huttball & Hypergates. Before the lockouts I left at the start of every Odessen pop I got because of how much I loath that map (I really hate it).

If maps didn’t double-triple pop in a row & you only got one of each in a rotation, it wouldn’t be such an issue. But that’s not what happens.

If BioWare are going to persist with these stupid lockouts, then they need to give players a choice of maps. They said they were going to do something like this over 18 months ago. Everyone I know was expecting this in 7.2 but it never happened. Instead they gave us even more restrictive lockouts & added 8 man premades to the pug queue 🤦‍♀️

BioWare might finally be reading some of the forum posts, but they still don’t seem to listen properly or they don’t understand what the players needs or wants are with pvp.

Even when BioWare acknowledge the players have a legitimate want or need, it seems they are still mostly ignoring them 🤷🏻‍♀️

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19 minutes ago, Exly said:

So, in today's example I am using a Voidstar match.  In that match only one person on my team got 8 medals, and none on the opposing team.  

It was another active match with players on both teams working to win.  Besides the one person 8 medals, one got 7, one got 3 and the rest got 4 or 5 medals.

As for me I got 5.  They were, 1 attacker, 1 defender, 1 for 30k hit, 1 for 60k hit, and 1 for 30k heal.

I'm not sure what I needed to do to get more medals because I still haven't seen a complete list of objectives. 

In short, what I did see is that the opportunities to earn medals is too low compared to the number needed to advance conquest and pvp season reward totals, and either the number needed needs to be reduced, or the opportunity to earn medals needs to be increased.

@JackieKo @Shabir_Dhillon it would be really helpful if you could list every “current” available medal per the different maps & their requirements to achieve. 

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2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

BioWare might finally be reading some of the forum posts, but they still don’t seem to listen properly or they don’t understand what the players needs or wants are with pvp.

Wrong again.  They read, they listen, they understand, they care.  However, THEY own the game (with EA) .  We just rent server time.

Consequently, they will always care far more about what THEY want, how THEY prefer the game to run, doing what THEY believe is "best" ,  than they ever will about what 'we' the insatiable community wants.  Doesn't matter if it's vocal-minority, silent-majority, Ranked niche crowd, NiM raiders, RP'ers, casuals, hardcores, etc. etc. etc.

BioWare controls the code and the direction (or misdirection) of SWTOR.

Once players accept that as a given reality, while still maintaining some level of controlled 'customer' outrage (when justified) , it makes adapting & playing the game much much easier.

2 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

 JackieKo & Shabir_Dhillon : it would be really helpful if you could list every “current” available medal per the different maps & their requirements to achieve. 

No need to *ping* bother them ^ , since  @LadyAdmiral already posted it right here in this very same thread--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927276-pvp-map-and-medals-feedback/?do=findComment&comment=9738899

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12 minutes ago, Nee-Elder said:

Wrong again.  They read, they listen, they understand, they care.  However, THEY own the game (with EA) .  We just rent server time.

Consequently, they will always care far more about what THEY want, how THEY prefer the game to run, doing what THEY believe is "best" ,  than they ever will about what 'we' the insatiable community wants.  Doesn't matter if it's vocal-minority, silent-majority, Ranked niche crowd, NiM raiders, RP'ers, casuals, hardcores, etc. etc. etc.

BioWare controls the code and the direction (or misdirection) of SWTOR.

Once players accept that as a given reality, while still maintaining some level of controlled 'customer' outrage (when justified) , it makes adapting & playing the game much much easier.

No need to *ping* bother them ^ , since  @LadyAdmiral already posted it right here in this very same thread--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/927276-pvp-map-and-medals-feedback/?do=findComment&comment=9738899

Stop trying to police my posts. If I want to ask the BioWare team a question, I have every right to. 

You could have just as easily pointed me in the direction of that info instead of trying to police my interactions. Instead you try to belittle me like a bully.

It’s not your job to moderate the forums, BioWare pay people to do that. So please stop being belligerent towards me.

If you don’t like my posts or you think they break the rules, report them or ignore them. But please stop interacting with me if you can’t be civil in your posts.

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