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Do you play for the solo stories or group content?


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What is GSF??


Galactic Star Fighter. PvP in space, which is completely different to the "shoot stuff while the game flies you around on rails" space PvE missions that you can access from onboard your class starship.

So if you have tried one of those missions and hated it, but you do not mind the idea of going up against other players, I would recommend reading a bit about GSF and then queueing for a couple of battles to try it out.

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Primarily for the solo and story stuff. To the point that if there were a no-reward way to just play the cutscenes and "check off" the team-required content that starts solo (Shroud, Oricon, Iokath) on my own terms, it'd basically make the game something I could enjoy to a far greater degree.


That said, it's fun to get into an Operation every once in a while and do some neat fights I wouldn't be able to do otherwise. But it's definitely not what I'm here for.

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I play 99.9% solo.


I can't stand the Toxicity, Drama and just plain Rudeness of most players in groups. There is no cooperation in groups, no help in groups, no civility in groups there is not even Communication between players in groups. I don't need the stress of dealing with any of it. So I play Mostly Solo Story, I have no desire to group with the jerks.

Edited by denavin
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The stories. Companions, Class stories, Original FlashPoints that in themselves considering their length, dialogue and what they add to the characters *Story are better then todays expansions. The other in this topic with its Toxicity, Something Shiny and Simply Kill anything that moves, those can be found "AnyWhere on the Internet" and often much newer, larger and more consistent. I come here for the story, something with context, depth and at times, makes the player think afterwards.
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Solo and story only.


I have no interest in pvp and only am even considering group content for the specific purpose of completing the story content in its intended order.


If I had to pay a premium for a fully solo gamemode that let meuse my other companions in place of players fore the purpose of enjoying the full story I would in a heartbeat and never look back.

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I primarily play solo and story. I do run some easier tier group stuff with a couple of friends semi-regularly and we enjoy the challenge of trying harder things. There's only three of use so we're a bit limited in what we can try. I have done PvP in the past, wasn't my thing. I want to try an op but have a visual disability that makes running things with random groups quite stressful and I don't want to hinder anyone's fun. With a group of friends who know where I need patience, and with voice chat I'm a solid enough player, but without those things it's just too much stress.


I enjoy trying new things but my favorite aspect is the story stuff. I like being able to unwind with a bit of escapism.

Edited by DuchessKristania
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Very much both for me. I've played almost everything there is to play in this game, but what I keep coming back to are vanilla stories and master mode flashpoints. I'll toss in some other activities to round off conquest here and there, but those two things are what I mostly do when I'm by myself. When I have guildies around I'll do operations too.
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I play 99.9% solo.


I can't stand the Toxicity, Drama and just plain Rudeness of most players in groups. There is no cooperation in groups, no help in groups, no civility in groups there is not even Communication between players in groups. I don't need the stress of dealing with any of it. So I play Mostly Solo Story, I have no desire to group with the jerks.



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Among my `80 characters scattered across 3 servers i only completed full story from starter planet to Onslaught on 4 or maybe 5. Tho i actually enjoy Sith Warrior and Inquisitor stories and replayed their original chapters like maybe 4 times each. My other characters are mostly on Korriban/Hutta story-wise.

Im here for GF activities - GSF and regs, Uprisings and MM FPs, some casual SM raiding (or even HM in case of some easiest operations) here and there.

SWTOR community is among the nicest of all ive seen in MMOs in last 10 years or more. Tho even the GSF players (absolutely the most chill people even among TOR community) have some jerks among them, these clearly are rare minority. I never ran into toxicity in PvE groupfinder while playing SWTOR and used ignore list for ppl whose i met in PvP/GSF.. like twice.

Sadly, these forums are much worse. Elitism, blatant arrogance, trolling performed by "elite forum veterans" against those who dont support their agenda, and even straight up nazism (user who claimed that "all non-english names are not real and for not really people" wasnt even banned) and all this is approved by BW.

Edited by Kraysk
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Since I've returned after a four-year gap it's been only solo / story and I would be surprised if that changes.


Before it was mostly this too until the last few months of my playing-time where I figured I'd try out a few new things before I stopped played. I joined a guild, which was nice - just a small one and did a few Heroics etc and had people to chat to while playing. I tried GSF a few times, but found that really clunky and the people were generally a bit obnoxious. I tried PVP when it was a condition of getting M1-4X, and, oh god... never again - I get that a lot of the PVP crowd might have been upset with an influx of inexperienced and disinterested PVE players, but the atmosphere was unreal.

Did a fair number of flashpoints through GF and had mixed experiences. Either the team were completely silent, in which case just felt like I might as well solo it. Or, I'd get stuck with one real aggressive so-and-so that would pick on whomever was the weakest group member and just target them with abuse. A few were nice experiences, but too low a number to make me want to continue. And that, together with a big lull in content, was largely what pushed me away from the game for so long.


As I said: I doubt I'll return to group stuff, but never say never and all that - I'd like to try an operation one of these days, but only if I could guarantee that it would be with normal, reasonable people and not absolute nightmares!

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In no particular order...


  • Relatively casual (took three years just to reach Chapter Three on four characters, and that only because I finally decided I wanted the various class buffs that you get from completing Chapter Two...)
  • Solo - though if I see another player low on health or even defeated in PvE, I'll usually try to help them if I can.
  • Story, mostly. Although there's content outside the storyline that I enjoy; I try not to miss Bounty Contract Week if I can avoid it, for example.

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Solo. I hate PVP , avoid Heroic that actually require a group and have only done OPs when I was in a guild that did what thye called the lama droid once a week. That guild theoretically exists but all the OPs players left the game long ago. I believe the founder actually went to work for another game company.
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Long Answer:

I've recruited for my guild since 2013'ish and all I can say is that the people back then seemed ex-Wow raider types and had a fervor for Operations of all difficulty levels. They were very chatty people and there was a lot of camaraderie on VOIP (ventrillo, teamspeak, mumble, and now discord).


Fast forward the people I recruit are here for the story. Because SWTOR doesn't let you repeat the main story like other MMO's those people abandon their toons to play the story on another one (because SWTOR doesn't have legacy based guild membership like other MMO's) guilds serve as a storage facility for dead alts. Clear them out to make room for more every 30 days.


Short Answer:

Long ago it was all about group content but these days it seems people are mainly here for the story.

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