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6 hours ago, AldoraTheFirst said:

Wow, 1 hour of a lockdown? And when I think that I was hoping for removing lockdown completely?! As few members already said, I also sometimes have problem with a network connection, and it happens that the server kick me out while I’m in PVP, and now I won't be able to play for 1 hour because of that? If they keep those stupid rules, I'm gonna stop being a subscriber.

don't defend yourself for why you leave. who cares why you leave? they're regular WZs. they're not high stakes endeavors. they're not properly balanced ("role mirroring," "class/spec mirroring," or skill mirroring now that the premade cap was lifted for 8s).

you'd think a BioWare regular WZ on one of their garbage maps (is Quesh still around? OTG?) is reason enough to leave. even the original poster. game's over. you're getting your stuff pushed in. so what if he wants to waive the white flag. wait, what? you can't concede in this war simulation (waiving the white flag is a war term)? if you're getting spawn camped, you should just keep respawning and getting yanked off the ledge to die?

c'mmon. this is a super casual game. those lockouts never made sense in regs. BW has always seemed schizophrenic with their pvp. it's like they have three "devs" with equal say on the direction of pvp, and they don't all agree, but each one gets to throw in his own "thing" during the sparse moments when they actually change something for the format. so you get really conflicting "rules" like allowing 8m premades but disallowing players to leave when it turns into a spawn camp. meanwhile, it certainly feels like 70-80% of this game is just super casual space-barbie and lore enthusiasts. isn't receiving zero progress in their daily/weekly objectives punishment enough for leaving? everything else in this game is so lax. these rules really do feel schizo.

Edited by krackcommando
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  • Dev Post

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

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1 minute ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,
We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

Thank YOU  , Jackie  for the legit intel ...and nice to see ya  'round these  contentious  PVP Forums  once-in-a-while. :D

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4 minutes ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

What kind of time frame are we talking? If you don't mind me asking. Is this over the course of 24 hours? A week? 

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I just don’t understand why you continue to punish people over a casual queue. Isn’t that toxic? I thought you wanted to eliminate toxicity in swtor pvp. You add full 8 person groups to the queue, punish people who don’t wish to play against them, and wonder why people aren’t too happy?

you should also tell people that apparently leaving a game counts as a loss, because an unranked format (which apparently is the new ranked) tracks stats. So random occurrences like getting disconnected, power outages, whatever, you get punished in a casual (not casual anymore) format.

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31 minutes ago, Chryptyk said:

i love these lockouts!  time for people to suck it up and just get through it and move on to the next match.  

In 2 weeks - oh noez, people just camp in the corner and do nothing, help, this pvp seems weird. Cause this will make people do exactly this.

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1 hour ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

This is fine, I’d expect the same treatment for pve content?


I mean for what its worth. I’m entitled to a spot in an R4 raids and should be carried by focused PVE’ers.  Otherwise they should get the same bans from their content if they refuse to play with me too?

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So, if my internet connection is wonky, and I dc I get a 20 min lockout.  If it happens again I get a 1 hour lockout, and if it happens a third time, I am locked out for 6 hours.  

Do you really want to do this?  Did you even think this trough before coming up with this?  

I also wonder, why are you keeping details secret, and what other intended changes have you made that you don't want people to know about?

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Honestly, it feels like the devs are the ones being toxic with pvp by punishing players who maybe don't have the best internet connection. Or the game glitches and kicks you out of a match when you die and hit the revive button.......that's really a fun glitch right at the end of a match and your team won but it doesn't count for you because you "left the match" and now have a 15 minute (new rules 20 minute) lockout timer. I don't really understand why the devs are making pvp more toxic. I've been trying to be a cheerleader for pvp within my guild, especially regs, these past few months because I enjoy pvp. I've been trying to prove that it doesn't have to be toxic. I've been trying to prove to my fellow guildies that it is a lot of fun. I've even gotten quite a few newbies hooked on pvp. It's a part of the game I really enjoy, especially when y'all brought back losses now counting again.  But, y'all are making it really difficult again now with these new changes. I feel like all my nurturing and hard work to bring in more people was for nothing. You, the devs, have done more damage to my love for pvp more than any troller ever could. It's very disheartening.

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21 minutes ago, -Ashton- said:

This is fine, I’d expect the same treatment for pve content?


I mean for what its worth. I’m entitled to a spot in an R4 raids and should be carried by focused PVE’ers.  Otherwise they should get the same bans from their content if they refuse to play with me too?

I think there is a lock-down for leaving FP pug content. I wonder if that increased, too. Might have, I have no idea...

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1 hour ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

Big and friendly revamp LMAO.

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7.2 changes are just bad.

Only good thing was splitting 8v8 and 4v4.


- 8 person premades ravaging solo and newbies due to their frustration of ranked being scrapped.

Thank you very much for that.

