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Everything posted by Bigfallenstar

  1. This isn't a skill problem. It's a people problem. Knowing your class isn't going to stop people from afking. Someone just hitting abilities at random is still doing more than the person afk in the corner of the map and trash talking their own team. If you want to solve this problem, then there has to be repercussions for such action. Kicked from the game, get no rewards, a lock out timer, something to punish behavior like that. Not forcing someone to read a guide because you think they don't know how to play.
  2. It's not as cut and dry as you think it is. Just because you don't like a feature or game mode, doesn't mean someone else feels the same way. If they listen to every single complaint they received about a game mode in pvp, we'd have no pvp in the game.
  3. Ok, and? Is there plus 50% increase in damage or a 90% increase in defense that's added once they step into pvp? Because a level boost all the way to 80 and getting more credits for missions isn't pay to win in any form. Because, as much as I hate to agree with people who say this, the content's been done 10x over. There's nothing new to it and they just want to add a new toon to their roster without going through the story again.
  4. So this isn't the first time they've done this? If they were going to put in p2w mechanics into the game, they would have done so years ago. And it would be battlefield 2 all over again. Although... I can imagine the divide it would create in the community with putting endgame gear in the cartel market.
  5. The hypocrisy in here is off the charts. Apparently, the fleet is for everybody. Unless you're a roleplayer. Then you have to find somewhere else to be. Your kind isn't welcomed here because it's disruptive to read some text lines. And if you decide to stay, you'll have to put up with our mudslinging. But you better not say anything about it because we're the normal players, not you roleplayers who are minding their own business and doing your own thing.
  6. Someone not getting or liking the reward they got so they screw over other people because they don't get what they want. What's not to understand about that?
  7. Worst explanation ever! So just because you aren't getting anything, you're not even going to try or just farm kills? Might as well have not que up if you're not even going to do the objective to begin with.
  8. Don't know if we should take the words of an ex-ranked player seriously, but I do agree that operations should be fun and easy. Not have over the top complicated mechanics like some people think they should be.
  9. Sounds like old school WoW were you needed a set number of certain class types to get pass certain bosses. Which should never be the case for anything, especially if it's just SM mode.
  10. Just because they said nothing or did nothing about pvp? The naysayers and doombringers are out in force.
  11. Then don't spam the chat with the same question over and over again.
  12. Hello, Inquisition? This post right here.☝️
  13. Literally no pleasing them. They ask for communication and transparency, get it, and still get angry. 🙄
  14. No one's taking away your ability to see some pixelated butt. Calm down. Plus, SWTOR is sci-fi. Not fantasy. This isn't WOW where every other elf and goat character might as well be naked with the little clothing they wear to begin with. And for the record, just because it's fantasy, doesn't mean it has to have degenerate anime proportion fanservice.
  15. I can only imagine the threads that came about for Quinn when he basically did what everyone in the Sith Empire did: Betray and kill your master. And like you said, don't like them, don't talk or use them. Just go for the ones you do, no need to go off and kill someone just because he's, to you, unlikable.
  16. Say it louder for the people who do that in flashpoints and operations.
  17. Ah, the old keep politics out of my entertainment. When entertainment has been political from the get go. Star Wars especially if you watched the interview with George Lucas on who the Empire and Rebellion are based off of.
  18. Yeah, because wiping 10+ times on the same boss with unneeded mechanics just to satisfy the people who want Dark Souls level of difficulty, and harp on about the average player skill, is the perfect definition of what a ops should be. How about doing a NIM ops if you want wild mechanics and skill checks?
  19. The thing is, people want to be carried. They don't want to do anymore than press four abilities. Why do you think people leave when they wipe in an operation only once? They don't want to put in the actual time to do it. They want to speed run through as quickly as possible with the smallest of effort.
  20. So a class being blown out of proportion due to taking it at face value and blind hysteria. Nothing new here for the forums.
  21. The same could be said about the ranked players, except they were violent than care bears, as they wanted anyone who didn't meet their impossible standards to stay out. Gatekeeping, death threats, insults, not having the right gear piece/tactical in their eyes, and not playing the class they want you to play. What killed ranked was that ranked players made that place as unwelcoming as possible.
  22. The reason they're saying that is one: You're being reactionary, and saying the sky's falling, like everyone does when anything happens in game or on the forums. And two: You're not saying anything that hasn't been said or done for any other class that was considered op at the time. There's always going to be one class that's going to gets major buffs to it and everyone gravitates to. Merc had it, operative had it, now it's madness. And one day, it'll be another class that gets it's time in the spotlight.
  23. Yeah. Let's hire the cringy Wattpad writer who mimics Twilight with self inserts, troupes, and fairy tale ending where they all live happily ever after. That's what people want to see. Like Shrek said, "Like that'll ever happen!" Tell me you have no conscious without saying you have a no conscious. Just because you don't like what they make, doesn't mean you have to parrot the people who say they should lose their jobs. Like so many do here for the Biowere devs. And on that point about movies and shows, are those movies and shows actually bad because of writing, acting, design, or did you listen to jaded youtubers who just said it was bad because *insert talking point* and you just agreed without watching them?
  24. Just because one company can put out content like hot cakes, doesn't mean the other can. These are two different companies with different budgets and factors, that to expect the SWTOR to pump out content left and right to keep up with ff14, or even WoW, is ridiculous.
  25. Easy. Anything that has to do with race, religion, or politics that's of the extreme nature when disparaged. How many times in chat have you seen a religious or political debate on fleet devolve into name calling, and threats of death? At that point, you're wishing death on anyone who doesn't agree with you, or doesn't share your beliefs. At that point, it's hate speech.
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