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Everything posted by Weswhitebore

  1. That's a cool idea but that's like giving an untrained soldier full control of the entire country's military then telling them to destroy ISIS. Or giving a student a math test to pass without ever teaching them any of the math on it, I didn't realize you already said something similar until after I wrote mine, but imma keep it anyway. That could work. If they were gonna look at other games they would've already looked at WoW or FF14. I wouldn't mind them looking at GW2 for inspiration either, it's better than whatever they're looking at.
  2. The question is not do they have enough staff and resources, the question is if they want to actually put in the work or not.
  3. It is a game, a game with principles and reasoning behind said principles. If you only look at it only on a surface level as to why there is a debuff there with lock out timers in the first place then you likely wouldn't get why it's there in principle.
  4. Good Question. Vullk has little credibility to begin with in many things anyhow, they just allow their writers to make unpolished, unreasonable, and unsourced claims about things that their writers have 0 experience with, about, or have an bad biased towards. Anything read about a topic on Vullk that isn't a guide should be taken would a grain of salt.
  5. I don't know about "exploit". It sounds like a team playing the match how they want to play and the enemy being helpless to do anything about it. If you are helpless to do anything to stop them then rightfully so they should keep at it. Clearly it's working as intended by Bioware otherwise they would've never programmed for teams with 0 points and the ball to win to begin with. The best result would be for Bioware to get rid of Huttball all together.
  6. You could remove the deserter debuff, but then you will have everyone leaving wzs with 0 consequences when something doesn't go their way because they feel entitled to something. A serial deserter facing no penalty is just as bad as an afker arguably, in the eyes of principles, essentially the same. Wow, Smite, Swtor, doesn't matter, a deserter penalty needs to be in place, you shouldn't be able to just leave and do whatever you want with no penalty just because it isn't going your way. So why would they ever do that?? Even by principle it makes 0 sense, you left a warzone, you abandoned 7 other people in a battle, you need to deal with the consequences of your actions. You desert in real life, you go to prison with a felony, desertion during a time of war, however, the death penalty may be applied and rightfully so, especially if you preform the act of Cowardice, which is deserting in the face of the enemy, which is what a fair amount of the people in WZs can be considered doing while making the decision in the heat of battle. That deserves some kind of penalty. Often cowardice in the face of the enemy was something observed by a soldier’s comrades, and even if never prosecuted, it tainted a man’s reputation for the remainder of his life if he was fortunate enough to survive the war. When your army is charged, you don't want them to flee. When you are losing, you don't want them to run, or turn on you. If someone is allowed to just disagree, and leave, especially with no penalty, discipline breaks down in the ranks as everyone realizes they can do the same thing. War is hell. Desertion has always been the bane, the ultimate defeat of an army. It causes a lot of things: More desertion - meaning you have less of an army to fight the enemy and also unhappy deserters, who are possibly armed. Morale shock to your troops and to your nation, which in wartime is very bad. Morale boost to the enemy.. Loss of nation's authority in both a war and a political sense That is why it is regarded as the worst crime and dealt with very severely. You think being jailed is bad, think about this, about 80 years ago as the Red Army was fighting tooth and nail to keep their positions, they fought desperately and charged at the Germans, even though they were slaughtered easily - and that was because they were more afraid, that if they do not continue charging, or flee - they would be instantly shot by the people behind them for being cowards. This way of fighting proved to be so "efficient" for the commanders of the USSR that they kept with it all the way back to their border, in the battlefields of Poland, all the way to Berlin - they wanted to be the first to reach it so bad, they were willing to shoot their own men to keep them in line in order to do it. So before you start seriously thinking they should repeal the deserter buff or that afk is justification, you should start by enriching yourself on why it's a bad thing or punishable thing to begin with.
  7. Some can but at least 60% of them would be playing ranked if they could and majority of them wouldn't be crying about it because they couldn't hack it. Speculation. The last season of ranked had 1000+ unique participants, if the Leaderboard was functional I would link it to you. That's entire idea behind competition. If you're not trying to play against people as good or better than you then it's no longer competition and you ideally shouldn't have played Ranked, it would become a squash match, a cupcake game, there would be no actual competition.