PvP will be SO attractive for solos and Newbies now...

- New medal system is moronic

I was fully on offensive the whole time dealing damage and killing people left and right and got...3 Medals!

Sitting on the turret otherwise got you to 6 in no time.

No wonder people are only sitting on guard because this is just bizarre.

- Lockout system is unbearable. Especially as when you have a bad internet connection you are punished severely for it.

And don't get me on how frustrating it is to get ganged by Premade after Premade in the matches.

And yup - thks for a lockdown of 6 HOURS for leaving matches like that?!

Are you totally out of your mind?!

I PAY for this game and being 6 hours logged off because I get frustrated by YOUR changes piling toxic premades on rampage on me I get LOCKED OUT for something I PAY?!

Everytrhing about the changes in PvP other than the queue split are just a total mess.

And no this will not be a "attraction" for newbies to join this hot mess...

I am done with PvP.

Used to q solo but this whole mess makes it unbearable and unattractive.

These changes are only angering and frustrating the PvPer community as well as casula PvPers like me.

And worse you gave the PvPers a vent with their 8 person premade.

Which is used to make the game more toxic for solos and newbies.

And no - not attractive at all.

Because these premades have fun HUMILIATING players - more so to vent their frustration now.

Not only crushing but humiliating players:

- Extending matches to farm kills

- Destructive gameplay like making Huttball a game of two different things: One team farming you and scoring only to stay ahead and continue farming while the others just get pasted.

- Parading on the line with a ball and rampaging a mixed solo and newbie team just teasing them with the ball

And, and, and.

So the whole frustration of casual and Hardcore PvPers just breed more reasons why people should NOT queue for PvP.

So many changes not asked for, so ignorant of the feedback of paying customers for PvP even before.

It is breathtaking - and makes me very angry.


Edited by ARFett
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2 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

Okay, so if my internet connection is bad, and I get kicked out of the server (which happens all the time), you will force me to wait for at least 20 minutes to play something I paid for?! And because I won't be available to play it after the lockdown (because people do have lives and works), I won't be able to play the game I'm paying for. Great job!

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I’m not a fan of any lockdown whatsoever. If people want to leave, let them leave. It’s not like they are going to be motivated and useful anyway. I’d rather get a backfill with a player who actually WANTS to be there. Back in the day, pulling off a win after one or more players rage-quit was an amazing feeling.

Being able to choose 8v8 or arenas is great. I think that helps a lot. But we don’t have full map choice in the 8v8’s. There are times when I simply am not in the mood for Huttball, and there are 3 different versions of that map.

If you absolutely MUST have a lockout timer for quitting, then perhaps consider if it is technically feasible to be able to detect the difference between somebody hitting the “leave” button vs a character timing out and disconnecting.

Escalating penalties for leaving is WAY excessive IMO. I’m gonna be a bit ticked off if I ever get multiple Quesh/Vandin in a row and/or have connection issues  

Muchas gracias

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2 hours ago, JackieKo said:

Hi everyone,

We are keeping the finer details close to home, however, we can confirm that the lockdown is intended for minimizing the numbers of times a player drops out of a match and we would like to clarify some misconception here. The player experience should be as follows:

  • Leaving 1 match = 20 minute lockdown
  • Leaving 2 matches = 1 hour lockdown
  • Leaving 3 matches = 6 hour lockdown

If this is not your experience and you are going through a 1 hour lockdown first, please confirm as that is a bug and we will have to look into that. Lastly, it is possible that these timers can be adjusted in the future based upon the feedback we see and the data that is collected off of player behavior. 

Thank you

Thank you Jackie. Please ignore the loud haters. The silent majority supports you. Toxic people who quit warzones should be punished. This is an extremely welcome change that will make pvp better.

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This is insane lol
Instead of removing the lockout, something that everybody was asking for, or at least modify it (so you can leave a match before it starts, or give you less minutes penalty if you had a disconnect), the person in charge decides to punish players even more? In REGS. How is this going casual and less toxic?
Why, who asked for this, or what is the reason behind going deeper in one of the worst decisions lately made for regs? 

Same with superqueues in regs??? Where is the feedback? Where did the dev read that this is something that PvPers want or where is the logic behind this? Because it would be really nice that at least we can read an explanation. 

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30 minutes ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

Thank you Jackie. Please ignore the loud haters. The silent majority supports you. Toxic people who quit warzones should be punished. This is an extremely welcome change that will make pvp better.

Honestly this, like look maybe the timers themselves can be adjusted but you shouldn't be leaving games because you are getting stomped. Thats part of the game, I have been stomped, done the stomping, etc. Its not fair to your teammates nor would it be fun that when you come out and do well the entire enemy team quits. So there needs to be a deterrent. Unfortunately not everyone acts in good faith so a lockout system has to be there. And the medal system being bad? I have never seen so many people go so hard on obj in a long time. It is really refreshing to see. If you team is not succeeding it will be harder to get medals, they aren't really participation trophies anymore you have to complete an action. Also find friends if premades drive you that nuts. If you pvp enough to were you care literally just find a group to pvp with. Its a team game, having coordinated teammates will make your life better. Also quiting on your team is also really toxic. 