  8. Majority of the premades aren't even ranked players, they're Reg stars, some of them just happen to include Ranked players. Premades were a thing before Ranked was taken away and now that Bioware has increased and encouraged it, it is even more of a thing after Ranked was taken away. Now the only PVP those players who didn't leave now has is WZs, which majority would want to play with their friends, some of which are also ranked players. On the contrary. your "solo" rating as mentioned earlier wasn't reflective nor dependent on your own performance but your team's as well. You very much had an effect on your teammates, which is why people queuing under geared or without any knowledge got told to stop queuing and such, then they run and cry wolf. The only difference between Team Ranked and Solo Ranked was you were queuing up by yourself and the team was put together for you, you didn't pick the team, which means you can have skill gaps since the matchmaking rating system wasn't that good. I was early in my ranked career getting matched against guys like Biggs, E-Girl, and Nikana in my first few matches, knowing full well each of them was a far better player than me, which had an direct negative effect on my teammates and team. Then I got coached up by Biggs and Prum, and it had an massive positive impact on my team. They had more, especially PVP streamers, but then they killed their hopes/ dreams so said streamers left to play other games. Another problem is Bioware doesn't promote their own in-game content. You wanna know what WoW is promoting right now on their official Youtube page?? AWC Dragonflight Cup 1, a PVP event. You know what Bioware/ Swtor hasn't been promoting?? PVP events. Even when some of their biggest PVP streamers got together and did a PVP tournament for the community, Swtor didn't really promote that tournament. If they saw the amount of opportunities and profit they missed/ are missing out on, then they would actually regret their decisions.
  9. Sometimes, sometimes. There are many PVP reports that weren't opened but they, they do seem to read some things and never use it. Yep. That's a deep can of worms. Nah, you're not nearly as bad as some of the people around here or in certain guilds that are against speaking anything bad about Bioware at all. You have some moments that's not looking favorably upon you but it's not that bad fam.
  10. Xam Xam also has a list of medals that she spent her time writing up. She was actually the 1st one to write it up and give people an idea of the medals in the WZs. Which is not surprising considering she actually frequents PVP and has done so for quite sometime. Thought this might help you as well Trixxie, better to have two sources than one. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JKbnCK4h1BqdAbfjNAdwUQBLZaCofCX4oFa71yitqa8/edit#gid=0
  11. Nobody so far has been able to prove this "lag switching" in PVP and only like 2 people are running around complaining about it/ digging up old graves. I think one of the most major problems nobody is focusing on with these lockouts is the fact that it's the amount in less than 1 week that leads to 6 hours. It's not the number of leaves within 1 week, it's the number within less than 1 week, which actually opens you up to even worse punishment and likely 2x more punishment than 1 week. The exact number of days however is something Bioware is keeping close to the chest and a secret because of "exploits"
  12. Nee, hard disagree, it is a known fact that for the longest time they have not be listening to people in this forum or any of their other outlets like Reddit for many things in regards to PVP. Don't sit there and pretend that they have. You're right, they will always do what THEY want to do, even if it is the wrong thing to do. The consumers do have a role and power in controlling this game, it's just that any people don't realize it or other players choose to act contradictory to the method that works. In a ideal world, 1 player = 1 vote, but that is not how companies often look at things or the reality. If player Z is spending $300 in Swtor that's essentially 20 subs, which is 20 votes and 20 players. If 20 players use their power and stop paying sub, stop spending money, vote with their wallets, their only meaningful impact is being ignored/ cancelled out by mr. $300, which means another 20 would have to cancel to make an impact. But wait, Mr. Whale decided to drop $1000+ because he decided he wants to collect some Hypercrates. Then that $1000 becomes 66 Subs/ players/ votes or more that no longer matter, again cancelling out any meaningful impact. The only way to win the game is not to play, but of course some players will not accept that and will just smooch up to Bioware and all their decisions.