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On 12/14/2022 at 9:15 PM, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

Anyone who is losing a match could plug out their cable and say "oh no my internet dc, please don't give me lockout" so that they don't affect their personal stats, and can queue again after 15 minutes.


1 hour is fine. Should lockout for whole day imo, you dc from one game that means you can play tomorrow, go fix your internet today.

what stats?
lets assume there were stats anyone would care about, just implement a stat that counts disconnects.

2 hours ago, -Ashton- said:

This is fine, I’d expect the same treatment for pve content?


I mean for what its worth. I’m entitled to a spot in an R4 raids and should be carried by focused PVE’ers.  Otherwise they should get the same bans from their content if they refuse to play with me too?

I think you can just log back in in PVE, I haven't used a lot of Groupfinder for a long time now because it's just stacked with punishments and downgrades as it is, PVP ppl have no Idea how bad PVE GF got because they lumped the kind of acceptable PVP punishments/downgrades into the PVE que where they have absolutely no justification.


(pre 7.0  you were thrown into tactical FPs with 3 Healers, as a healer even though you had selected Heal/DPS, now you are thrown in as a Healer in DPS spec because you were doing dailies till the pop, you can't adapt to fill an empty Role till a Replacement gets in, you can't que for multi role, you get lockouts for quitting after wiping on the endboss for an Hour,...)

so yea if you could log back in but don't the lockout is fine, PVE groups can take a wipe because of a DC, happens every other Raid actually, but if they did change it to DC = instant kick then screw of with your "mimimi we PVPers get punished for DCs PVE needs to be ruined too!!!!!!!"

and if DCs had 1-2 min "kick protection" but did get auto kicked after that (unless it's a premade) and then got a lockout for that, it would be acceptable.

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1 minute ago, DarthSpekulatius said:

what stats?
lets assume there were stats anyone would care about, just implement a stat that counts disconnects.

Every player has a personal rating now that they can view, and share if they choose to. Most people would not care about this, except Toxic Ranked Players who are obsessed with leaderboards. They would quit if they were going to lose a match, in order to preserve their personal rating. This strict lockout system does not allow their toxic gameplay to flourish anymore.

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5 hours ago, krackcommando said:

don't defend yourself for why you leave. who cares why you leave? they're regular WZs. they're not high stakes endeavors. they're not properly balanced ("role mirroring," "class/spec mirroring," or skill mirroring now that the premade cap was lifted for 8s).

you'd think a BioWare regular WZ on one of their garbage maps (is Quesh still around? OTG?) is reason enough to leave. even the original poster. game's over. you're getting your stuff pushed in. so what if he wants to waive the white flag. wait, what? you can't concede in this war simulation (waiving the white flag is a war term)? if you're getting spawn camped, you should just keep respawning and getting yanked off the ledge to die?

c'mmon. this is a super casual game. those lockouts never made sense in regs. BW has always seemed schizophrenic with their pvp. it's like they have three "devs" with equal say on the direction of pvp, and they don't all agree, but each one gets to throw in his own "thing" during the sparse moments when they actually change something for the format. so you get really conflicting "rules" like allowing 8m premades but disallowing players to leave when it turns into a spawn camp. meanwhile, it certainly feels like 70-80% of this game is just super casual space-barbie and lore enthusiasts. isn't receiving zero progress in their daily/weekly objectives punishment enough for leaving? everything else in this game is so lax. these rules really do feel schizo.

Why don't you go somewhere else? Your sarcastic attitude and elitist takes don't add anything except your disdain for people who don't need a towel for every match, and the dev team.

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2 minutes ago, Mycroft-Tarkin said:

Every player has a personal rating now that they can view, and share if they choose to. Most people would not care about this, except Toxic Ranked Players who are obsessed with leaderboards. They would quit if they were going to lose a match, in order to preserve their personal rating. This strict lockout system does not allow their toxic gameplay to flourish anymore.


4 minutes ago, DarthSpekulatius said:

just implement a stat that counts disconnects.


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1 minute ago, Bigfallenstar said:

Why don't you go somewhere else? Your sarcastic attitude and elitist takes don't add anything except your disdain for people who don't need a towel for every match, and the dev team.

that wasn't sarcasm. I left reg all the time. when I didnt like the map. when I didnt like my teammates. when I didn't like my opponents. when I wanted to get out of sync with certain ppl. and, of course, when most of my team wasn't playing the map...or my team was being farmed.

Edited by krackcommando
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