  13. If anyone did ask for this, raise your hands or link the posts specifically asking for this. Agree, agree, I stated that somewhere on this forum but not sure if it was this post or not. Disagree. The worst decision they ever made towards pvp dealing with ranked was when they stopped moderating it for awhile and allowed win trading/ toxicity to run around. Honestly, the removal of Expertise might be one of them as well. Most people seemingly enjoy Solo Ranked and the experiences they had while playing, well....those who actually played Solo ranked and sticked around to play, not the ones who cried wolf. I think most people's gripe was they disliked how their solo rating is not necessarily reflective of their personal performance, but their group's performance. Sure how that individual played had a massive role in it but it is still a team mode, which actually still fits your MMO speak, they are just being rated on an individual level. As far as match making, the group compositions in ranked matches have been pretty even as far as role distribution. However, the rating composition has not been. Solo Ranked has it's problems but it was still a nice thing for what it was. They had Team Ranked, but we already know what happened with Team Ranked, it's been said enough in this thread, no need to beat a dead horse. They in part know what they're doing, now if they understand the impact/ perception of what they are doing from the eyes of people who actually play the game is a different story. If I remember correctly, part of how that went down hill is that there would be like 3 established teams or guilds that would come in and crush everyone with a premade system. However, a solo 8 vs 8 ranked system does sound like it would've been a nice objective to follow before Bioware switched to an Arena death match format.
  14. Weren't you the one like, who like 2 weeks ago was dropping polls from all the sources to Jombari, Jambarin, something like that (I can't remember how to spell his name for the life of me) that shows some figure of population representation being more PVE favored? Between the official forums, reddit, and etc. that's the closest we get to actual measurements unless Bioware decides to grave us with actual numbers. I'm just trying to see if you still had them polls.
  15. Funny you say that, because an official dev account posted that it was directly and majorly related to Combat Styles. So it sounds like you choose to believe your own speculations based off your own beliefs instead of what was literally stated and referenced to by this official accounts, therefore contradicting yourself.
  16. Like you're one to talk, you're not doing anything different than Trixxie by your own standard. All three of these things are already prevalent and proven. These are not assumptions pulled out of thin air but observations made from the data presented, lots of which can be seen through player feedback in this entire forum and history of this game. There's not too many SWTOR players who PVP to draw this conclusion. Based off polls which i'm sure @Nee-Elder actually has collected somewhere, most of this game is majorly PVE players with at least 30% or less being PVP. Hardcore Ranked PVPers being in at least the 1000+ from the last few seasons, many now disappearing like the Jedi after order 66 with Ranked being taken out of the game. Most people do not like PVP in general. Them going against 8 man premades does not help this. This does not help the solo player experience either as you are essentially being forced to make your own, as Bioware is encouraging. Most people from DM server can likely attest to how miserable premades have made things. Of course there are, but a premade of 8 is unreasonable to unleash upon a random pug group, especially if they are in VC. The smartest thing they can do, is limit premades back to 4 for WZs and limit Arenas to 2 so people can still play with friends and they won't be terrorizing people anymore while getting quick pops. Now if they want to try their hand at cross-server queuing and then match premades vs premades until they have a full group, then that will work too. I'm not saying it has to be 8 man ops group staying in queue until another full 8 man premade pops up, but that the match maker can take smaller premades and put them with the other premades, just to make a full match and queue of premades, making it still premade vs premade. If they do that then a dead queue will not be of concern because literally everyone in some type of premade from each server are all in the same queue.
  17. From my personal experience I can immediately tell you that ANY AND ALL HUTTBALL, AS WELL AS MANY VOIDSTAR matches are hard to get medals on. Huttball maps are just terrible in general (See videos below). As far as Voidstar goes, you can put on one of the most balanced performances and still not get enough medals. https://ibb.co/T1tGWpG   There is an inconsistency in who gets them and who doesn't. Hypergate could also be better at medals. Since killing people does reward points in the game, towards the score, maybe it should also reward medals for that specific warzone. Xam Xam has also posted a lovely medals guide which might help you look at it from an paper standpoint. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JKbnCK4h1BqdAbfjNAdwUQBLZaCofCX4oFa71yitqa8/edit#gid=0 Huttball Feedback Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmPJdWV0-tA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZyn2dUN3XA (The most important one) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/REBjR2ndeEE
  18. Thank you, I didn't see it the first time around.
  19. The High Roller Shades disappear during/after cut scenes and do not appear in the player Icon. It's very annoying having to try and fix it myself after every cut scene. The whole reason/ purpose of wearing them is to look cool the entire time, can't do that if they keep bugging out. https://ibb.co/tcCLNXG https://ibb.co/FwSCRRT
  20. Big facts, once somebody from the enemy team gets that tactical it makes all the difference.
  21. Their servers are also not the greatest, so to be punished for something that is not your fault at all is wrong.
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